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Shadows Of The Pack (Aria and Knox) novel Chapter 95

The room was still steeped in an uneasy silence, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on everyone's shoulders. Lydia remained by Ryder's side, her fingers intertwined with his, while her friends maintained their positions around her, offering silent support. The dim glow of moonlight and the flickering candle flames painted a scene of quiet vigilance.


Amidst this tranquility, Aria's crescent mark on her wrist shimmered faintly, the iridescent light catching her attention. She glanced down at her wrist, her brows furrowing in surprise. Her wolf began to pace restlessly within her, her unease palpable. It was as if an invisible thread tugged at Aria's instincts, urging her forward.


 She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and attempting to calm the wild rhythm of her heart. "Easy, girl," she whispered softly to her wolf, trying to communicate through their shared connection. "We need to stay here with Lydia."


But her wolf's pacing only grew more urgent, as if it could sense something beyond Aria's understanding. It nudged at Aria's instincts insistently, its message clear: something was amiss, something needed her attention.


Knox, who had been seated a short distance away, caught the subtle change in Aria's demeanor. Their psychic bond allowed him to sense the fluctuations in her emotions, and he felt a ripple of concern through their connection. He closed his eyes briefly, reaching out to Aria mentally. "Aria, what's wrong?"


Aria's mental response was laced with uncertainty. "I don't know, Knox. Something's... off. My wolf is restless, and it's urging me toward Ryder."


Knox's mental voice was a mixture of caution and curiosity. "Restless how? What do you think is going on?"


Aria's wolf pendant continued to glimmer faintly against her skin, its glow matching the erratic pace of her heart. **I can't explain it, Knox. It's like a pull, a feeling that I can't ignore. My wolf wants me to go to Ryder.**


Knox's silence resonated with contemplation, and Aria's unease deepened. She knew that Knox, with his natural intuition, would be able to sense the urgency of the situation. Her wolf's pacing became more insistent, and it was all Aria could do to remain seated, the conflict between her instincts and her sense of duty tearing at her


"Aria,"Knox's mental voice finally broke the silence, "if your wolf is urging you to go to Ryder, then go. We need to trust our instincts, even if we don't fully understand them."


Aria's eyes met Knox's across the room, gratitude and anxiety warring within her. She nodded, her expression a mixture of determination and uncertainty. She whispered softly to her wolf, her voice carrying the weight of her emotions. "Alright, girl. We're going."


As she rose from her spot, the glimmering crescent mark on her wrist seemed to brighten in response to her decision. Her wolf's pacing began to subside, its restlessness replaced by a sense of urgency mixed with purpose.


Knox watched as Aria approached Ryder's bedside, her steps measured but purposeful. Lydia's gaze lifted as Aria drew near, and the two women exchanged a brief, understanding glance. Aria's touch on Ryder's hand was gentle, her presence a silent promise of solidarity.


Lydia's voice was a mixture of gratitude and worry. "Thank you for being here, Aria."


Aria's voice was soft but resolute. "Always, Lydia."


As Aria stood beside Ryder, her wolf's energy seemed to pulse in time with her heartbeat, a shared rhythm of determination. She looked down at Ryder's pale face, his features marked by pain but also an undeniable strength. Her wolf urged her to offer her strength, her energy, to him.


Aria's hand hovered over Ryder's chest, her gaze focused on his closed eyes. She closed her eyes herself, her mind reaching out in a silent plea, a connection formed not just through words but through the very essence of their beings.


"Ryder," she whispered mentally, her voice carrying her emotions, "we're all here with you. We're fighting alongside you, every step of the way. You're not alone in this battle."


Aria's heart raced as she held onto that mental connection, her energy mingling with Ryder's in a moment that transcended the physical world. And in that moment, as her wolf's energy intertwined with his, she could almost feel a response—a subtle shift in Ryder's energy, a flicker of consciousness amidst the darkness.


As Aria's hand hovered over Ryder's chest, a soft, ethereal glow began to emanate from her palm. The room, bathed in the moonlight's embrace, seemed to hold its breath as the energy radiated from her fingertips. Lydia's gaze lifted from Ryder's still form, confusion etched across her features. She opened her mouth to speak, her voice a mixture of surprise and concern. "Aria, what's happening?"


Aria's eyes remained focused on Ryder, her expression a blend of determination and wonder. "I don't fully understand, Lydia," she admitted, her voice hushed. "But something's... changing."


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