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She’s Married, Sir (Scarlett and Sebastian) novel Chapter 182

Chapter 182 

Dey understood why she had uttered such harsh words to lur previously 

Fearing he would be overcome with sadness and guilt upon seeing hier demise, she chased him away 

It was evident that Scarlett had never altered her feelings for him; she had been cherishing him in her thoughts even as she was passing away 

He thought that she has fallen in love with Sebastian, and was even so cruel towards her 

His hand trembled as he was overwhelmed by a deep sense of guilt 

Scarlett sensed his powerlessness and gave his palm another pinch Laam, can you go back?” 

Dev raised his hand to caress her pale face and murmured softly, “Scarlett, no matter what you say this time, I won’t go away. I’ll always be here for you, lorever…” 

The word “forever” was too heavy for her to bear, but she did not want to hurt him. 

She inhaled a deep breath of oxygen to ease the sensation of being smothered and uttered to him, “Liam, I truly don’t have the energy to talk. Could 1 st for a bit?” 

Dey was distressed and nodded. “Okay, you sleep. Can I stay by your side?” 

He asked carefully, as if he was afraid that she would drive him away. 

Scarlett nodded slightly to show her response and closed her eyes. 

Dev sat by the bed, motionless, staring at her pule Lace. 

After she completely fell asleep, he took out his phone and called Yan. 

Yan, who was pestering Lanny in the director’s office, was slightly stunned when he saw the call. 

Upon sending a message to explain the last time, Yan was left ignored by Dev. However, Dev now taking the initiative to talk to him made Yan somewhat happy. 

He immediately let go of Lanny, unlocked the phone, and answered the phone, “Hello, Dev, what’s up?” 

Dey asked in a deep voice, “Can you treat heart failure?” 

When Yan heard him inquire about this, he knew who he was inquiring about. “Do you have a donor?” 

A sense of powerlessness hit him, and he let go of his clenched list. “No…” 

After pondering for a moment, Yan solemnly replied, “Dey, without a suitable heart, no one can save her. Forgive me for being powerless.” 

Dev meekly replied, “It’s alright.” Then he hung up the phone. His sorrowful eyes gazed at the person on the bed, who was fading away gradually…. 

Susan had already gotten the water, yet she was in no rush to return. 

Leaning against the wall in a daze, she felt her phone vibrate several times but paid it no heed. 

When she received a notification from WhatsApp, she only took it out to have a quick look. 

Cosmo couldn’t get through to her, so he sent her a message. 

He inquired of her when she would return tonight and for what reason she was at the hospital. 

Had he truly been concerned for her, he should have inquired as to why she was going to the hospital before asking when she would be returning tonight. 

He wanted to do something with Cassandra at home but was concerned Susan might return unexpectedly, so he asked her 

Susan loathed the man who even desired to have sexual relations with a pregnant woman from the depths of her soul. 

Considering the potential predicament she could face in the future, she fought off her revulsion and typed a response: “Tm gonna stay in the dorm tonight and head back tomorrow 

After sending it, she pocketed her phone, her eyes flashing with a hint of viciousness. 

She wanted to install a surveillance camera and damage the reputation of the adulterous couple. 

She picked up the water and returned to the ward, her expression darkening slightly when she saw Dev sitting motionless in front of the bed. 

“Mr. Gatsby, you can go back. Leave her to me.” 


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