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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 66

Chapter 66 

Is sheis she really saying what I think she is saying

That can’t beI think back 

on the past month and realizethat my period has been latehow stupid can

be?! How did I not realize?! 

Oh mynothis can’t be

Kanda sees the panic on my 


What is it?” 

InoI can’t” 

Not now. Not while I am in 


Did you not suspect it at 

all?She asks

No! II’ve been so out of 

touch with myself lately. II just can’t imagine it.” 

Is this reallyreal

I meanhow dumb am I?

know how babies are made 

so how stupid can I really 

be?! How did I not think that 

having constant s*x with 

Colt would not result in this

Not once did I give 

protection a thought. I am 

not sure he even thought 

about it either. We both have 

been in this blissful little 

bubble. Like two idiots

I am in deep shock. I am not sure I am ready for this, actually, I AM NOT ready for this, to have ababy. I can’t even imagine myself right now going through that

My thoughts are suddenly 

consumed by Lauren and 

how much she wanted to 

have a child. How she didn’t 

get to live her dream because of my own mate, or rather the man that was supposed 

to be my mate

Butwhat am I going to do? I am in this placefighting.

even have a fight tonight

This can’t be good forthe baby

It is so weird to think this. To 

think that there is a tiny 

thing growing inside of me

It feels sosurreal

I have to get out of here! Now more than ever, I need 

to get out. But how

I can’t keep waiting and hoping that Colt will come for me. What if they never do? What if they never find 

out where I am? What if I die 

in that damn arena before 

they can find me

No. I can’t just leave it to 

someone else

I find myself looking around. I don’t know why or what for but I just am. Unable to see anything that can help, I sit 

back down but continue to 

try. My hands slide up to the mask on my eyes. I pull on it but it is tightly stuck on me yet it doesn’t hurt anymore.

touch the sides where the 

bolts are

Kanda. What do you think would happen if I ripped this 

mask off of my face?” 

She looks surprised at the 


I am not sure. I assume it 

would be painful.” 

Yeah, but do you think

could survive it?” 

WellI don’t know. But with 

your super healing, it is

huge possibility that you 

would. That mask does not 

seem to be silver so your 

wounds would heal fast

Unfortionetly not the bone.” 

I mutter

I sigh

It’s not like that is going to 

help much anyway. I can’t 

use this damn power on 


What is wrong with me? Why can’t I use it like

should? Is it normal?

remember Honora saying something about my powers. Could her magic help

My eyes go down to my stomach remembering that I ammightbe pregnant

I am in and out of thoughts throughout the day. That is 

until I hear an unwelcoming 


Without thinking, I get up and rush to the corner behind Maribel who again all day sleeps under her blanket, away from the bars

Ezra and the witch walk in with a few guards greeting 


I stay away from the bars

close to the wall that is 

connected to the latrine. It is 

as far as I can be from him

There is no way that he 

won’t recognize me if he sees 

me from close

This is entertainment

Maybe we should build one 

of these too. Use it for 

punishment instead of just 

killing. What do you think


Hearing him talk about killing makes my blood boil

He killed Lauren. He killed 

my sister. And he is just a few feet away from me unaware 

of who I am. If these bars 

were not there, I would 

dismember him right now

That is a clever idea, my 



Love? So they are screwing 

each other

His eyes are set on Kanda.

want her. a warrior like her in my army would do some serious damage.” 

Maybe you could negotiate with Alpha Zao?The 

woman says

MaybeHe turns around 

and now stares at the 

direction of the fighting pit

Imagine itSienna. Imagine 

my brother fighting in here every single day with no hope of ever getting out until 

one day he is finally killed

All this while he sees 

Casseopea next to me by my 


By your side? I thought you 

wanted her dead?The 

woman asks

Ido. I want them to suffer 

first. I’d make her my whore 

until I am tired of her. She’d 

watch him fight for his life 

while he would watch her 

being mine.” 


You know what I mean!He 

snaps at her

The delusion on this man

He is so poisoned by hate and anger. I can relate 

because I feel the same 

towards him

I watch them walk away

What is it with you?Kanda 


I think she has been 

watching me this whole 


You know that man?She 


I sit down and nod. It’s

long story.” 

Well, it’s not like we don’t 

have all day and night here doing nothing.” 

Alright, alright.” 

I tell her my story

Of course, she is shocked but also now understands my 


So what am I supposed to do now? How can I fight in there knowing thatI am-” 

Just like you have been doing all this time.She cuts me off. You have to fight

there is no other choice. So 

you do what you need to do 

to survive.” 

I know she is right. But it is so hard now knowing that it 

is not just about me anymore. My body doesn’t just belong to me now. It is housing a living being that relies on me to keep it safe

Kanda suddenly points at 

Honora who walks towards 

our cell. She looks at the 

guard near us before she speaks

I had to come see you 

before I left.Her voice is 


You are leaving?” 

Yes. But I couldn’t leave just 

yet. ListenI told you this 

before. I could sense

blockage inside of you and I am afraid that it might have been my doing.” 


It has to do with your 



She nods. I can’t explain right now but, I am leaving you with something. Keep it on you, it will help with your power but it is only 


She gets close to the bars and 

whispers. Choke me.” 

What?I am confused

Do it.” 

You have some weird kinks.” 

I say and then I rush in and 

take her by the n*ck but

make sure that I really don’t 

hurt her

Guards quickly move and pull her away but not before she puts something in my 


Hiding it, I put my hand 


I’m fine! I am fine!Honora 

pushes the guards away

Do not get close to the prisoners!The guard says

Yes! I got it!” 

She pats her dress and then 

walks out but outside, she is 

suddenly apprehended

The Alpha wishes to see 

you.A guard says

Me? Why?Honora panics

They don’t respond and drag 

her away

No! Why are they taking her!? Oh no! She’s my only 



I know.She nods watching as Honora is dragged away

What is happening?” 

I don’t know.She says

I sit on the ground with my hands covering my face. I feel hopeless. I then open my eyes to look at what is in my hand

A golden triangular 

pendulum. Like an 

upsidedown pyramid on a golden chain. The pendulum has tiny white opals in the middle of each triangle face

I put it around my n*ck and hide it under my clothes. Immediately I feel it warm up. It is a cozy feeling, not painful at all

The rest of the day, that is 

how it feels. I wonder how 

will it work. She didn’t really 

give me instructions

An hour passes and we are 

finally taken to the barracks

Kanda, should I use 

something sturdier to 

protect my stomach?” 

No. Don’t make it obvious.” 

Sherilwho has been added 

to the fightlooks at me with confusion. Why would you use something heavier? You have been doing good 

with what you have been 


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