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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8 

“NO!” I scream. 

I make it hard for him as I thrash around while he attempts to take me to the hall

I kick him on the knees where I can only reach but he doesn’t budge. Using all my strength, I latch onto the bars of one of the empty cells as I continue to scream in hopes that someone outside will hear

I hear growling and the bars shake. Alexis, Dash, and the others pull on the bars but they are too weak at the moment and those bars were made to hold werewolves. They might be able to get out but it will take them some time and I don’t think I have that much time

Niles seems to give up on taking me out and now pushes me down to the ground

Fine. I’ll take you right here. An audience will make it so much better!” 

I scratch his face and punch but nothing seems to work. Real panic sets in when he attempts to pull my overalls down. NO! NOOO!I continue to scream. Until his hand groaps my breast

It is a shock and it makes me stop. The fact that this man is touching me in this way makes me feel enraged but I react by not reacting. I stop moving, motionless and disgusted. I suddenly start to enter an abyss of emptiness and darkness. I feel calm as if I know that everything is going to be fine. I can see his eyes and his horrible face and as I look into his eyes, all I think in my head isdeath. I want him to die. I want his heart to stop. I envision in my head his heartstopping

He pulls away with a disgusting smile

DieI hear myself whisper. DicDie!I now scream

I feel like it is almost an illusion

His hands stop wondering my clothes and his eyes widen. I lift my hand up to his face and start scratching at it but he does nothing to stop it. All he does is clutch his chest. I scratch and scratch and then his b*dy falls over mine as if he has lost consciousness. I immediately get him off and sit up but when I take a look at him, he has his eyes opened and I know he is dead

I scream and slide back, hitting the wall, feeling horrified. My shaky hand cups my mouth trying to muffle my scream

I look at Alexis and Dash. They all look shocked but they don’t look at Niles. They look at me

She’s-Dash starts to say but Alexis interrupts him. Yeah” 

You knew?Dash asks

Alexis shakes his head. No.” 

My l*ps quiver and my whole b*dy shakes. II killed himI stutter. I killed himII stop as the options of what will happen to me flash through my mind. I am dead. I am dead! The Luna and Alpha will kill me!” 

It won’t matter that he was trying to hurt me. They will kill me for this

CassCass!Alexis shouts

I snap out of my panic

Get the keys.He says

I blink a few times at him. Tears now run down my cheeks

Cass!He says now in a shout again. This catches my attention. I look at him as he kneels down to my level. Dash seems a bit concerned when Alexis does this

I am dead.I say. They will kill me.” 

No, they won’t. Get the keys.” 

The way he talks to me now with so much calmness makes me calm down too

I look at Niles and see the keys hanging from his pocket

Shaking, I crawl over to him and quickly grab them. I slide back to the wall, hitting it again and clutching the keys on my chest

Alexis does not attempt to take them. I feel his eyes on me. I look at him and then hand him the keys

He gets up and starts to open his cage

I start to feel a dizzy spell come over me but I try my best to stay alert

Is it time?Dash suddenly asks

Yeah.Alexis replies

He opens the cell and walks past me to where Niles lies. He kneels down and then holds his head with both his hands on each side. Then, he twists the head and breaks the n*eck

Alexis looks back at me. I killed him.He says

My eyes start to hurt while the room starts to spin. I suddenly remember that I have felt this before

Butbutthey will kill you now!I say, shaking my head trying to stay focused. No, I won’t lie! I won’t let youdie for me!My voice seems to be getting weaker

He smiles and this really catches me off guard. You are too good for this pack.He whispers getting close to me

As if a deep sleep is trying to get a hold of me, I lie my head on the ground but I try to fight it

Don’tdicI whisper

I won’t.He replies

He kneels down in front of me. My 


close but I force them open again

What do we do with her?Dash asks

Alexis moves my hair from my face and then I feel him caress my head

Bring her. Alexis responds

As he says this, I watch as a few guards run in through the hall

Alexis gets up and faces them. Take me to your Alpha. He’ll want to see me.” 

That is the last I hear before I find myself somewhere else. I am now watching myself swim in one of the ponds in the pack but I am eighteen. I vaguely remember this. It was one of those days where this dizzy spell took over me too just like today. It was just three days after I got my wolf. As I swim, two kids just a few years younger than me walk to the edge of the pond where my towel lies. They start stomping on it and putting mud 

all over it

Hey!I shout and swim my way back. Don’t do that!” 

Look! She’s coming!They exclaim with laughter

As I start to walk ou, they throw rocks at me. The first one hits me right on the head and it draws blood

Ha! I got her on the first try!” 

Run away now, Runt!The other shouts at me

A surge of anger rises inside of me and I don’t run. I sprint towards them staring right into their eyes and all I can think is about breaking their arms as I see them swinging those rocks at me

I don’t get to them fast enough. I stop walking when they start screaming. They hold their arms looking like they are in pain

They start screaming and running away, leaving me confused. Right after, I fell unconscious on the ground. After this, I waited for days to be punished. I thought those boys would lie and tell them that I hurt them but no one ever came. Those two boys have avoided me ever since that day

I open my eyes with that fresh memory

Thatwas me?That is the first thing that comes out of my mouth

I don’t remember it that way. No….how? How could I have done that? ButNileshe just died right in front of me as I was thinking it

I completely had forgotten of those two boys. But now…. 

It has to be just a coincidenceright? Yes. Power like thatit doesn’t exist and honestly, that kind of power seems evil to me

I take in a deep breath, realizing that it’s all in my head. There is nothing wrong with me. I was lucky that Niles had a heart attack. He was older anyway so it makes sense

My eyes roam the ceiling

Wait, why am I here?” 

I am home, in my room. I now hear the TV on in the living room

I get up and walk out of my room


Oh, you are awake!She and James get up and quickly surround me with their arms open


After a few seconds, I move away from their hug

How am I here?” 

Well, some of the Alpha’s men brought you here. After what happened, he thought it would be best if you returned home. Your punishment is 


Oh…butwhat happened?” 

You don’t remember?” 

I do but I mean, what happened after I blacked out?” 

All we were told was what that scumb bag Niles tried to do and that one of the guards saved you.” 


They both nod

Why would they say that

SoAlexis did not take the fault

I panic

What if they killed him!? 

Lauren sees my panic. Hey, the doctor said you were okay. Youare okay, right?” 

Knowing what she is asking, I quickly answer. Oh! Yes! He didn’t do anything to me.” 

Not that it wasn’t a traumatic experience but I am grateful that he didn’t get what he wanted. She sighs with relief

What happened to the prisoners?I ask

That is a good question. There is no one in the cells anymore.James says,

What?!I panic again

Oh, my goddess! Did they kill them?! 

Yeah, no one knows what is going on. The Alpha family has been really hushhush today.James says

How long have I been out?!I walk to my room as I ask this question and put on my sneakers

It’s around seven at night now? You’ve been out since two in the morning. That is when it all happened.I walk out of the door

Wait! Where are you going?They shout after me

I run to the pack house


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