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She’s Married, Sir (Scarlett and Sebastian) novel Chapter 196

Chapter 196 

Sebastian walked in front of the two of them and glanced at them. He asked coldly, “Where is she?” 

Susan had seen Sebastian for the second time now. The initial encounter took place when Sebastian himself arrived to 

collect Scarlett 

At that time. he was sitting in the car and did not come out. Susan only saw his side profile 

At that time she only felt that he had good genes and was good-looking 

At this moment standing face to face with him. Susan was a little shocked and scared. 

It was not because of his appearance, but because of the powerful aura emitted from him 

The innate noble and cold temperament, coupled with the aloof style, left people no choice but to be in shock. 

Dey couldn’t help but snort when he saw that Sebastian was late and still had a lofty appearance 

“You want to see her?” 

He raised his slender finger and pointed at the grave behind him “She’s over there” 

Sebastian looked in the direction of his finger When he saw the photo on the tombstone, his face paled. 

As he spoke, his icy and detached gaze transformed into an expression of utter disbelief. “That’s impossible!” After Sebastian finished speaking, he turned his head and instructed Leo in a cold voice, “Open the grave!” He did not believe that Scarlett would be inside. He was determined to expose their lies! 

Leo waved his hand at the bodyguards. They immediately went forward to dig the grave. 

Seeing this, Susan rushed over to stop the bodyguards, while Dev grabbed Sebastian by the collar. 

“Sebastian! She is already dead, and you still want to dig her grave How could you? 

After hearing the word ‘dead’ time and time again, Sebastian felt as if a knife had been stabbed into his heart. 

He curled his fingers and suppressed the pain. He raised his scarlet eyes and looked coldly at Dev. “Did you hide her in order to keep her to yourself?” 

Dev snorted and looked at Sebastian as if he was looking at a lunatic “You are so pitiful. You don’t even dare to face her death” 

Sebastian really didn’t want to hear that word again. He shoved Dev away. 

He quickly walked to the front of the grave, ignored the photo on the tombstone, and raised his hand to dig the grave with 

brute force 

Seeing him go crazy, Susan somehow got the courage to rush over and slap him hard. 

“She called you the day she passed away, but you didn’t pick up. Now you are going crazy in front of her grave. What is wrong with you?” 

Seeing that this woman dared to hit Sebastian, Leo wanted to press her down, but Sebastian raised his hand to stop Leo. The slap didn’t even register as pain to him, the emotional pain had numbed the physical 

He raised his eyes and looked at Susan slowly “Miss Croft, I just want to confirm whether the person in the grave is het….” 

Susan thought that he was really crazy So many people told him that Scarlett had already passed away, but he still did not believe it! 

She disregarded his words. She stretched out to safeguard the tombstone, “Whoever attempts to open my Scarlett’s grave, they shall have to pass over my corpse!” 

Sebastian sneered, “You don’t dare to let me see her, which means she is not dead at all!* 


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