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Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox) novel Chapter 90

"I... I don't know what you're talking about," Rebecca managed to choke out, her voice shaky.
Seraphina finally ran out of patience, her eyes flashing with anger, "Cut the crap, Rebecca," she said sharply. "Do you think I brought you into this pack, that Aria welcomed you with open arms, for you to be a damn fool?"
Rebecca's heart raced, her pretense slipping away as the reality of the situation settled in. She met Seraphina's gaze, her own eyes hardening with a newfound resolve. "Fine," she said, her voice laced with bitterness. "You want the truth? I don't care. I don't care about Knox, or this pack. Knox deserves death after killing my mate.""
Seraphina's gaze bore into Rebecca's, her words cutting through the night air like a blade. "I am trying to earn my place here. It's still hard for them to trust me. I'll not allow you to ruin it for me."
Rebecca's shoulders squared, her resolve firm. "So what now, Seraphina? Are you going to report me? Turn me over to Knox?"
Seraphina shook her head, "I won't make that decision for you. But know this, Rebecca: if you continue down this path, you'll be putting yourself in grave danger. And the consequences of your actions will have far-reaching repercussions."
Seraphina's anger simmered down a bit, "I am trying to earn my place here," she said, her voice firm, "It's still hard for them to trust me. I won't allow you to ruin it for me."
Rebecca's lips curled into a bitter smile, her bitterness matching the edge in her voice. "Trust, loyalty, it's all just a charade, isn't it? We're all pawns in this game, Seraphina."
Seraphina's eyes flashed with irritation, "It's not that simple. There's more at stake here than you realize."
Rebecca's shoulders remained squared, her defiance unyielding. "So what do you want me to do, Seraphina? Beg for forgiveness and pretend I'm loyal to the pack that took everything from me?"
Seraphina shook her head, her tone tinged with disappointment. "I'm not asking you to beg. But I am asking you to consider the consequences of your actions. Knox is not a forgiving Alpha. If he discovers your betrayal, Aria won't protect you."
Rebecca's gaze hardened, her emotions a turbulent mix of anger and sorrow. "I've lost everything already," she said, her voice trembling with raw emotion. "My mate, my home... I have nothing left to lose."
Seraphina's gaze held steady, her expression a reflection of the weight of her own experiences. "Revenge won't fill the void, Rebecca. It won't bring back what's been taken from you. It will only consume you. I learnt that the hard way."
Rebecca's jaw tightened, her fists clenched at her sides. "You don't understand," she spat, her voice laced with bitterness. "You have no idea what it's like to lose someone you love because of this pack. And don't even mention Julian. You didn't love him like I loved Nikolai."
Seraphina's eyes softened, her voice gentle yet unwavering. "I may not know your pain exactly, but I know loss and I loved Julian and I know the darkness hatred and anger it can bring. But revenge won't bring them back. It will only perpetuate the cycle of pain."
Rebecca three her head back in laughter, "Wow. You are really into this second chance shit. Isn't that cute?"
Seraphina sighed tiredly, "I honestly do not have the strength for this. I won't tell Knox. He will just think I'm in on it. But you had better stop, Rebecca. I won't tell you again."
Ryder laid on the ground with the blade still in his chest. Amid the darkness that embraced him, he found himself drifting through the recesses of his memories. It was as though time itself had unraveled, and he was transported back to his childhood, a time when the weight of the world had yet to burden his shoulders.
His senses tingled as he sucked in a breath, trying to grasp for air. He felt the world drifting away. He closes his eyes drifting through different memories and then one in particular played out in his mind.
He stood in a sunlit meadow, the grass brushing against his legs as a gentle breeze ruffled his hair.
A smile graced his father's lips as he knelt down to meet his own gaze, his eyes warm with paternal affection. "Ryder," his father began, his voice a blend of tenderness and a hint of playfulness. "There's something I need to tell you."
Wide-eyed with curiosity, he looked up at his father, his eager anticipation palpable. "What is it, father?"
His father's smile widened as he crouched down, his hands resting on Ryder's shoulders. "You come from a special line, Ryder," he explained, his tone both gentle and serious. "We are... werewolves."
His eyes widened in wonder,"Werewolves? Like in the stories?"
His father chuckled softly, ruffling his hair. "Yes, but real. We can shift between human and wolf forms. It's a gift, and a responsibility."
Ryder's chest swelled with pride, his voice tinged with determination. "I'll be the biggest, strongest werewolf ever then just like you."
His father's laughter filled the air, a hearty sound that seemed to carry the promise of a brighter future. But then the laughter shifted into a harsh cough.
Suddenly the meadow scene wavered, the colors bleeding into an ominous hue, and the idyllic atmosphere shattered like fragile glass.
Ryder's joyful expression twisted into one of concern as his father continued coughing, "Dad, are you okay?" he asked, his voice trembling.
His father's coughing subsided, replaced by a strained smile that failed to mask the pain in his eyes. "I'm fine, Ryder," he managed to reassure, his words strained. "Just a bit tired, that's all."
The meadow turned even darker, its beauty marred by a creeping darkness that seemed to claw at the edges of Ryder's vision. He looked around frantically, his father was suddenly gone, "Father ? Where are you?"
No response came, only the suffocating silence that seemed to mock his pleas. Ryder's heart pounded in his chest, his breaths coming quicker as panic clawed at the edges of his consciousness. "Father! Answer me!"
But the memory was fading, the scene dissipating like smoke in the wind. Ryder's voice grew hoarse as he shouted, his cries echoing into emptiness. "Father, where are you?"
His vision wavered as he struggled to hold onto consciousness, his memories mingling with the present. He felt a touch of warmth on his cheek and heard his father's voice, distant yet hauntingly close. "Ryder..."
"Ryder!" Lydia's voice pierced through the haze, her desperate cries echoing in his ears. He felt her presence beside him, her touch against his skin. The darkness seemed to recede slightly, allowing him to glimpse her tear-streaked face, filled with fear and anguish.
Bones cracked behind Lydia as Knox arrived, his expression a mix of concern and urgency. He knelt beside Ryder, his hands hovering uncertainly as he assessed the situation. The blade was still embedded in Ryder's chest, a stark reminder of the danger he faced.
Ryder managed a weak smile. With a blood-stained hand, he reached up to wipe away Lydia's falling tears. "Don't cry, my love," he rasped, his voice a mere whisper. "Everything will be fine."
Lydia's eyes shimmered with tears as they fell freely. Her wolf curled up in pain. Now that she was near her mate, she could feel his pain and it hurt like hell. She clung to his hand, her fingers trembling against his touch. "We'll get you help, Ryder," she said, "Just hold on."
Knox's brows furrowed as he examined the wound, his mind racing to find a solution. "We need to get that blade out," he said, his voice steady despite the urgency of the situation. "Ryder, this is going to hurt, but I need you to brace yourself."
Ryder nodded, his jaw clenched as he prepared himself for the impending pain. With a deep breath, Knox's hands moved swiftly, his touch gentle yet purposeful. The blade was removed, causing an agonizing burst of pain to radiate through Ryder's chest. He gritted his teeth, a guttural sound escaping his lips as he fought to remain conscious.
 "You are going to be fine." She turned to Knox, "He just needs to heal now right?"
A minute passed, "Why isn't he healing?"
Knox's expression was grim as he examined the wound, his mind working to staunch the bleeding and provide Ryder with the care he needed. "I don't know. We need to get him back to the pack," he said to Lydia, his voice urgent. "We'll do everything we can to save him.
Ryder's vision blurred, the edges of his consciousness fading as the darkness threatened to consume him once more, "I love you, Lydia." was the last thing he managed to whisper before darkness consumed him.


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