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Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox) novel Chapter 39

Lilian anxiously paced outside the closed door, her heart pounding with anticipation. The room seemed to grow smaller with each passing second, suffocating her with worry. She had been waiting for what felt like an eternity, her mind filled with thoughts of the healer's verdict. She knew, deep down, that there was nothing more that could be done, but the glimmer of hope clung stubbornly to her heart.


Finally, the door creaked open, and the healer emerged, wearing a solemn expression on her face. Lilian's heart sank at the sight, as if the weight of her fears had materialized before her. She didn't need to ask; the healer's countenance spoke volumes. There was nothing that could be done to restore her son's wolf.


The healer bowed her head, her voice laced with regret. "I'm truly sorry, Luna, but there is nothing more I can do. I've heard stories of latent wolves and some whose wolves are asleep, but I have never encountered a case where a wolf is lost."


Lilian's mind raced, desperately searching for a glimmer of hope. She took a deep breath, attempting to compose herself before speaking. "Is there anyone else you could consult? Another healer, perhaps?"


The healer's expression turned skeptical, a mix of caution and doubt.

 "Clara, please," Lilian pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. "I cannot bring myself to accept that my son's wolf is gone forever. There must be someone else we can turn to."


After a moment of contemplation, the healer sighed. "There is one healer—an ancient one. But seeking her assistance always comes at a price. If anyone would know the truth about JB's wolf, it would be her. However, she resides deep within the Whispering Woods."


Lilian's body stiffened, her eyes widening in disbelief. "The Whispering Woods? But no one has ever ventured in there and returned. I cannot bear to ask any of our wolves to face such danger in search of answers."


The healer nodded in understanding, a mixture of sympathy and trepidation in her eyes. 

"You won't have to." Lilian and the healer turned their attention to the doorway, where JB stood, his expression resolute. He leaned against the frame, edging his body against it.


Lilian's voice trembled as she addressed her son, her worry overpowering her attempts at composure. "You can't possibly be considering entering those—"

"I'm going into the Whispering Woods myself." JB completed.


Lilian paced anxiously round the waiting on her mate. Bones cracked behind her. Lilian didn't let him fully compose herself before she stroked, "You can't possibly be thinking of letting him go in there."


Randy let out a weary sigh as he dressed himself nearby. "JB is a grown man, Lilian," he said, his voice tinged with resignation. "A trained sentinel. You know as well as I do that once he sets his mind to something, there's no stopping him."

"But he's your son. Make him listen to you." Lilian protested, her voice cracking with emotion.


Randy paused, frustration etched on his face. He ran his fingers through his hair in a gesture of exasperation. "And he's your son too," he snapped, his words sharper than intended. Realizing his outburst, he immediately softened his tone. "I'm sorry, Lilian. I didn't mean to snap at you. But you know JB—once he has a purpose, there's no turning him back."


Lilian flinched, taking a step back, wounded by his words. Her eyes welled up with tears, but she fought to hold them back. "Randy," she whispered, her voice trembling with hurt. "I just... I can't bear the thought of losing our son. What if he–"

Randy's heart softened as he witnessed the pain etched across Lilian's face. He reached out and gently pulled her closer, wrapping his arm around her waist. "I understand your fears, my love," he murmured, his voice filled with empathy. "But we need to have a little faith in JB. This is something he feels compelled to do, and if there's a chance that the healer holds answers or a solution to bring back his wolf, he needs to pursue it."


Tears welled in Lilian's eyes, shimmering like liquid crystals. She nestled her face against Randy's chest, seeking solace in his familiar warmth. "But what if it's all just a wild goose chase?" she whispered, her voice laced with vulnerability. "What if our son ventures into those treacherous woods and never returns to us?"


Randy held her tighter, his embrace providing a shield against the onslaught of doubt and fear. "We cannot let ourselves drown in the depths of 'what ifs,' my love," he said, his voice tinged with determination. "JB is strong, resilient, and resourceful. He is our son, and he carries our spirit within him. We must believe in his ability to navigate the unknown."


A tremor passed through Lilian's body as she took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to find the strength to hold onto hope. She lifted her gaze to meet Randy's, her eyes searching his face for reassurance. "What if he never returns?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Randy's expression softened, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and unwavering faith. "He will return, Lilian. He has to."


 Aria carefully picked up a dress in a deep shade of sapphire blue, its fabric flowing like water and adorned with delicate silver embroidery. She held it up to Sophia with a knowing smile.

"I think this one would look really nice on you," Aria suggested.

Sophia took the dress from her friend's hands and surveyed it, her eyes lingering on the intricate details. Her fingers delicately tracing the intricate patterns woven into the fabric. She stepped closer to the grand mirror, allowing her reflection to be bathed in the dress's ethereal glow. However, uncertainty clouded her features, and she sank down onto one of the plush sofas, her brows furrowing in contemplation.


"I don't know, Aria," Sophia sighed, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Nothing is speaking to me. What if I'm making a mistake?"

Aria gracefully seated herself on the floor, crossing her legs and leaning in closer to Sophia. Concern filled her eyes as she asked, "Do you truly feel like you're making a mistake?"

Sophia released a heavy breath, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon. "I don't know, Aria. Maybe I'm just desperate for a mate because I was rejected."


Aria's expression softened, realizing the depth of Sophia's pain. "Oh…I didn't know that. I'm really sorry," she murmured, her voice filled with empathy.

A bittersweet smile graced Sophia's lips. "That doesn't make up for me being a total bitch to you when we first met. I should have been the one that understood what you were going through the most but I was just so angry. Angry at him, angry at the world, angry at the moon goddess for seemingly choosing someone so cruel for me."


Aria's voice grew softer, laced with vulnerability, as she started. "Julian wasn't always my father's beta. It was my relationship with Liam that brought him close enough to the family for my father to choose him."

Aria's fingers instinctively touched the delicate necklace adorning her neck, her mother's necklace. Her eyes reflected a mix of sadness and understanding. "Sometimes I think if I hadn't fallen in love with Liam, all of this would have never happened. Julian would have never had a taste of power to fuel his ambitions."


Curiosity tinged Sophia's voice as she asked, "Do you still love him?"

Aria's smile held a tinge of melancholy. "You never truly fall out of love with your first love. A part of me wants to return to the pack just to make sure he is okay, but deep down, I know it's not the right path for me."


Aria's eyes grew distant, her thoughts wandering. "You know, the most ironic thing, Sophia? Liam rejected me and chose my sister, who didn't even want him. I can't help but wonder how long she has been plotting with Julian against my father's back."


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