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She’s Married, Sir (Scarlett and Sebastian) novel Chapter 214

Chapter 214 

Dev purchased a bouquet of chrysanthemums and visited the cemetery. 

Before he walked over, he saw a tall, straight figure kneeling at the tombstone. 

The man had disheveled hair and a pallid face, so haggard that Dev almost didn’t recognize him. 

He anticipated that Sebastian was about to speak to Scarlett, so he halted. 

After waiting for a long time, Sebastian remained silent, his gaze fixed on the photo as he watched it in quiet contemplation. 

Dev also walked over and placed the chrysanthemums in front of the tombstone, 

Sebastian’s eyelashes trembled slightly, as if sensing someone had come, yet he did not look up, as if he already knew who it 


The two men stood silently in front of the tombstone, gazing at the photo, neither speaking nor harboring any hatred. 

towards one another. 

After a long silence, Dev spoke first, “Do you love her?” 

Sebastian felt a pang of regret in his heart as if he had fallen into an abyss of despair, unable to free himself. 

He raised his trembling hand and, with a press of his right wrist, released a flow of blood that brought him a slight sense of relief 

Upon viewing the injury on his wrist. Dey seemed to comprehend something. It appears that you do love her…” 

Sebastian pursed his thin lips and remained silent, his right wrist increasingly squeezed by the hand pressing on it. 

Dev glanced at him and didn’t prevent him from self-harming. He kept asking. “Do you think she loved you?” 

Sebastian’s words seemed to stimulate him, causing him to raise his head and look at Dev with his scarlet eyes. 

“The person she loved had always been you…” 

For the past five years, she had been calling out Liam’s name in her sleep, never once uttering Sebastian’s, so how could she possibly love him? 

The words she left him made him feel that, although she may have had feelings for him, it was not love. 

Dev suddenly felt that Sebastian was very sad. He couldn’t even figure out Scarlett’s feelings for him. No wonder he was so indifferent to her. 

He had no intention of informing Sebastian of the truth; instead, he would let Sebastian remain in the anguish of mistakenly believing that Scarlett did not love him. 

He ceased speaking to Sebastian and, from his suit bag, took out a wedding photo which he placed in front of Scarlett’s 


He gazed at Scarlett’s photo and murmured, ‘Scarlett, I kept my word and married you. You will be my wife in the days. ahead.” 

Seeing the photo, Sebastian’s face suddenly turned pale. “You… married her?” 

Seeing that Sebastian found it hard to accept, Dev could not help but smile, ‘She was mine to begin with. Is there anything. wrong with that?” 

Sebastian picked up the marriage certificate, and upon seeing Scarlett and Dev’s joyous smiles, he was overcome with jealousy. 


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