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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 7


Hehates youhe mutters pondeing my answer

Still looking into his eyes, I continue. He says I am an embarrassmentamong other things.” 

And you haven’t accepted his rejection?” 

You assume he rejected me. It’s more the other way around. He won’t reject me or accept my rejection even though he doesn’t want me.” 

Who the hell is your mate?I suddenly hear Dash from behind Alexis. What a f**king prick! Tell me who it is. I’ll kick the living shit out of him!” 

You’ve been awake this whole timeI mutter and I would squint my eyes at him if I could but instead, I close my eyes riding another wave of pain and once it’s done, I take in a breath of relief

I’m a Runt. He’s one of the sons of the Alpha.I explain. I have to admit, that is not a good match at all.I lower my head. Maybe this is all a joke the moon goddess has played. To be mated to one of my childhood bullies….how funny is 


You are mated to an Alpha?!Dash asks with surprise

He has every right to be surprised. These things don’t happen often. The Omega Runt of the pack being mated to an Alpha, it is unheard of but it does happen. and this is why Ezra hates it. 

When I look up, Alexis stares at me with a bit of shock as well which surprises 

  1. me

I…I am sorry.he says

His response confuses me

You….are sorry? Why?” 

CassThe way he says my name sounds so familiar to me. As if I have known him all of my life. I feel a connection to him and it draws me in

But why

You don’t deserve to be treated like thisHe whispers

He looks away and gets up, letting the rag on his crotch fall. I quickly look away 

but not before I get a good look at his buns when he turns and walks to the cell bars

I swear I can hear Lauren whisper in my ear as if she was here right now. Something along the lines of I’d eat those buns every damn morning if I could.” 

My goddess Cass! Not the time and place!I say in my head to myself

Guards.Alexis calls into the hall

The guards walk over

She is done with me.he says

But I am not.I utter

He ignores me as they get him out and take him back to his cell

I can tell that he is not up for any more conversation as he settles in his usual 


Here. At least clean those wounds yourself.I say giving him the rag from in 

between the bars

He takes it and gives me a nod

I lie back down trying to sleep but my mind is filled with him, them. How can these men be the enemy? They are from one of the most feared packs in the country yet, they don’t act like monsters. They even treat me better than my own pack does

The next morning I wake up to clean up again. Now I clean the rogue’s cell since he never came back and then the other guys are moved from their cells for me to clean as well. In the afternoon, I head to the kitchen to get a tray of food. I am surprised that I am still allowed to move around like this after everything I said. to the guards last night. But they did tell me that the others won’t eat for another three days so this will only be for me

Here you go.Matilda hands me my tray of food. I look inside and see enough for myself

Thank you.I smile and watch her leave but I can’t do it. I can’t go and eat in front of them while they are being starved

It is dinner time so most of the cooks are in the dining room serving the food. I look around and right in the corner, I spot a basket of apples


Without even thinking twice I make my way to it. My heart beats as if it were to escape my chest. When I see none of the remaining cooks looking at me. I take a few of the apples and put them inside my tray, quickly closing the lid

I run out of the door and out to the back

Watch it, runt!” 

I immediately lift the tray and avoid slamming into Bryn and Kaecy

Bryn pushes me to the ground but I hold my tray as if my life depended on it. My knees and elbow get scraped and my hip gets a good beating as it hits the ground

Watch where you are going, idiot!she shouts

Ssorry.I quickly say

Not something I would say to her in fact, if I was really angry, normally I would get up and push her back but I don’t want them to see what is in my tray so I bite

my tongue

She looks at me with confusion cause I am sure she was expecting a fight back

I don’t have time for this, Bryn!Kaecy says: Godammit! Why do I have to attend these damn meetings?!Kaecy ignores the situation and dashes off

Bryn suddenly ignores me too and runs after Kaecy. Because you are going to be Alpha” 

They completely forget about me and I am so grateful

As fast as I can, I get up and head back to the dungeon. I go past the guard who doesn’t even bother to look at my tray and I rush down the cells

When I get to my cell, the food is all mushed up together but it doesn’t matter to me. I take the applesI think I took too many- and show it to the guys

Here. Quickly!” 

Dash gasps. You are a saint, Curls!He quickly takes them and then throws some to the other guys in the cell in front of them

You could have gotten in trouble.Alexis says

Yeah, I almost did.I say c giving my attention to my food

Is that how you got all that?He points to my wounds


I nod at him as I start eating. Compliments of the Alpha’s daughter. A real b*tch. Luckily she didn’t get a look inside the tray.” 

But you got hurt.” 

I shrug. So, it will heal.” 

Don’t do it again.he says with a stern voice

I am very confused by this. I put my food down and put a hand on my hip. Excuse me but I do what I want when I want. And if I want to get you guys food so that you don’t starve, then I will.” 

I have no idea why I feel comfortable enough to talk to him like that but I just did. Maybe it is because there are bars separating us

Dash laughs but Alexis does not find it so amusing. At least, I don’t think he does. because he has his stoic expression on again

I go back to my food but Alexis stares at me the whole time, even when he eats his apple. I do my best to ignore him like I tend to do

Night comes but this time, the guys have a bit more energy thanks to those 


That’s because you fuck anything that has a whole!Dash says to Quinn

Shut the fuck up. I do not.” 

Yeah, you kind of do.Peter says. He and Dash start laughing

They started talking about their S*xual venture to which I just listened and I have to say, I am a little bit disgusted

What about you, Curls?Dash asks

I turn my head away from him. No. Don’t you dare ask me about that.” 

He laughs. A virgin then,” 

No! Didn’t say thatshut up!I say with panic and look flushing

with panic and look away with my 


They laugh but I am not going to admit to not having done the deed and with 

way these guys talk, I am glad I haven’t

the way 

Steps walking in the hall make us all quiet down

To my displeasure, it is Niles. The old nasty man

He walks to my cell and leans his shoulder on one of the bars giving the guys his back. He bites the nail on his thumb as he stares at me

Damn it. It must be his turn to work tonight

I stay quiet, not wanting to engage in conversation

My offer still stands you know. After this punishment. I can take you as my 


I keep quiet

No one will bother you then.he says

No.I softly say

No wants you. Are you saying you rather be alone forever?” 

Yes. I say again in a soft voice

You know, I am getting tired of hearing you refuse me! You won’t get a better offer from anyone else.” 

I am okay with that.I say

You’ll be alone forever. No one else wants you

I am okay with that.I repeat

He now looks angry, and he is about to say something else but a sudden low growl makes his n*eck yank back. Alexis and Dash have murderous stares

My eyes widen as I feel a sudden surge of power from their cell. I have not felt this one bit since I have been here. But in an instant, it is gone and it feels like I almost just imagined it

Niles snarls at them but he doesn’t seem to care. He starts walking away but gives. me one last look. I am not taking no for an answer any more you little b*tch.He says before he disappears into the hall

I suddenly feel unsettled. He seemed really angry this time

What a creep.Dash mutters

Damn it. I can’t catch a break

As the evening progresses, I can’t sleep. I am a bit worried about having Niles. guarding us


There is silence. Everyone is asleep and because of this, I can suddenly hear 


I panic and sit up but the moment I do, I am grabbed and pulled to the bars

My eyes meet green ones

Alexis?I whisper

He holds me by the n*eck. One squeeze and I am done for

Casshe whispers

I am in shock

Whatwhat are you doing, Alexis?” 

You want to be cheeky with me?he asks


If you talk to me the way you did before, then you have to deal with the 


Is he talking about the apples and what I said to him


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