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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Within a few minutes, I make it back home.

“Where did you go? Lauren asks with concern.

“Uhm what is this celebration about?” I ask.

“Oh, we don’t know. But we are all instructed to attend.”

I stare at her clothes now noticing that she is wearing a dress.

“It should start in an hour. Why don’t you get ready, if you feel up to it.”

“It’s tonight?”

“Yeah, you don’t have to come if you don’t feel good.” James says,

Lauren suddenly giggles. “Come…that’s what she said.”

James laughs and I just roll my eyes. It’s not even funny.

“I am sure you have a free pass today. You just woke up,” he says.

“Uh…no, it’s okay. I’ll get ready.”

I take a shower and then I stand in front of my clothes rack.

“I have nothing to wear, I mumble.

“I know.” Lauren says from behind as she puts a dress on my bed. “Here. You can have it.”

“This is one of yours.”

“Yeah, but It’s okay. It doesn’t fit me anymore.”

I smile. “Okay. Thank you.”

It is a light blue dress. Old but in good condition. It has a lot of small pink flower prints on it. It has buttons on the front that go from the n*eck to the hem that stops at the middle of my thighs so it opens like a jacket would. The shoulders have that old-style bowl shape but not the big ones like in the Victorian era. It’s more like a nineties dress. I then put black flats on and comb my wet hair, then scrunch it with my hands so that the curls don’t break and turn to frizzy strands.

I look in the mirror and take a deep breath as I start thinking to myself.

Keep your head down and don’t do or say anything stupid. Avoid Ezra and the Luna. In fact, avoid the whole Alpha family.

Taking another deep breath, I leave my room.

After we are all ready, we head to the celebration.

People are talking. Everyone is confused as to why the Alpha is holding a celebration so suddenly.

“Something good must have happened,” James says.

“I do hope so…cause to think that we could be home getting it one right now instead of here…” Lauren says. “Eww! Stop it!”

James laughs. He is not bothered by the way she talks but I am! She doesn’t have to say everything she thinks.

I stay close to them but move away so I don’t have to hear the things she says. She seems a bit more needy than usual.

For a while, while they talk, I am deep in thought thinking about what happened with Niles. I am forcing myself to act like I am okay but that was a traumatizing experience. I have been hurt and bullied but I have never been s**ually assaulted. I feel disgusted that he touched me like that.

I force myself out of those thoughts and turn around to scan the area. None of the Alpha family is here yet and I don’t see Alexis anywhere either, that is assuming that he is free to walk around. I have no idea what is going on with him and the others.

I suddenly spot Dash, behind the stage. I have never run so fast before. I get to him in a matter of seconds.

“Dash!” I tap his back.

He turns around and gives me a big smile. “Curls!”

“What is going on?!”

“Whoa there. No hello?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Hello. What is happening? Why are you…like this?”

I look at his clothes. He wears a long-sleeved white dress shirt, like the one a man would wear inside a suit with dress pants and dress shoes. He is clean and now I can see his face much better. He is a really cute guy. Has a couple of scars around his n*eck and face but not like Alexis.

“You’ll see, Curls.” He looks at my dress. “You are looking cute.”

“Stop it. Where is Alexis? What is going on with him?”

He chuckles. “Tired of me already?”

He leans in with a smile and whispers in my car. “You will see.”

I lean back and face him with squinted eyes. I am now completely immune to his charms and I am glad.

He starts laughing when he sees my expression. He then sighs as his eyes go behind me but then smiles at me. “Oh, how I wish you were my mate. You are a cute sweet little thing. I’d never mistreat you.”

I am a bit shocked that he says this. He goes past me and I turn around to watch him leave but that is when I spot Ezra standing behind me. Dash gives him a smirk while Ezra gives him a murderous glare.

Wait…does he know it is Ezra who is my mate? I sigh. He must have figured it out when Ezra was the one who took me out of the dining room


I turn around to go back to my sister but really I am just trying to run away. Ezra however has other plans. He holds my shoulder and I have to turn

to see what he wants.


“Don’t talk to him again,” he says.

No. F**k off. I’ll do 

whatever the hell I want!” 

Don’t f**king talk to me like that!” 

“I’ll talk to you however the 

hell I want. Go ahead, strike 

me!I stand defyingly but he 

does nothing

I turn around and I can 

literally hear him grinding his teeth but I ignore him and continue to walk away back to Lauren and James feeling very good

Who the hell does he think 

he is? Asshole. He has no 

right to tell me that

As I make my way back to Lauren and James, I pass by a cluster of trees and shrubs

I am suddenly pulled behind 

these trees. Before I can 

throw a punch, I see Alexis’s 

stand in front of my clothes 


I have nothing to wear,


I know,Lauren says from behind as she puts a dress on 

my bed. Here. You can have 


This is one of yours.” 

Yeah, but It’s okay. It doesn’t fit me anymore.” 

I smile. Okay. Thank you.” 

It is a light blue dress. Old but in good condition. It has a lot of small pink flower 



Shh!He says

What are you doing?” 


My face rests with an 

expression of stupidity

That is not what I am 

asking,I tell him

You really were going to 

give yourself up for me?He 



When you crashed the 

Uhmwellyeah. I thought they were going to hurt you or worse. But I see now that 

you are completely fine.” 

He crosses his arms and looks pensive

Sowhat happened? Why 

are youlike this?I look 

him up and down

The man looks great in a suit. As if it was made just for him. I look up at his face and now that he is so close, I am a bit surprised. He is a very handsome man even with 

that scar on his cheek and 

eye. But what really gets me are his eyes. They are 

beautiful. If I am honest

reminds me a bit of Ezra.

hate to admit it but Ezra 

does have beautiful green 

eyes too

Oh, I see. You still want that 

k*ss.He suddenly says

What?!I ask coming out of 

my trance. I lean back 

noticing now that I was 

leaning in, to get a good look 

at his eyes

I’ll k*ss you right here if you 

want?He says

Whwhwhat?!I sound like 

a damn cartoon with my 


Whwhy? Why do you say these things?” 

I guesscause I like you.” 

He says

Do you have a damn filter for your mouth and 

thoughts? Do you say everything that comes to 

your mind? You are not supposed to say that!I say

Now he’s the one who’s 

confused. Why should

hide it?” 

II don’t know.” 

Are you saying that you don’t want me to k*ss you?” 

Damn. I don’t know what to say. I do like him a lot

I look away. I didn’t say thatI am definitely 


Just say yes or no.He says


He puts a finger over my mouth leaning in and then he puts his hand on the tree behind me, encasing me in. 

Just. Say. Yes. Or. No.He 

having it. He takes his finger away from my l*ps and puts it under my chin, lifting it up so that my eyes meet his

I can’t say the words. They will not leave my l*ps. So, I subtly nod

He leans in. My eyes start to close but then he goes past 

my l*ps and his l*ps touch 

my cheek. After the small 

k*ss, he leans into my ear

It’s not fair if you don’t 

know the whole truth.He 


Thetruth?I move my 

head away just a bit. “What is 

the truth?” 

He smiles and pulls back

You’ll see.” 

I am so tired of hearing that

He fixes the buttons on the 

wrist of his suit as he looks 

towards the celebration

The announcement is 

starting soon so I should get back.He looks back at me. I still owe you that k*ss. A real 


I get flustered and look away

You owe me nothing.” 

I can’t look at him but I think 

I hear him smirk. I will taste 

those l*ps when the time is 

right.He whispers

I look up at him with shock but he is already walking 


My heart pounds. No man 

has ever acted like he wanted 

me and Niles does not count

He only looked at me in

lustful way. Alexis however,

can see that he sees me and 

not just a walking vagina 

with legs

I go back to Lauren and James. They continue talking with pack members while I start to fantasize about 

Alexis. I can’t help my 

wondering mind. Finally

thirty minutes later the Alpha arrives with his family

I also see Alexis behind the Alpha. He is with Dash and 

the other two and they all walk up to the stage

Dash spots me immediately and with his fingers, he makes a gun sign as if he is shooting it at me and winks

This gets the attention of a few of the pack members 

who look back at me

Damn it Dash

My face is a statue. I don’t 


Alexis notices Dash and his 

eyes go to me. I feel like I am crazy when I swear I see the corner of his mouth go up but I think maybe I just imagined it because he is quickly back to his stoic self

The Alpha steps forward with a huge smile. In fact

they all seem very happy

The Luna claps, smiling like 

I haven’t seen her do in

long time. Kacey seems very excited which is unlike him 

especially when there is

festival that he has to attend 

as the next in line to be 



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