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Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox) novel Chapter 45

Melody entered the dimly lit room, her eyes puffy and red from sleepless nights filled with worry. As she approached Shana's bedside, a weak smile tugged at her lips, but the heaviness in her heart kept it from reaching her eyes. She gently squeezed Shana's hand, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Judging from how red your eyes are, I will say you really missed me." Shana mustered a small smile, her weak form propped up on a stack of pillows.
 "You're awake," Melody replied, her voice filled with relief.
"Water, please," Shana requested, her parched throat yearning for refreshment.
Melody rose from her seat, her footsteps echoing softly on the cold, tiled floor as she made her way to the other side of the room. She filled a glass with water and returned to Shana's side, handing her the much-needed drink.
"Thanks," Shana expressed, her gratitude evident in her voice as she took a sip.
Melody turned to face Shana, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears that threatened to spill over. "Mel?" Shana inquired, concern etched across her features.
Tears cascaded down Melody's face, and her voice quivered with a mix of sadness and frustration.
 "You can't possibly still be this upset considering the fact that I'm awake." Shana said.
Melody sniffled, attempting to compose herself. "I'm sorry, Knox... My mum... She's gone," she revealed, her voice heavy with grief.
Shana's eyes widened in shock, her body tensing involuntarily. "What?" she exclaimed, struggling to sit up despite her weakened state.
Melody gently pressed a hand on Shana's shoulder, urging her to stay lying down. "Don't. Elizabeth said you need plenty of rest," she insisted, her concern evident in her voice.
Reluctantly, Shana relaxed back onto the pillows, her eyes brimming with questions. "I don't understand. Adeline left?" she questioned, searching for answers.
Melody shook her head, her voice tinged with sorrow. "No. Knox killed her."
Shana gasped, her hand instinctively covering her mouth in disbelief. "What?" she uttered, her voice barely a whisper.
A mixture of anguish and anger overcame Melody as she continued, her voice filled with a mixture of pain and resentment. "She was a spy. She was sent here by Julian. That's why it was so easy for him to bypass Knox's sentinels. She was feeding him information, and Knox found out..." Melody's voice trailed off as she choked on her words, her emotions overwhelming her.
"I'm so sorry, Mel," Shana offered sympathetically, her heart aching for her friend's loss.
Melody paced restlessly, her anguish consuming her. "I just can't believe it. I spent so much time believing she was dead, and somehow, by the Moon goddess' hands, I managed to get her back, and Knox just takes her away from me," she lamented, her voice trembling with sorrow.
Shana sighed wearily, her voice filled with a mix of compassion and understanding. "I'm really sorry, Mel. You know Knox kills offenders on the spot. He only spared you because, even though you're not related by blood, he loves you."
Melody's grief burst forth like a torrent, and she collapsed onto a nearby chair, her body wracked with sobs.
Shana pushed all the strength within her and managed to get to Melody's. She wrapped her tired hands against her while Melody sobbed even more.
Aria quietly pushed open the door, her eyes immediately falling upon the scene before her. She witnessed Shana's determined effort to stand, her arms enveloping Melody in a comforting embrace. Aria's heart swelled with both sympathy and relief as she stepped closer, entering the room.
Without a word, Aria joined the embrace, adding her own strength to the shared solace. The three friends stood together, supporting one another in the face of adversity, their unspoken understanding filling the room.
As the tears subsided, Aria took a step back, her eyes shifting between Melody and Shana. "I'm so glad you're awake, Shana," she murmured softly, a glimmer of genuine concern in her voice.
Shana managed a weak smile, gratitude evident in her eyes. "Thank you, Aria."
Melody nodded, her voice slightly hoarse from her earlier outburst. "I missed you. It has been so hard."
Aria's gaze softened, her voice filled with remorse.
"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen."
Shana nodded in understanding, "I know."
The atmosphere in the room gradually shifted, and a hint of lightness crept into their conversation. Aria, sensing the need for a momentary distraction from their sorrows, gently steered the topic towards happier events. "By the way. Can you believe Sophia is finally getting mated tomorrow? Keena has been hiding her away from everyone. Calling her the "wolf of the moment."
Melody's eyes lit up momentarily, a small smile gracing her lips, "And her brother had been watching oner you for the past two days. He refused to leave side. Is there anything we need to know?"
Shana laughed but it was weak, "There is nothing to know. He probably just didn't want to get involved in the hassle of planning."
Aria wiggled her eyebrow, a mischievous smile playing on her lips, "Is that right? And how would you know what he doesn't want to get involved in?"
Shana clicked her tongue, "I don't even have strength for the both of you. I'm going to lie down."
 Elizabeth entered the room, her presence commanding attention. The three friends turned their focus toward her, curiosity and hope filling their eyes.
Elizabeth wore a thoughtful expression, her eyes flickering with a mix of determination and excitement. "I have news," she declared, her voice carrying an air of authority. "After much research and countless spells, I believe I have finally figured out a way to remove the Shadowbane Crystal from Aria."
The room fell into a hushed silence as the weight of Elizabeth's words settled upon them. Melody, Shana, and Aria exchanged glances, their hearts pounding with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.
Melody found her voice first, her tone cautious yet hopeful. "Elizabeth, that's incredible. Tell us more. How can we remove the Crystal?"
Elizabeth's eyes sparkled with a newfound sense of purpose. "To undo the bond between Aria and the Crystal, we must venture to the past. We need to travel back to the time when Mira was alive."
Shana's eyes widened, "What?"
"I'm afraid so. She made the Crystal. Only her has the power to undo it's magic. I'm honestly surprised you are still standing and the whispers aren't driving you crazy. Your wolf must be very strong."
Aria's eyes turned sad as she remembered the wolf from the shop, "I think the quiet is more scarier than the whispers." then her brows furrowed with a mix of curiosity and concern. "But how do we accomplish that? Is time travel even possible?"
Elizabeth nodded, her voice filled with conviction. "Yes, it is possible through ancient magic and a powerful enchantment. We can put you to sleep with a spell and transport your consciousness to the past, allowing you to meet Mira herself."
Shana's voice trembled with a mix of excitement and worry. "Are there risks involved? What if something goes wrong?"
Elizabeth's expression softened, and she placed a reassuring hand on Shana's shoulder. "There are always risks with such magic, but I have taken every precaution. I have studied and prepared extensively. I truly believe this is our best chance to sever the connection between Aria and the Crystal."
Melody's eyes gleamed with determination, her voice filled with unwavering resolve. "We've come this far, and we won't back down now."
Aria's gaze moved from Elizabeth to her friends, her heart swelling with gratitude for their unwavering support. With a determined nod, she spoke, her voice resolute. "I'm ready. If it means freeing myself from the Crystal's grasp and protecting those I love, I will do whatever it takes."
Knox sat in his study, his piercing gaze locked onto the three kneeling wolves before him. Ryder and Jacob, his trusted sentinels, flanked him on either side, their expressions a mix of vigilance and readiness. The room buzzed with a tense energy as the weight of the situation hung in the air.
"Why did you come here to kill my mate?" Knox's voice resonated with authority, demanding an answer that would satisfy his righteous anger.
Richard, the apparent leader of the three wolves, slowly rose from his kneeling position, his eyes meeting Knox's unwaveringly. His voice carried a hint of defiance as he spoke. "Alpha Randy sent us. He deemed your mate, Aria, a threat to our pack—A threat to all wolves."
Knox's eyes narrowed, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. "A threat? What makes you believe that?"
"The attack on JB left him without his wolf. He could not heal and then when he tried to shift, his wolf was just gone."
Knox's gaze flickered with surprise and concern as Richard's revelation sank in. The weight of the situation became even more apparent, the implications of Aria's ability to sever the bond between a wolf and their spirit striking him with profound impact.
"So, Aria took JB's wolf spirit?" Knox's voice was a mix of disbelief and unease. "How is that even possible?"
Richard's features hardened, his voice tinged with bitterness. "We don't have all the details, but when Aria attacked JB, she somehow tapped into his essence and stripped him of his wolf. Now, he's left defenseless."
Knox's mind raced, the magnitude of Aria's power settling heavily upon his shoulders. He couldn't deny the fear that crept into his heart, not only for his mate but for the potential consequences her ability could have on their pack and the delicate balance of their world.
A mix of anger and concern welled up within Knox as he confronted Richard, his voice laden with both authority and urgency. "You expect me to believe that Aria has the power to take away a wolf's essence? To render them ordinary humans? How could this be?"
Richard's gaze hardened, his voice holding a bitter edge. "I understand your disbelief, Alpha Knox, but I witnessed it with my own eyes. JB was strong, fiercely loyal, and now he's stripped of everything that defined him as a wolf. Aria's power is real, and it poses a significant threat to our kind."
Knox's alpha instincts wrestled with the unsettling news. His protective nature clashed with the realization that his mate possessed an ability that could potentially unravel their pack's very existence. He took a deep breath, his voice firm yet tinged with worry.
"I cannot ignore the gravity of this revelation, Richard. The consequences of Aria's power are far-reaching. It's my duty as Alpha to ensure the safety and well-being of my pack. But I will not make any hasty decisions without first understanding the full extent of her abilities."
Richard's gaze softened slightly, acknowledging the weight of Knox's responsibility. "Alpha Randy fears that others may suffer the same fate as JB. That's why he sent us to eliminate Aria—out of fear for the safety of our pack."
Knox's eyes flashed with intensity, his voice laced with determination. "It is not for Alpha Randy to decide the fate of my mate. We will find a way to address this situation without resorting to violence. Aria deserves a chance to explain herself and for us to understand the true nature of her abilities."
Ryder, who had remained silent until now, stepped forward, his voice filled with unwavering loyalty. "Alpha Knox, we believe in Aria's goodness. She has shown nothing but compassion and loyalty to our pack. Let us investigate further before we rush to judgment."
Knox nodded, gratitude flickering in his eyes. "You are right, Ryder. We will seek guidance and knowledge. The witches, Elizabeth and her coven, have ancient wisdom that may shed light on Aria's power. Arrange a meeting with them."
Jacob's brows furrowed, his voice cautious. "But Alpha, how do we ensure Aria's safety while we unravel these mysteries? What if the others catch wind of it?"
A determined fire burned in Knox's eyes as he responded, his voice steady. "Aria's safety is paramount. We will not expose her to unnecessary risks. She will remain protected within our pack while we seek answers. The safety of our kind depends on it."
Taking a deep breath, Knox's voice resonated with authority as he made his final decree. "Richard, you and your companions will leave my territory unharmed. I will not respond to this threat with bloodshed, but understand this—the safety of my pack and my mate is of paramount importance to me. Any further aggression from your pack will be met with swift retaliation and tell Alpha Randy that our alliance is over. He looked around his study, if anyone makes a move on my mate."
His eyes fixated on Richard, "They will be met with death instantly."


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