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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61 

Nubian Pharaoh, you are 


Kandawho stands next to 

megrabs her huge axe and walks toward the guard

I finally feel like I can breathe again

You better win, shifter. I put some pretty penny down on you.The guard tells her

She gives him an 

unbothered look as she walks 


The guards close the door 

behind her and we rush to 

the small opening to watchincluding me

He called her shifter, she’s 

not a werewolf.” 

She smells nothing like


Girl, there are different 

kinds of shifters.Sheril says

Werewolves are the most 

predominant ones but there are also werebears and 

werecats. Kanda is one of 

those last two. Never seen 

her shift though so I don’t 

know which it is.‘ 


Oh. I didn’t know that.” 

Zao likes collecting rare 

people. To him, we are like 



The piece of shit

Ladies and gentlemen, we have one of my personal 

favorites. The Nubian 

Pharaoh. She’ll be going against the Oneeyed Tiger. Two seasoned champions. This is going to be good.” 

All I can see is just a bit small part of the pit. I can’t really 

see much from here.” 

Yeah, we can only get 

glimpses from the fight.” 

Suddenly we hear the crowd cheering. The fight has 

started. I can hear the sounds of metal clashing together

I get glimpses of Kanda and the man fighting. This fight lasts much longer than the one with poor Musa

From time to time, the 

crowd roars which I can only 

assume is when one of the 

fighters is near death. I can 

hear groans and grunts as the sound of sword fighting 


It feels like an eternity when 

finally the announcer speaks

And there you have it! We 

have a winner! What 


I hold my breath waiting to see if they announce it but 

soon the door rattles and the 

guards walk in. They push 

Kanda in who has a few 

wounds but is alive and 


You did it!I cheer

She smiles. Definitely broke 

a sweat there but I made it.” 

Enough! You!The guard 

takes one of the other two 

girls by the arm and pulls her. Your turn.” 

Oh God! I am not ready

Please!She shouts but he 

drags her out of the room

Needless to say, that fight 

ends quickly and she never 

comes back

My heart pounds as I wait for the guards to come back but they don’t

It is break time. After three 

fights, they take

thirtyminute break.Kanda says as she wraps her wounds 

in bandages

I’m going to die!The last girl says

I sit in a corner away from everyone trying to calm myself. There is only three of us left; me, Sheril, and this 

petrified girl

Damit! What am I going to do? I had a bit of fighting training with Victor but, is it enough? Who will I go up against

I touch my face. It is warm 

until my hands go further up 

and I touch cold metal

These people are crazy. Look at what they did to me. I am 

not sure that even Father 

would have thought of 

something like this

Father. Oliver killed him.

can’t deny that I feel sadness 

for the sadistic bastard. He 

deserved what he got but 

stillhe was my father. I do wish I could have gotten to 

know more about him

I think of Colt and how 

much I miss him. Is he 

looking for me? I am sure he 

  1. is. I wish he would find me 

right now but that is just 

wishful thinking. I know

am going to fight. The question is, will I survive

The guard suddenly rushes in. He points at me and throws me something which I quickly catch. Put that on. Alpha Zao wants to see that 

on you.” 

Whatis it?I ask standing 

  1. up

A mask? I don’t know!He 

says with anger

I look at it and it is a tasseled 

nose and mouth mask. The 

dangling tassels are made 

with rhinestones and the 

bottom part curves into a

shape that frames my jaw and chin when I put it on

This is obviously just for 

looks because it does 

nothing else. Honestly, it gets in the way when I move 

and the strands flail around 

making beaded noises

Now come.” 

I gulp and slowly walk out

Good luck!Kanda says still 

tending to her wounds. They 

lock the door behind me and 

lead me to the field

I am surrounded by a small mass of people. This is 

nothing like the Colosseum

have seen on TV from 

Rome. It is small and made 

out of wood but it looks 

dangerous. There are pikes sticking up everywhere from 

the walls. I am sure that it is 

so that we don’t try to 


In the crowd, I spot someone 

who looks familiar but from 

here, I can’t quite make out 

where I have seen him

I wonder if my mind is 

paying tricks on me

The thing that suddenly really catches my attention is 

the fresh pool of blood on 

the sandy floor. I can also see the bloody drag marks of 

when they dragged the 

bodies away. I try to cover 

my nosethough the damn 

mask won’t let methe 

smell of the blood is strong

In front of me, the guards bring a man tall, bald with

scar across his face, and one of his eyes is white. I can only assume he can’t see 

from it. The man bares his 

teeth at me with a nasty 


What a pretty little thing 

you’ve brought me.He mutters to the guards

The man holds a huge axe who effortlessly rests it on 

his shoulder

Well here is a treat ladies 

and gentlemenThe 

announcer says

I have no idea why he 

mentions ladies when there 

are only men here

Here we have one of our 

veterans, The Caspian Rogue 

against our very new Persian 


I roll my eyes. This is just so 


Did he say, Rogue? How in 

the world am I supposed to 

take this man down without 


I notice that he has a collar 

with spikes that go inward 

towards his n*ck and now 

thinking about it, Kanda and 

a few others have it too though theirs was smaller because they were all smaller 

in statue than this man. I can 

tell that if he shifts, those spikes will kill him

I see. So Zao doesn’t want us 

to shift. They didn’t put one 

of me and I am sure that it is 

because of the mask

My eyes find Zao at the top 

of the wooden stadium. He 

talks with some men and has 

a smile that pisses me off

This is all just a f**king game to him. This man is third on the list of people

hate. Ezra is first and Oliver 

is second

The guards let us go and run away. Suddenly, the Caspian f**ker swings the big axe at me. I was not ready for it but somehow I barely managed 

to doge going backwards

The axe hits the ground

lodging itself on the muddy 


People in the crowd roar 

with excitement

As the huge man tries to take 

the axe back with both hands 

trying to use his strength, I swing my daggers and slice his arm up. He immediately pulls away but with that momentum, he manages to 

take the axe with him and 

swings the axe at me. I twirl around, dodging the close 

encounter with the sharp 


As I had intended, I rely on my speed which works well against this man. He has a heavy weapon and is much bigger so he is slow but one hit is all he needs to get me. I dance around him trying to stay far away from his 


Thank you, Victor. Those lessons did come in handy.

would not have been able to 

last this long if not for what 

he taught me

At first, the cheering of the 

crowd was a distraction but 

soon I find myself forgetting 

about it and concentrating on the fight

This man continues to swing 

the axe and I continue to 

doge it but then he does something I do not expect. As he swings the axe, he lets it go. The axe flies a few feet away but now with his bare hands, he grabs me by the hair and then he swings his other hand and hits me on the chest, making me fall and hit the ground. It takes all of my air out and my 

daggers fly from my hands

As I try to find my breath

the man swings his giant foot and plasters it on my chest

He puts his whole weight on 

me and it almost feels like he is going to crush my chest in

As if he has won, he puts his arms up in victory, and the 

crowd screams with 

excitement. My chest starts 

to hurt and I can feel he is 


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