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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 67

Chapter 67 

KandaI can’t! You are my 


FriendThen take up arms

friend. We don’t have



She swings her axe in the air 

above her head before she 

slices at me. I dodge it, it is not hard to dodge her 

movements. Her body might be fast but that weapon is a heavy weapon. It slows her down just a bit

As I dodge back the swing, I do not see one of her hands 

letting the axe go. She grabs me by the throat and hits me with the axe’s hilt right on 

the mouth

She fights like a warrior

She then throws me back

picks up her axe with both hands and swings down at 

  1. me. I roll on the ground and manage to barely dodge the blade. The edge of the axe gets stuck in the mud. I take the moment to swing my dagger, cutting her in the 

arm. This makes her let the 

axe go but she doesn’t move back, instead she sprints 

forward and tackles me with 

her shoulder. I fall to the 

ground and lose my blades 

but the moment she is on me, I get to my knees and use both my fists, punching 

her in the stomach

Uh!She takes a step back with a gasp

I wrap my fingers around the blade that is next to me, then 

I swing it. My blade plunges into her thigh. She screams 

and falls to her knees

Wasting no time, I got to my 

feet. I swing around her, and put my arms around her 

neck, ready to snap it. But

hesitate. I don’t want to kill 


In a split second, she grabs 

my shoulders and flings me to the ground in front of her

She puts a hand on my chest, pushing me down. As she does this, my hands feel the ground looking for one of my daggers

Suddenly, her other hand is 

on my face, then, she wraps her fingers around my mask 

and rips it off of my face

I scream in pure agonizing 


I know the crowd cheers but 

all I can hear is a ringing in my ears. I feel disoriented. I am lifted and thrown a few 

feet away

I can feel warm liquid drip down the side of my face. I get to my knees and finally,

am able to focus but I am 

still in shock

Kanda grabs her axe and faces me standing a few feet away from me

KandaI whisper

She stares at meI can see the remorse in her eyesshe looks up behind me at where 

Zao watches. I am sure he 

has a huge smile on his face

She looks back at me. My 

friendShe says

Kanda takes a deep breath and then to my surprise, she 

lets the axe fall from her 

hand. She kneels down

grabs my daggers, and throws them at me. They 

land in front of me

Pick them up!She shouts

I shake my head, telling her 

  1. no

Pick them up, or I kill you 

as you are! Fight! Give yourself a chance.” 

So those are my choices, fight or just roll over and dienever. If I go down, I go down fighting

I do as she says and pick up the daggers

Kill them all.She mutters 

and then starts running in 

my direction without her 


I try to move back away from her but I can’t seem to 

react. I am so confused by 

her words. When she is on 

me, she grabs me by the leather straps, one hand on my chest and the other on my back, then she twirls around as I dangle in her hands. Suddenly, I am flying in the air and when my eyes focus, I am heading straight 

to Zao. I fall on him and tackle him to the ground. Without even giving it a second thought, I stab him 

and immediately I stab him 

again, then a third time. By the second stab, he was 

already dead. I dug my 

dagger right into his heart

People start screaming and running. I get up and though I stumble, I stand straight and turn my head

Ezra’s eyes widen and almost 

burst out of his head when 

he sees me

Feeling like a demon is 

taking possession of me, rage 

boils inside of me when I see 

his face

I open my mouth to say my next words and as I do, in

quick movement, he closes his eyes and puts his arms 

around Siennawho is next 

to himcovering her

DIE!I shout. Three to four 

guards that were behind Ezra fall to the ground, lifeless

I am surprised. If I am correct, this power did not 

work like this for Warrick

And how is it that it is 

working so easily now

I hear footsteps behind me and quickly turn. About five guards run in my direction. I put a hand up. Stop!They all immediately stop. Free the prisoners!” 

They don’t even blink when 

they turn and walk in the direction of the barracks and 


At that moment, I hear 

something break, a crack, but it is very subtle. I feel little pieces of something fall down my chest. I pick up the 

amulet from my neck and notice that two of the opals have broken and it is starting 

to feel cool to the touch

This is it! This is what is 

helping me use my powers, this is why they are so 

strongbut I think I only 

have one more use. One 

more Opal left

Bringing my attention back

I look for Ezra but the f**ker 

has run


I look for him in the 

stampede of people running 


NO!I shout

I had him! I f**king had 


I stumble, feeling a dizzy spell come over me

No! Not this time!” 

I hold myself against the wooden veranda, close my eyes, and shake my head

Wake up!” 

When I am able to get up again, I spot Sheril and the rest of the prisoners fighting the guards but there are just too many of them. I rush towards them and join them

You crazy bitch! You 

actually freed us!She shouts 

with a laugh as she takes a guard down

We can’t hold them off

They are too many!I say

We need to find a way out!” 

Maribel says

Kanda finally joins us

That was amazing!I hug 


A spurofthemoment 

thing.She says. But now 


Chen will never let us leave.” 

Chen?I ask, confused

Zhao’s son. Now that Zao is 

dead, he’ll be taking over.” 

I remember him now. Man, the bad guys just keep 


As we talk, a huge fire starts right next to us. Maribel 

threw a torch at the bloodied 

wooden floors of the arena

A distraction.She says with 

a smile

Thatworks.Sheril says

This way!Kanda starts rushing through the fight 

and we follow her

We end up in the market but there are guards everywhere

From here we can see the huge gates that lead outside. Guards are everywhere and it will be impossible for us to 

go through there until all the 

prisoners have gotten out and started fighting

In here!Sheril shouts while 

she rushes inside the dinner 


When we get inside, we close 

the doors behind us and 

move the huge table to form 

a barricade

As we enter the room, a huge mirror on the wall greets us. It was always there but always too far to be able to really get a good look at myself, but I do now. I look 

horrible. I am very pale and 

there is blood all over the 

side of my face and down my neck and shoulders. It is dark now meaning it’s dry 

and my wounds are healing enough that I am not 

bleeding anymore but I look terrifying. Now with the adrenalin coming down, my head starts to hurt. A spliting 

headache but I can’t let it 

take over me

Now what?!Maribel asks

I don’t think there is a way out of here.Kanda says

Yes, there is.Lia comes out from hiding. There is a back 


You are safe!” 

We start to hear fighting 

outside. They’ve started

She nods. I was taken to 

Zao’s room for his nightly 

entertainment after the 

game was over.” 

II am sorry.Sheril says

It is okay. Helped me get 

acquainted with this place 

and there is a back door this 


Even so, how are we going 

to make it out? It won’t be 

long till the guards 

overpower the prisoners.” 

Maribel says

There is a tunnel in the 

brothel,Lia says. It leads to 

a bunker. There are other 

tunnels to get there but

only know of that one.” 

And how are we going to get 

to the brotheldidn’t even 

know there was one.Sheril 


I follow Lia who leads us to

curtain on a wall. Hiding

and if not, then we fight.


Lia pulls the curtain to the 

side and reveals a wooden 

door. We rush out and head 

to the side of the building, an 


There. That’s the brothel.” 

Lia points to a building 

across from us and in the 


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