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She’s Married, Sir (Scarlett and Sebastian) novel Chapter 191


Chapter 191 

When Susan 

the letter, she wa 

The bank 

the envelope 

Tow ally. Before she died, the was worrie 

“Scarlett. I don’t need your money. I just want 

vily on her heart, leaving her unable to breathe 

my money, but 

Holding the envelope in her hand, Susan felt a longing 


never before, causing her to break down in tears until her heart 

In the end. Susan fell asleep 

caution. Even in her dream 

She was unwilling, yet subconsiously hoping for Sc. 


was the scene of Scarlett reti 

n her dre 

ng her 

When she awoke and returned to reality, the powerle 

I her entire heart suffer 

She opened her swollen eyes, gazing dazedly at the ceiling. The world was eerily quiet, as if she were the only one left. 

Her phone rang agam and again finally prom 

cart, though she had no idea how long it had been 

Scarlett’s phone 

The ringtone came from the CC paper bag, and it 

Susan was stunned for a few seconds and forced herself to ansi 

the phone 

When he saw Sebastian’s name on the screen. Susan’s finger paused. 

Before Scarlett died, she wanted to him, at least listen to his voice, but he had Scarlee answer the phone 

Such a heartless man was not qualified to know the ne 

Scarlett’s death 

Susan did not answer, and after several calls, he stopped calling 

She originally wanted to put down the phone to pack Scarlett’s clothes, but she saw a person called Mr. You send countless 


During this period of time, the phone received message apology for the day Scarlett was hospitalized in a coma 

harassing words about missing Scarlett, as well as an 

Susan could not comprehend the significance of the apology, she only felt that Mr. Yea’s harassment of Scarlett prior to her passing had already been too much. She did not wish for Scarlett to endure such harassment even after her death. 

She picked up her phone and sent à message to Mr. Yea 

Before this, in Houston, the United States, Sebastian had just finished a closed meeting that lasted for several days and nights 

He took Leo out of the space agency and went straight to the extended luxury car parked at the door 

The car started quickly. The man leaned against the back seat of the car and rubbed his eyebrows uredly. 

“Did anyone contact me back at home?” 

“NASA didn’t let us turn on our phones, so I switched it off. I’m not sure if anyone tried to reach you.” 

Leo explained. He quickly took out his phone to turn it on 

The Space Administration had done a good job of keeping it a secret. After he followed Mr. Jackman in, his phone was confiscated and turned off. 

He was not allowed to walk around, not even go out to buy anything. He could only stay inside and wait for Mr. Jackman until the meeting ended. 

Unexpectedly, this meeting had been held for so many days, and no one knew how anxious the people back home were Leo pressed the button several times, but it didn’t turn on. It should be out of battery 


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