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Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox) novel Chapter 22

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the sprawling forest that stretched before Kira and Tyler. They were deep in the heart of the woods, surrounded by tall, ancient trees. The air was thick with the earthy scent of pine and damp soil, while the distant calls of birds added a melodic harmony to the atmosphere.
As they ventured farther into the wilderness, Kira's unease grew. She couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that they were venturing too far from the safety of their own territory.
"Are you sure we shouldn't stop? We are going too far from the territory," she said, her voice laced with apprehension.
"Sophia and Shana are probably looking for me right now."
Tyler glanced back at her with a confident smile, his eyes sparkling. "Relax, Kira. I do this all the time. We're just going to the borders of the Silvercrest territory," he reassured her.
Kira stopped walking, her expression a mix of surprise and worry. "The Silvercrest territory? Isn't that the pack that Knox is having issues with? Aria's former pack?" she asked.
Tyler nodded, turning back to look at the path ahead. "Yes, but we aren't going into it. Just the border," he replied calmly, his voice carrying a sense of determination.
Kira contemplated for a moment. She had only been in the pack for a week but she had heard a lot about the Silvercrest pack. And the most important thing she got out of the talks was that it was off limits. She had made a promise to herself.
Even though she has spent most of her years in the pack where she wandered off too, she had never felt like she was at home.
The Nightshade pack made her feel like that and the last thing she wanted was to screw it up.
"What is at the border that is so important?" Kira inquired, "I don't think I want to keep on going. Let's just turn back."
Tyler turned to face her again, "That was the place I first shifted," he began, "I went from a walk mad something drew me to that place so I just thought maybe if we went there, you could shift too. Perhaps being in that environment would awaken your wolf."
Kira's brows furrowed as she absorbed his words. "I don't think that's how it works," she finally spoke, her tone laced with uncertainty. "You don't shift just because you are somewhere. You shift when it's time."
Tyler took a step closer to Kira, his eyes earnest and persuasive. "I understand that, but don't you at least want to give it a try? Imagine finally being able to let your wolf out, to experience the freedom and power it brings."
Kira's gaze turned inward as she grappled with her inner turmoil. She closed her eyes, trying to reach for her wolf once more, coaxing it to emerge from the depths of her being. But all she found was silence—a stubborn, unwavering stillness as her wolf just sat staring.
Kira wrestled with her doubts as minutes seemed to stretch into eternity as Tyler watched her
 With a deep sigh, she opened her eyes and met Tyler's gaze.
"Okay, let's go," she finally relented, her voice carrying a mix of determination and vulnerability.
The pair resumed their journey, their feet. As they ventured closer to the border of the Silvercrest territory, the air grew charged with anticipation.
"Are we almost there?" Kira asked, her voice filled with excitement.
"Almost," Tyler replied, his tone laced with a hint of excitement. "Do you feel anything yet?"
Kira reached out again. Still her wolf sat staring. Her brow furrowed with a touch of disappointment. "Nothing yet. Maybe we just need to get a little closer."
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of anticipation, they emerged from the thicket of trees and found themselves standing on the edge of an old meadow. Kira gasped, her eyes widening as she took in the sight before her.
The meadow, bathed in the soft golden hues of the sun, seemed to hold an otherworldly beauty.The tall grass swayed rhythmically.
Kira's wolf stirred within her, its senses aroused by the mystical energy emanating from the meadow. Its ears perked up, intrigued by the unknown.
 Kira felt a flicker of excitement in her heart.
"Oh my God... Tyler, my wolf just moved," Kira exclaimed.
Tyler smiled, "I told you. There is something truly extraordinary about this place."
As Kira tried to process, chill ran down her spine. Living with that man for the better part of her life had heightened her senses, making her acutely aware of the slightest shift in the environment. "Tyler," she whispered, her voice tinged with unease. "I think there is someone watching us."
Tyler's gaze darted around, scanning the surrounding meadow and the encircling trees. "What? There is no one here," he said, his voice a mix of concern and skepticism.
Just then, a low growl shattered the tranquility, resonating from behind the thick veil of trees. Kira's heart raced, her breath caught in her throat, as a figure emerged from the shadow, a formidable wolf, its eyes gleaming with primal intensity. It advanced toward them, muscles rippling beneath its sleek coat.
Fear surged through Kira's veins, she stood rooted in spot but Tyler grabbed her hands firmly and without hesitation pulled her as they turned on their heels and ran. As they dashed through the undergrowth, gasping for breath.
Suddenly the wolf stopped. Bones cracked behind them and as they looked back, they found themselves face-to-face with a man with rugged features and a malicious smile.
Axel's gaze flickered between Kira and Tyler, his lips curling into a taunting smirk.
"What do we have here?" Axel's voice dripped with sinister amusement. "I wonder what two Nightshade wolves are doing in the Silvercrest territory."
Axel growled as Tyler attempted to make a move. He grabbed Kira wrapping his hands around her throat, "One dumb move from you and I will slit her throat open right here."
Tyler froze.
"Good boy."
Tyler's wolf growled in his head but he remained still.
"Now start walking. I'm very sure my Alpha will be very happy to see you."
Julian smiled nodding his head at Axel in approval, "You have done really well."
Julian turned his head, fixing his gaze on two teenage wolves in front of him.
"Your Alpha hates it when wolves trespass on his territory yet here you are trespassing on mine."
Tyler glared with teenage rebellion, "We were not trespassing. Your dumb ass wolf chased us into the territory."
Axel growled behind them.
Julian turned to him, a silent warning for him to be quiet. Axel bowed his head.
"What proof do you have?"
"He knows what he did. Why don't you stop wasting our time and let us go."
Julian's eyes flashed wolf in annoyance. He took a step towards them.
Kira stepped in front of Tyler, "Forgive my friend. He has a temper but I promise we didn't really mean to enter your territory."
Julian's eyes returned to normal, "I should have started talking to you. You seem like a sensible young woman."
Kira nodded her head, "So you will let us go?"
"It's quite unfortunate my dear but I can't do that. You are trespassing. I was just about to send out my new decree. Any wolf that steps into my territory will be executed on the spot."
Julian smiled, "But since I haven't passed the decree yet I will spare you."
Kira sighed in relief.
His smile deepened as he turned to Axel, "Spread the news round. They will be executed at first light tomorrow."
Knox's wolf paced restlessly in his head with anger and frustration. He had reached his limit with Julian.
"It could have been any other wolf," Shana insisted, "I specifically told Kira that she was not allowed to leave the territory. She wouldn't dare disobey-"
Shana's voice trailed off abruptly as a sudden realization struck her and every eye turned to her.A sense of embarrassment washed over her, and she couldn't help but facepalm herself in frustration.
"Of course she would," Shana muttered under her breath, berating herself, "She's a bratty little teenager."
Knox turned to Jamie. "Your brother knows better than to tread beyond the territory boundaries."
Being a submissive wolf and feeling the weight of Knox's energy focused on her, Jamie lowered her gaze, her voice filled with remorse. "I told him many times, Alpha, but he doesn't listen to me anymore."
Knox's thoughts raced as he contemplated their next move. He turned to Jacob, with a commanding tone. "Tell Ryder to ready the sentinels.I will give the signal if need be."
Without uttering another word, Knox swiftly shifted into his powerful wolf form and dashed off into the depths of the woods. The sheer force and intensity emanating from him made it clear that he was not to be trifled with.
"I definitely do not want to be on the receiving end of that wolf right now," Shana said.
As the group stood there, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily upon them, Shana turned her attention to the others. Sophia was the first to break the silence.
"Shana, this is incredibly serious. Kira is in trouble," Sophia exclaimed urgently, her eyes filled with worry.
Shana nodded, her expression resolute. "I know," she replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. She turned her gaze to Jacob's retreating back, waiting until he was out of earshot before continuing. "Which is precisely why we are going to the Silvercrest territory to get her. And that includes your annoying brother, Jamie."
Jamie's eyes widened in disbelief. "Knox won't like that at all."
Shana's voice grew stern, her eyes gleaming with a steely resolve. "Well, Knox isn't here right now, is he?"
"But-" Jamie began, her voice trailing off uncertainly.
"But nothing," Shana interrupted firmly, refusing to entertain any further objections. She turned her attention to Sophia, Aria, and Melody, her gaze sweeping over each of them. "Are you guys in or what?"
Melody glanced at Aria, a knowing smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Maybe Julian took them to the cave?"
Curiosity piqued, Sophia looked at Melody, her eyes filled with intrigue. "What cave are you talking about?"
Aria stepped forward,"We went there once before, trying to get Melody's mother," Aria explained, her voice carrying nostalgia. "It's a hidden cave deep within the Silvercrest territory."
Shana's eyes widened feigning anger,"You went on a rescue mission without involving me? You know I could have helped."
Aria laughed, stepping forward "You are way too dramatic. You were not back from Sophia's former pack. But I think you are right. We can't just keep sitting around waiting. We need to do something. Even if she isn't there. We will look around this time. I know every inch of the territory and if we happen to run into my bitch ass sister, when I dig my claws into her this time, I won't hesitate to pull it out with them."
With a resolute nod, Aria began walking.
Is it just me or was that pretty scary?" Melody whispered.
"We need to get that Crystal off her." Sophia turned to Jamie, "Are you coming?"
Jamie nodded, "Someone needs to pull Tyler's ear."
"That's if I don't pull them off him first."
Shana placed her hand on Melody's shoulder as they started walking. "We are going to get her back. We are going to bring everyone home. I can't wait to meet her. She had better be as pretty as you said she is."
Melody smiled as she followed the four she wolves into the woods.
A day had went by and Lucas had ignored his presence moving around like he didn't exist.
 Eli took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure as he stood up walking to where Lucas was gathering wood.
"You haven't given me a reply."
Lucas paused turning to him, "My daughter sent uou?"
"Yes, your daughter. She wants you to come home," he reiterated firmly.
Lucas's eyes bore into Eli's, searching for any hint of deception. "Why should I believe you?" he questioned skeptically.
Eli stepped forward. Lucas growled, a silent warning.
"I just want to show you the letter she wrote to you."
Lucas collected the letter from the younger wolf's hand.
His eyes scanned the letter quickly. A smile rose to his lips, "My daughter wrote this?"
Eli nodded. In one swift move, Lucas extracted his claws and slashed Eli's throat.
Eli's eyes widened in shock as his hands went to his throat. He stared at the blood in his hands and then he fell to the floor.
Lucas stood above Eli's body as he watched him bleed to his death. He looked at the letter one time, his bloodied claws staining the sheet.
An evil smile rose to his lips, "You are right dear daughter. It is time to come home."


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