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She’s Married, Sir (Scarlett and Sebastian) novel Chapter 197

Chapter 197 

Sebastian’s fingers already curled up slightly, clenched tightly at Dev’s words, his nails digging deep into his palms. He pressed down on the pain with all his might, yet it was unable to stifle the anguish that emanated from his heart. The heartache that he had never felt before quickly spread to his limbs and bones. 

It was like an electric current piercing through his body, causing his entire body to ache. 

But even if it hurt to this extent, he did not believe that Scarlett was dead. 

He had not even had the time to look at her, how could she diet 

She would not die! She must have hidden somewhere, it must be that! 

Sebastian’s eyes, glaring red, glanced past Dey and settled on Susan. 

When Susan saw that pair of blood-red eyes, she could not help but be shocked. 

Such a heartless man would actually show such an expression? 

Before she could look away, Sebastian suddenly grabbed her hand. 

“Take me to your house!” 

After Sebastian finished speaking, he directly dragged her out of the cemetery. 

“Sebastian! What are you doing?!” 

Dev rushed forward to stop him but was blocked by Leo. 

Dev’s bodyguard saw this and immediately went forward to fight with Leo. 

The bodyguards behind Leo also quickly punched them. 

The bodyguards on both sides were fighting, but Dev brought fewer people and was soon subdued on the ground. 

“Sebastian, if you dare to do anything to Susan. I will definitely not spare you 

Sebastian acted as if he did not hear it and dragged Susan quickly to the luxury car that the bodyguards drove over. 

After pushing her up, he personally drove the car in the direction of the apartment. 

Susan sat in the car and looked at Sebastian, who was pretending to be calm but had a pale face. 

He had obviously believed her, but he just did not dare to face the truth 

Now he forced them to go to her home, probably to verify the truth. 

She wondered what kind of reaction he would have when he was done with his verification. Sebastian stopped the car at the door and signed for Susan to take him to the apartment. Susan rolled her eyes at him, but still got out of the car and took him to the small 

The room was very small, and only Scarlett’s bedroom door was closed. 

Sebastian walked quickly to the door of the bedroom. 


He raised his hand and wanted to push the door open, but when he touched the door handle, he suddenly stopped. 

He stood outside the room and knocked instead. “Scarlett, open the door.” 

After knocking three times, no one came to open the door. 

Sebastian’s heart tightened bit by bit, but he was still unwilling to accept it. “Scarlett, it’s me. Open the door.” 

It had been a long time since he called her name that way. He suddenly missed her and wanted to hug her and call her in her 


Mustering up the courage, he opened the door to find a warm, clean room. Everything was in its place, yet she was nowhere to be seen. 

Sebastian’s heart suddenly sank, but he still refused to believe it. He walked in and opened the wardrobe. 


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