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Serenity and Zachary York novel Chapter 3306

Austin said, “Nana has chosen someone for me. Unlike Dylan, I don’t have someone else I love. Since Isabella will be my wife, it’s only natural that I protect her.

“Didn’t Nana choose a picky eater as my wife because I like cooking? We’re a good match because she enjoys eating too. Besides, how can I improve my cooking skills if no one critiques my food?”

Zachary chuckled. “You’re right. That was exactly what Nana thought when she selected a picky woman for you. Since Isabella brought you along on her business trip, it means she trusts you. If you take good care of her and let her notice your strengths, it should be easier for you to court her.”

“I’m not in charge of anything aside from her meals. There’s no need to rush. We’ve only known each other for a few days. I haven’t even developed feelings for her.”

There was no love at first sight for Austin with Isabella.

After learning that she was the candidate Nana had selected for him, he unconsciously viewed her as his wife and acted like a doting husband. It was a characteristic of all York men.

“Will you be back for New Year’s Eve?”

“I guess not. If Isabella needs me on a business trip, what will she do if I were to return home?”

Austin sounded helpless. However, he was secretly enjoying it.

After a short silence, Zachary said, “You should’ve gone there after New Year’s Day.”

“I wouldn’t have become Isabella’s private chef if I came here that late. I’ll leave Mom and Dad in your and Serenity’s care while I’m not home this New Year’s Day, Zachary.”

“You’re coming back for Callum’s wedding, right?”

“Of course. Aren’t Callum’s and Kevin’s weddings scheduled for next year?”

The weddings were initially planned for sometime after New Year’s Day. However, Camryn and Hayden said they were too busy and postponed the weddings to March. They would get married when the weather was just nice.

“Yeah. You can return early. Ask if Isabella is willing to come with you as well.”

March was not far away.

Chapter 3306 1


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