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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 

There is the clanging of weapons and people walking about. It was a horrible night with people snoring. Two 

men in the other cells started 

arguing too, waking 

everyone up. And even if that wasn’t happening, I was not going to be able to sleep with the splitting headache 

that I still had and the damn 

smell of bodily fluids, blood, piss, and shit

The pain in my head has gone down just a bit but the 

side of my temples where the bolts dig into the skin are tender. At least it stopped 

bleeding but my dilemma is that the top bridge of my nose itchesand it is inside 

the mask

I grab a little stick I find on 

the floor and slide it in 

through the top where I scratch and sigh with relief

A girl from the cell next to us 

comes close to the bars. She 

leans on them with her arms 

through them and looks 

comfortable as if she has 

been here for a long time.

can only assume she is not

werewolf since the silver on 

the bars doesn’t seem to hurt 

her. She has blond platinum hair but the dark roots are 

already an inch long on the 

top of her head. Her hair is curly but looks crunchy, stiff, and dirty. Her light skin is 

covered in dark dust and

also can see some bruises

Her dark eyes examine me with curiosity. What’s with 

the mask?She asks

I shrug. I don’t know.” 

I have no intention of telling 

anyone about who I am

F**kers don’t know what 

else to do to make this shit 

show more interesting.” 

Kanda’s voice echoes

Behind me, opposite from the bars that face the arena

there is a stone wall with a door that leads to a very tiny pit latrine. It has a concrete 

slab with a hole in the 

middle of it where you sit and do your business. There 

is no door so it is opened for whoever walks by to see and 

those who are stuck in the 

same cell. That is where 

Kanda speaks from as she sits 

on it and pees

Mh, looks stupid if I am 

honest. Wouldn’t want to be 

stuck with something like 

that on my face. Can’t even 

see your eyes? Can you see 

from that?The blond girl 


Yeah, I can even see your ugly toasted hair from here.I reply

She smiles. Touché.She 

touches her hair. Washing 

day is in four more days. So

have no choice.” 

How long have you been 


Sheril has been here even 

since before I arrived.Kanda 

says walking out of the 

latrine room

You’ve fought?I ask Sheril

Yep.She responds

You are human.” 


Have you been against other 

humans only?” 



Am I still alive?She finishes 

my sentence

I nod

I’m a hunter and a damn 

good one.” 

I look around feeling a bit 

confused about all of this

Howwho are all these 

people and how and why are 

they here?” 

The majority here are 

rogues but there are many 

others who are normal 

people and creatures who 

have been caught

kidnapped, or sold.She 

throws a nod at me. What is 

your story?” 

Sold.I say


Same. Someone in my hunter’s guild got pissed that I was doing too good of a job and was having recognition. So, they took me out of the board game.She suddenly looks pissed. When I get my damn hands on him

swearShe stops and takes deep breath

Breakfast!A guard shouts as a few other guards start sliding trays in with food

I wanted to keep the 

conversation going because

wanted to ask Kanda about 

herself. She smells different

even in between all these 

other nasty smells, I can 

smell her scent and it is 

different from humans and 

werewolves, just like that girl that keeps sleeping though they have different scents

Putting my questions aside

we eat and even the 

noname girl who was 

cuddled up in the corner 

joins in

When do these games start?” 

I ask as we eat

Late afternoon when the 

sun is starting to go down.” 

Kanda says. So relax all that 

you can, we might not live after tonight.” 

That does not make me relax 

one bit

spend the day sitting and watching people. There is not much to do after all and 

everyone else does the same 

or talks with each other until 

early afternoon when we are 

taken out. We are chained 

and led to the market area

Kanda doesn’t seem 

bothered by this so I can 

assume that we are safe for 

now. We are taken to two 

cages in the middle of the 

market not far from the 

cages that we spent the night in. Those that are fighting 

are put in these two giant 

cages and displayed to the public

This is one of the new ones that will be fighting today

Number one hundred and 

thirtythree.A guard says, showing me off

The men and women stare at 

me as if I were an animal in

zoo. It goes like this all day

Random people come and 

look at us as if we were items 

to be bought and start 

making bets about who they 

think is going to win. I hate 

  1. it

If there was a clock here, I would be staring at it 

nonstop but the sun going 

down in the distance could 

be counted as the same 

thing. The anticipation is killing me and soon, guards are walking around looking scattered. A few of them walk in front of our cell and open 

  1. it

Persian Princess, come.” 

One of the guards holding a list in his hand says pointing 

at me

Persian princess? What the 


They are big on gimmicks. I am the Nubian Pharaoh.” 

Stop talking!We are all 

taken out and shackled on 

our hands and legs as they continue to call by these 

weird titles

This is so stupid and all I want to do is punch the 

smirk out of these men’s 

faces. In the big cell next to us, they take some of them out and they are also called stupid names. This is just 


We are taken to two big rooms deep in the arena

more like big cages. The 

women are put in one room 

and the men in the other

When we are unshackled

the girls start to look through the armor and weapons in 

the room, picking and 

choosing what they want to 


Only me and one other girl 

stand there watching. She 

looks at me and seems 


What are we supposed to 

do?She asks

I take it you are new here 


She nods. I’m Musa.” 

Musa, I’m Cassor 

apparently, The Persian princess.I roll my eyes. I guess we are supposed to choose our gear?” 

I should be scared like this 

poor girl but I am not. I am 

angry. I shouldn’t be here

none of us should. This is 


I stride to the armor area

There are so many metal 

armor and they look heavy

I won’t be able to move in 

these. I don’t know who I am fighting but my best bet 

would be to rely on my 

speed and this will not do.

move behind the rack of 

armor and see the leather 

pieces. I quickly take a leather padded chest armor and leather padded pants

Then I go to the boot 

areawhich would be the 

shoe area but all they have 

are boots so the boot 

areaand pick something that fits me

After putting everything on, I look around and see Kanda 

has a huge doublesided axe. She swings it in the air with skill. Sheryl swings a metal spear around with ease making it seem easy and they don’t look scared at all

I look at the weapons, from different types of swords to flails, hammers, and sickles. There is a good variety to 

choose from

But I have not trained with 

weapons. Victor was training me with my fists and b*dy first but it would be stupid to go out there unarmed

I eye the daggers. They are curved and shaped with an 

embroidered hilt and a few yellow gems. The metal is shiny as if they have not 

been used at all. I think that

could use these as I would 

my fists. I feel like a sword 

would require much more 

skills and I have none with it 

so I choose the daggers

I give a few swings. I like how 

light they are and I can easily 

maneuver them

This will do

We can hear a crowd outside 

now cheering. All the girls 

start to huddle in front of the 

door where you can look out through a small square opening that also has iron 


That is a lot of people.Musa mutters with a jittery voice but she is right. I take a look and I am surprised to 

see so many

They imprison us and make 

us fight to entertain those 

bastards. This is ridiculous!” 

Keep that fire for when you are out there.Sheryl says.

won’t go easy on you.” 

Wait, will we fight each 

other?Musa asks

Most likely.” 

It depends on that f**ker 

Zao’s mood. He calls the 

shots.Kanda says

Just great. I look at her and notice the golden crown on 


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