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Second Assault — Bond And Treason — novel Chapter 3

I'm standing.

I feel cold, an icy breeze blows through me. However, for some strange reason, my body does not succumb to the temperature.

I do not tremble, my hairs do not bristle from the cold, nor do I shiver. I just exist.

My hair moves with the wind, I tilt my head upwards and breathe.

I breathe.

I breathe.

I open my eyes and find myself deep in a vast forest.

As I look down at my body, I realize that I am dressed completely in black.

A simple shirt with sleeves so long that they almost cover my hands. I have no shoes, although the dirt under my feet doesn't bother me at all.

My body feels so light, I seem to be levitating, but no, I can sense the earth beneath me.

It's night and the trees seem to be lifeless. Their branches are withered and no leaves are hanging on. The sky above my head is completely clear.

There are no clouds, no stars... Only the moon.

Although, it doesn't seem to be. It shines so brightly that it's like a light bulb that someone turned on to light a path.

A path under my bare feet, guiding me to where I should go. I am not afraid, but: should I?

I do not know what awaits me if I move from here, I do not know what I will find if I decide to continue.


There it is.

His voice... His low, deep, seductive voice.

It caresses my ears subtly and wraps my heart in a warm embrace.

—Wait for me.

I beg him aloud, longing to be heard by him. God, I've never wanted anything as intensely as I do now.

So I place one foot in front of me, then the other, and so on until I begin to walk, following the path that is leading me into the depths of the forest.

The branches brush against me as I move, but they don't hurt me. I feel small stones under my feet, but they do not harm me.

The light moves as I go, illuminating the direction in which I'm going. I'm afraid of getting lost and not being able to find the owner of the voice, but I don't stop.

I keep moving and even though I don't know where I am or where I am going, I want to keep going.


I close my eyes, repeating his voice over and over in my mind, savoring the sensation of my name pronounced by him.

My throat feels dry all of a sudden. I need to feel his closeness, I need to remember. I open my eyes and move again.

I feel the light becoming more intense, I raise a hand to cover my eyes a little, but that's when I see it.

There it is.

A wolf.

The light is abruptly no longer in front of me.

Now it points from my back, allowing me to get a better view of the imposing creature in front of me.

It is huge, with eyes as blue as the sea and most of its fur is gray, with white details splashed on its chest and neck, with black ears and the tip of its tail.

It's beautiful.

I can't stop looking at it.

Should I be afraid? He stares at me too, but he doesn't move. He's just there... Watching me.

What should I do?


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