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Shouldn't Have Kissed You novel Chapter 33

It's been one week and everything seems way better than before. Maya can make jokes with Chris and they can share different stories without getting on each others throats. And that is a good thing, right? There are no more insults and humiliation at all and life has never been any better than it is now.

Maya took of her white coat and gloves once she got to her office. The patient that had come in the previous week as an emergency was getting well and she couldn't help but feel happy. He was responding to treatment well and he continued that way, in less than a month he will be discharged from the hospital.

She pulled her tablet from the table and there was no missed calls which was a good thing. Her friend would be landing in an hour which gave her less than thirty minutes to get home and freshen up before driving to the airport.

Maya pulled her handbag and car keys that were on the table before she walked out. All the drive home she only wished that her husband wasn't at home. But when was he not at home early this past one week? In fact, he was the one who was making dinner everyday and she couldn't help but fall in love.

Of course not with her husband but with the food that he was making for her. It was heavenly every time she took his different meal every night. It's not that Alma's food wasn't good but compared with Chris, she was number two which wasn't a bad thing.

Thinking of Chris, Maya couldn't help but think of the night that he had made those sweet mashed potatoes. They're delicious but he had to ruin the fun when he took her delicious dessert away from her. She had got mad to be honest and when she took her phone to tell Leonel what had happened, he sent laughing emoji to her and told her that her husband was whipped but he hasn't noticed it yet.

When she was about to text back what he meant, Chris walked in and took her phone away from her. Of course she knew the meaning of being whipped but it didn't make sense to her. The same way it didn't make sense to her when Chris said he wasn't jealous since she felt disappointment wash over her.

Why? She had no idea herself.

Maya pulled in front of their mansion and took her handbag along with her. She unlocked the front door and walked inside towards the stairs. She had less than twenty minutes to get all freshened up so she didn't need to pass the kitchen as she had gotten used to for the past one week.

Maya dropped her bag on the couch and walked to her suitcase to pick out her clothes to wear. Since she had no time, she picked her white ranked jeans and a green off shoulder. Maya walked to the bathroom and let the water run and she took off her black dress. She stepped in the shower and allowed the cold water to fall over her body.

Maya walked out all dressed and took her purse which she transferred her tablet and just when she was wearing her white sneakers, the bedroom door opened showing her dear husband. Chris was in a blue suit with a Rolex watch at his wrist which he was about to remove but stopped midway.

"Hey," Maya greeted finishing to tie her last shoe laces.

She watched Chris remove his watch and but all this time she tried not to stare at him. His messy hair looked tempting to run her fingers in it and she wanted nothing more than to do it.

"Where are you going?" She watched her husband ask as he placed the watch on the nightstand.

Maya got on her feet and took her black purse.

"To the airport and I'm behind time as it is." She began to walk towards the door. "See you when you see me."

Just when she was about to close the door Chris spoke up.

"What do you mean you're going to the airport? Are you traveling? And if yes, why didn't you tell me?"

Maya looked at the man who was few steps away from her. She had good him. She had told Chris about her friend arriving today and her picking Kyle up. She did but now he couldn't remember? It was only one day ago and he already forgot about it.

How was that even possible? To say she was pissed right now, it would be understatement. She was boiling up. Maya had told Leonel a week ago when she had told him about what Kyle had thought about revenge and the guy didn't forget. In fact he was the one who kept reminding her not to get too much into work and leave her friend stranded in the airport.

Now, did she have the right to be mad? She didn't want to start a fight with her husband and not at the moment. So she did what she thought was the best at that moment. Fake a smile and speak. It was that simple since all her life she had to do that. He fake and now being Maya was when Leonel was around. That was Maya and she thought she could be her with her husband, but she was wrong. The one week was great but it seems she has to come back to reality.

The reality that they're only married on paper and not real couples for one to remember everything that their spouses say. That was the reality. The bitter reality of her life. Or maybe she was reading too much in between the lines. Was she?

"I'm going to pick up my best friend who is landing in less than twenty minutes and I'm not there for her to see me and the one I told you about the previous day. Remember?"

Maya didn't miss the look Chris' face. He looked hurt and she did want to say something that hurt him more but she held her tongue or she thought she did.

"Leonel did remember and I told him one week ago, you know." She was fighting her tears back. "And you know what is funny? That wasn't the main thing we were talking about. That was just a by the way but he still remembered. He remembered that my best friend was coming back after five months of not being around. He remembered every detail and you? You didn't remember anything when we talked so much about her just the other night. I don't know why, but it hurts. It hurts that my husband forgot something important like this but never mind. It's only on paper."

She didn't want to say those hurtful words. She didn't even want to bring Leonel when she knew what her husband felt when she talked about him but it slipped. It slipped without her wanting to and what's done is done.

Maya watched her husband open his mouth but he didn't let him speak. Not when she was this mad anyway. She let her legs move as if they had mind of their own and before she knew it, she was pulling out of the mansion. The tears were threatening come out but she didn't let them do it.

She was going to pick her friend and she was supposed to be happy. Happy that finally after five months her friend was coming back home. Home where she belonged all the while. When Maya got at the airport, it was twenty minutes past the time. She ran towards the entrance where she was pushing past the crowded people. Her eyes were everywhere and anywhere looking for Kyle.

Just then her eyes met and locked with Leonel. She didn't know what he was doing at the airport and seeing him get tears fell down. He walked towards her smiling and Maya did move her eyes away from him.

"Didn't I tell you that she'll cry?" She heard someone say and Maya moved her eyes to his left and there her friend stood with all smiles. "Hey meal drama queen, didn't you miss me?" Kyle asked moving towards her.

Maya walked towards her friend and hugged her as if her life was depending on her. Her tears flowed none stop and she her hold tightened. She missed her best friend. She missed her silly jokes and her making sense all the time. Maya felt her friend's has rub her back as she cried. To be honest, she didn't know why she was crying.

The fact that she thought her husband remember and that she shout at him when he couldn't remember. Or the fact that Leonel was here to keep her friend company before she arrived or tears of happiness when she met her dear best friend. Whatever it was, she was glad that she was letting it all out.

"You're killing me." Maya heard her friend say out of breath.

She let her go but took her hands into hers. God, she missed Kyle so much that she was even forgetting that Leonel still stood there waiting for a thank you.

"I'm really sorry that I'm late." She said looking at her friend.

Kyle wiped her tears away as she smiled at her.

"I wish you stayed for a while longer, girl, you never told me that you replaced me with with handsome charming gentleman." She said looking at her. "And don't worry he told me that you sent him here to entertain me since you're caught in the traffic and he was around this area. So it okay."

Maya looked at Leonel and the tears that had stopped for a minute flew once again. It was too much for her. He was there for her. He even lied for her. Who wouldn't want a guy like this. Whoever was going to marry her second best friend was going to be a lucky person. And that thought only made her jealous. Jealous of that unknown lady who was going to be luck.

Maya moved to Leonel and pulled him for an hug.

"Thank you." She whispered in his ears.

Maya heard Leonel say anytime before she pulled away from him and smiled at him. She was about to wipe her tears away when Leonel bit her to it. His fingers lingered there for a while before he pulled his hands away and put his hands in his pants.

"You're going to tell me what I missed for those five months since it seems it's allot." Kyle said looking at both of them. "For know, I'm starving."

"I'm also starving." Maya said taking her friend's hand. "Let's go to the restaurant."

"Actually, I made a reservation in African Cafe and Restaurant before I came here." Leonel said moving towards Maya. "It was for three but I can let you guys catch up."

"And have you stare at the ceiling while we are enjoying your efforts, it's a no." Kyle said looking at Leonel.

Leonel laughed at her statement although it didn't seem funny at all. "It's okay, I've some work to do anyway."

"Girl, tell this guy that no one says no to me."

"You don't want to go there, Leo." Maya said looking at her. "Cause you won't win. So let's get moving."

Maya got in the car with Kyle while Leonel drove behind them. After an hour, they're all settled in the restaurant and enjoying there meal while talking about random things.

Leonel stopped laughing at a comedy that Kyle had made just one minute ago.

"You know, I thought Kyle was a man's name."

Kyle looked at him as she kept on chewing. Maya knew that look and she just hoped that this conversation didn't go sour. Everything was going on so well that she even forgot about her husband and what she had said to him. It would be bad if Kyle got mad on the first day actually not day but an hour.

Kyle hated it when people asked that question. But it seemed that all her life she will answer that question even though she didn't like it at all. Maya smiled at Leonel who seemed like he was about to apologize.

"It's a unisex name." Kyle answered after swallowing her food. "My father gave it to me since he thought that I was going to be a boy and not a girl."


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