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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 59

Chapter 59 

Chapter 59 

Colt’s POV

Colt, they got in a car. We are not going to be able to 

find them or track them.” 

Dash says

I grab him by the neck.

have to find her

I am not the enemy here.Dash says taking my hands away from him

He most likely took her to his pack.Garret says. I have men going down the route to his pack.” 

F**k!I grab a chair and 

smash it on a table over and 

over until there is nothing left of the chair but pieces of 


The alpha is asking for you 

all.The doctor walks in

We all look at each other and 

then immediately follow 

him to Warrick’s room

Yes, he survived it, at least he 

was still breathing when we 

all woke up

“How is he?” 

He is alive for now, but you must be prepared, the knife 

nipped at his heart. He is bleeding internally and is not healing fast enough 

because it was a silver knife 

that was used. Even so, if that was just it, then there would be a possibility that he could recover but the real problem is the wolfbane poison that is coursing through his blood right now. The knife was coated in it. There is a high probability that he will not make it past the night.” 

And if he does?” 

Well, crucial organs do not 

go back to being completely 

normal. Flesh wounds and 

bones heal to be as if they 

were new. But not internal organs. They heal but they are never the same after

traumatic wound. As for the 

wolfbane, it is in his 

bloodstream but this also 

means it is everywhere in his b*dy. His insides are being affected by this. We are going to do a blood 

transfusion and this will help 

but I don’t have high 


So the bastard might not 

survive the night? Now when we need him, just great

When we walk into the 

room. Warrick is lying on his bed propped up with pillows and covered halfway with

white blanket. His chest has 

gauze wrapped around him that is starting to turn red. Lotus and Poppy sit on each side of the bed tending to 

him with concern 

expressions written all over 

their faces

Warrick lazily opens his eyes and looks at us. He is having a hard time with ragged breathing

You must keep the pack 

safe.He talks to Victor

Until my daughter comes 

back. Find hershe ismy legacy.He lifts his hand up 

to take Victor’s. Promise me 

you will find her.Victor 

takes his hand and nods. I’ll 

find her.Warrick nods, his 

eyes move from Victor to 

Garret. You two are 

exceptional, my sons. I have 

never shown it, but I have 

always been proud of you 


He now looks at me

Youmay mark my 

daughter. I undo what I did

When you find her, if you 

both wish to make it official

then do it.” 

I am surprised

He closes his eyes and falls asleep

He needs his rest. The next 

few hours are crucial.” 

The doctor urges us out of 

the room

Victor! What are you going to do now!?I ask taking

walk next to him

He seems a bit flustered after 

what Warrick just said to 

them. I am sure they had 

never heard words like that 

come out of their father

Wewe have four problems. One is getting Cass back

Two, three, and fourwe 

have the river packs, Ezra

and now Oliver to watch out 


He stops and looks out of the window, thinking. I will 

have a team to solely search 

for my sister but my main focus will be taking the River packs out in order to get an equal footing here.” 

Let me be in charge of the 

search team and let me deal 

with Oliver. We are fighting 

two fronts now.I say. You can focus on the River packs and Ezra.He looks at me 

and gives me a nod. Very 

well. Use whatever we have at 

our disposal to find her.” 

I will.I say turning around 

and walking through the hall ready to raise some hell

And in the process, I’ll kill 

the f**ker that took her


Cass’s POV

My eyes open only to have my vision blurred. My head 

feels like it’s about to explode and it feels heavy. When I finally focus, my vision is not the same. I can see straight 

in front of me but my 

peripheral vision is filled with darkness

Realization hits me. I sit up 

from the dirt where I lie in 

the corner of the room. My hands go to my face where immediately I can feel the metal around my eyes

I blacked out the moment 

the first bolt was screwed 

into my head

I look down and am able to 

see that now I have a white 

ugly dress. It looks more like rags. Then Oliver’s face 

comes to mind and I feel 


Oliveeeer! I’m going to kill you!I scream

My first instinct is to pull the 

mask from my face but as I do, pain rushes through my 

head and it feels like I am 

about to rip my skull off

Don’t do that. It is bolted to 

your skull. And Oliver left 

while ago.Zao’s voice 

invades my ears

What did you do?!


A way for you not to use 

your pretty eyes on anyone.He sits a few feet away from 

me with a hand mirror 

pointed at me. I catch a glimpse of myself. That silverdecorated mask is 

plastered on my face and blood stains my temples 

where the mask was bolted 

  1. to

Are you crazy! YOU SON 

OF A B*TCH!I scream and 

rush him

When I am about to reach 

him, I am stopped and 

choked by the chains around 

my neck

What do I do with you 

now?He gets up and paces around me. It does not seem 

to me like you would submit to me so making you my 

whore would be a mistake.” 

As he says this, one of his men walks past me arriving to give Zao some papers

The whore house is going good as planned.” 

Good, good” 

The man looks at me. Who 

is this, father?” 

A willful young lady, Chen.” 

Hmhfor the whore 

house?Chen asks

Zao looks at me and shakes 

his head. You are not 

whoring material, that much I can tell my dear. MhmI think I have a better place for you. You are a fighterwhich is perfect.” 

As he says this, I cling to my urge to fight my way out. So 

when Chen turns from 

megiving me his backI jump on his back and wrap 

the chain that is connected 

to me around his neck. I start 

squeezing as I stare directly at Zao. I will kill him!” 

Do it.He says looking calm

Youyou don’t care?” 

No.I am surprised at how 

serious he is. I can tell that 

he means it

Let me go.I say

You are going nowhere.” 

He is not bluffing, he will let 

me kill this man even if it is 

his son. In my moment of 

weakness, Chen throws me 

over his shoulder and takes 

the chains off of his neck. He 

pulls the chain and holds me on my knees facing Zao. It is so tight that I almost can’t 


Zao strides away as if he has made up his mind. Take her to the barracks. Let her fight for her keep.He turns to me. Make me money, and I’ll consider giving you freedom. Oh, and if you manage to take that mask off, it will be bolted right back on 

with extra bolts.” 

And what if I shift?I ask

Then you’ll rip your skull 

off and if you don’t, like

said, we’ll bolt it right back 

on with extra bolts.” 

You psycho!” 

He swats at me as if he is now 


Three more men walk in and 

between all of them, they drag me out though I give them a hell of a fight until we are outside and I can now see 

better. This place is like a wooden outpost surrounding a small market village. It has wooden walls with spikes 

surrounding us and the 

tallest building is the one we just came from. The place is muddy and dirty. I can see in the distance big wooden 

gates that are kept secured with many guards

I am led to what seems like

market. People about

buying and selling. I realize that it is not as big as I thought it was at first because 

we soon arrive at the end where there is a giant pit with wooden cages and spikes surrounding the pit

The men that drag me

deviate to the side where 

there is a wooden building

When we go in, there are 

stairs that lead down to the 


We follow them and soon 

arrive in a place filled with 

barred cells but these are 

metal. These bars surround 

the pit giving you a full view of the space in the middle 

where from here I can see 


The man opens one of the cells and pushes me inside. The cell is not empty, there 

are three other women in 

here and they all wear the 

same white rags that I do

Beside us there are cells also 

filled with a few more 

women and opposite from us, the cells there are filled 

with men, many of them

Let me out! LET ME OUT!” 

I scream and run to the 

guards who close the door right in my face. I touch the 

bars and they immediately 

burn me



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