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Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox) novel Chapter 20

"Or should I say dear cousin?" Aria's glare deepened while Seraphina's smile widened.
Seraphina saw the other she wolf from the corner of her eyes, "You should give Julian more credit. Did you really think that he would still keep her here?"
Melody growled, "Where is she?"
"Well by now her head is probably on its way to the Nightshade territory. Julian was hoping to catch you at home."
Her eyes went round, "What?"
Sophia laughed maliciously. "Oh lighten up a little. You take things too seriously."
Aria stepped towards her, "Where is she Seraphina?"
"Would you look at that? The spineless finally grew a spine."
Whispers grew in head, urging her.
The already temperature of the already cold cave dropped even lower as Aria's eyes completely darkened.
In one calculated move, Aria's claws were around Seraphina's neck.
"I will ask you one more time. Where is the she wolf we seek?"
Seraphina stared at her without saying a single word. She dug a claw into Seraphina's skin drawing blood, "Do not test me."
She tried to struggle for a while but the struggle only tightened Aria's grip around her neck.
Another claw dug into her skin and Seraphina let out a choked gasp.
"Julian." She gasped out.
"Julian. I don't know where he took her but she isn't here anymore. The only reason I'm in here is to visit Liam. Julian has been keeping him prisoner."
At The mention of her mate's name, Aria's eyes returned to normal.
She released Seraphina, pushing her away harshly, "He imprisoned Liam? Why would he do that to his own son and why are you being mated to him?"
Seraphina gasped trying to regain her breath, "You fucking bitch. You could have killed me."
"Why is Liam in prison?"
Her wolf growled in irritation at her. Whatever the male wolf's fate was, he had brought it upon himself. "Liam doesn't quite fit into the plan?"
"Plan? So you knew Julian was going to kill Dad?"
Seraphina scoffed, "Dad? That man is not my father."
"He raised you Seraphina."
"No. That's where you are wrong. He raised you Aria and treated me like second best."
"Is that why you didn't think twice before having him murdered?"
"I didn't have him murdered. He just didn't fit into the plan anymore just like you don't."
Her eyes went to the necklace around Aria's neck and her smile grew, "Well you won't be a problem soon. How does it feel to be stabbed in the back?"
As if realizing something, Seraphina looked at Melody, "She doesn't know does she? Know that you were the one that brought the Crystal to the pack."
"Whatever you are hoping to achieve, Seraphina. It won't work. I, unlike your cruel and selfish self understand Melody."
Seraphina glared, "So Knox knows too and you are not banished? Knox must be a bigger fool than I thought he was for letting you into his pack."
Melody and Aria's growl reverberated through the cave making Seraphina take a step backwards.
"Do not ever insult Knox." Aria growled at her.
Her Alpha vibes came out in waves forcing Seraphina to bow her head.
Aria smiled, "It must really kill you. That no matter how much you try. I will always be stronger than you."
"I fucking hate you Aria."
Her wolf signaled her that it was time to go so she turned to Melody, "We need to go before more of the Silvercrest wolves get here."
"But my-" Melody started.
"We will get her back. But we need to go."
Melody nodded as her bones cracked and she shifted into her wolf form.
With one last glance at her sister, Aria followed Melody's wolf as they made their way out of the cave.
Nikolai reread the letter in his hand one last time.
"What are you going to do? Why do you think he is inviting you for dinner?"
 His eyes scanned the contents of the letter briefly again before turning to his mate, "I don't know."
Rebecca stood up crossing her hand, "Are you going to go?"
"I don't know."
"Why don't you know Nikolai?We need to figure out what our play would be here."
Suddenly irritated, Nikolai snapped at his mate, "Would you stop talking for a moment? I need to think."
Rebecca flinched, taking a step backwards. He sighed walking up to her, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just trying to figure it out."
Rebecca kept her head bowed so Nikolai placed his hand under her jaw, raising her head to face him, "I'm really sorry Becca."
Rebecca placed a small smile on her face, "It's fine. I am tired. I think I would just retire to bed early."
He watched as she walked out of the room. His wolf pushed him to go after her but he knew he had bigger things to worry about.
Julian stared at the papers in front of him with a frown on his face just as a knock sounded on the door of his study.
Nikolai came in. Without a single word he handed over the letter to Julian who read through it quickly.
"What's Knox's play here?"
Nikolai glared, "How would I know? Why do you think I brought it here?"
"Are you going to accept the invitation?"
"I don't know. I don't understand. We are threatening to attack his territory and he is inviting us for dinner."
"Correction. He is inviting you for dinner. Whatever your beef is with Knox is, leave me out of it. All I want are more territories to widen my pack. I am standing with you in the attack but this personal shit you and Knox have going on, leave me out of it."
Julian paused for a moment, studying the Alpha in front of him, "You are scared of Knox."
"I am not scared of anyone and I don't know why I came to you in the first place."
Nikolai turned around stomping his feet out of the office.
The sun had given way to the moon. The wolves of the Nightshade pack bristled about, trying to put an end to the activities of the day before it was time for dinner.
"And to finally answer your question. We are here."
Kira's eyes widened as took in the Nightshade territory.
"Wow.. It's really big and beautiful."
Shana glanced around, "Aria isn't outside. Let's go into the pack house and check."
"Are you forgetting something?" Sophia crossed her hand.
"We need to bring Kira to Knox. I think I've fucked him enough to know that he would not appreciate seeing a strange girl in his pack."
"Yes. Right, I almost forgot. But how are we sure that he is inside the pack house."
Sophia looked around then called the attention of one of the wolves.
Tyler's eyes immediately went to Kira. A boyish grin grew on his face. He extended his hands, "Hello. I'm Tyler."
Kira looked at his hand but didn't take it as a blush crept to her cheeks.
Shana and Sophia cleared their throat.
Tyler looked up at the two wolves glaring at him, he threw the grin in their direction, ,"Sophia. Shana." Upon realizing it, he blinked, "Sophia and Shana?"
"Where is Knox?"
Tyler turned back to Kira, "What is your name?"
"Seriously Ty?"
The teenage wolf shrugged, "What?"
"I asked you where Knox was."
"Oh. Knox. The Alpha of the pack. That Knox?"
Kira giggled.
Sophia rolled her eyes, "Oh you got to be kidding me."
Shana slapped him on the back of the head, "You are hopeless. Seriously hopeless."
"Let's go and find him ourselves."
They walked in the direction of the pack house.
"My name is Kira." She smiled at him before rushing towards them.
As soon as she caught up with them, Sophia started, "Male wolves are off limits for you."
Shana turned back to look at Tyler, "Especially ones with cute and charming smiles."
"Are we clear?"
Kira sighed, "Yes."
 Knox stepped out of his study. He stopped immediately his wolf picked up Shana's scent.
"Shana is back."
"Knox." Sophia and Shana bowed their heads. He nodded to acknowledge them.
"Well?" His eyes went to Kira and he growled at the intruder. Kire took a step backwards.
"Knox. This is Kira. We found her in the woods."
His eyes narrowed into slits,"And you thought it would be okay to bring her back here? With everything going on? You just found a random girl in the woods. What if she was sent by Nikolai?"
Kira took a step forward, "My mother told me that wolves don't trust outsiders easily. I know that's exactly what I am, an outsider but I promise I am not a spy. The person you just mentioned, I've never seen him in my life. I just don't have anywhere else to go."
Silence followed as everyone awaited Knox's decision. He sighed finally knowing he would be the bad guy if he didn't let her stay.
"You can stay. But if I find out that you were sent, or there's a tiny slip up on your path that could cost me anything, I won't care how old you are. I will slit your throat on the spot."
Kira gulped before she nodded.
He turned to Shana, "The mark?"
"The witches haven't found a spell that would remove the Crystal from her neck but I have a ring. According to Elizabeth, it should help with the mark. Buy Aria a little more time before the mark fully corrupts her."
"That's really good." He faced Sophia, "Thank you."
Sophia was slightly taken aback but eventually she nodded with a smile.
"Well now we just need to find Aria."
Knox remembered something, "Why did you ditch Mark? You could have been really hurt."
"We didn't ditch Mark."
"Spare me Shana. He told me what the two of you did. You could have been seriously hurt if things had played out differently. Next time I give an order, follow it through till the end. Am I clear?"
They bowed their heads, "Yes Alpha."
"Take the girl to your mate."
Ryder nodded, gesturing for Kira to follow him.
Kira glanced at the she wolves that brought her here. The two wolves she had come to trust.
Shana smiled down at her, "Don't worry. Lydia is really nice." Kira reluctantly dragged her feet behind the scarred huge man.
Immediately they were out of earshot, Shana asked, "Where is Aria?"
"I don't know. I was just on my way to go find her."
Mark entered the pack house.
"Alpha." He bowed his head.
Sophia tried to stifle her giggle as Mark's glare landed on her.
"What do you want?"
"I saw Aria and Melody leaving the pack so I followed them. They went into the Silvercrest territory."
The moon cast a soft glow on the leaves and branches as Eli made his way deeper into the woods. He had asked around and finally he was told of an old cottage hidden deep within these woods, the dwelling of Lucas.
As he pushed through a tangle of overgrown vines, the dilapidated cottage came into view. The roof sagged and moss and ivy clung to its side, claiming it as their own.
Eli approached cautiously, his heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and anticipation. He hesitated for a moment, observing the cottage's crooked windows adorned with cracked panes, their transparency diminished by layers of dust and cobwebs.
He stood in front of the cottage, his hands raised to knock. The door opened before he could.
He sucked in a deep breath before stepping inside. It was quiet, really quiet.
"Lucas?" He called out.
There was no answer.
He waited a few minutes, everything was so dusty, there was no way anyone lived there. The wolves had been wrong.
He turned around.
Lucas stood in front of him with a snarl on his face and his claws extracted, "Didn't anyone teach you never to trespass on another wolf's territory?"
Eli stared at the wolf in front of him. He had a striking resemblance to his brother but the years had taken its toll on him.
"I didn't think you lived here."
Lucas took a step towards him and Eli backed away, "I will give you five seconds to tell me who you are before I snap your neck right here."
Eli's wolf growled at the older wolf ready to attack if need be but Eli steadied himself.
"Who are you?" Lucas' eyes flashed wolf.
"Eli" Lucas tasted the name on his tongue, "How would you like to die Eli?"
Bones started to crack.
"Wait. I have a message for you."
Lucas stopped shifting, his eyes narrowed, "A message from who? Last time I checked no one cared if I was alive or not."
"Your daughter."
Eli watched the surprise flash through his features.
"My daughter?"
"Yes. She told me to find you and tell you that it is time to come home."


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