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Shouldn't Have Kissed You novel Chapter 43

Chris carried Maya in his arms the moment their Uber stopped in front of their booked hotel. He asked the driver to help him with the luggage and the both walked in. At the reception, Chris was helped by one of the works who took their bags from the driver and led the way to their hotel room. Once their room was opened wide, Chris walked in first and toward the bedroom. She was tired and he understood why she was.

Maya had been working hard for the past one week just to make sure that she didn't leave her patients with unsolved problem. She even went out of her way to tell them that she won't be around and showed them whom they should consult for their medical health.

Chris pulled the covers over her body after removing her shoes and making sure that she was comfortable. He moved away from her and took their luggage away from the sitting area. The honeymoon suite was great as far as he could see it. Chris unpacked their belongings and walked to the bathroom.

He too needed to relax his muscles. As much as he was in a hurry to get away from his continent and enjoy his time with his new found love he had to leave his business in good condition. To him, apart from Maya and his mother that business was his life. Chris let the warm water cures his body. There flight had delayed and that's why they arrives past midnight.

Chris walked out of the bathroom wrapped in towel. He pulled a blue boxer from the closest before walking back to the bed where his beautiful wife laid. He smiled at himself as he slept next to her.

His life had changed. In a way that he never thought it would. Before meeting Maya, he thought that Kimberly was the one. The one that he would spend his life with but when he saw Maya, something changed.

Something that he was too arrogant to admit to himself or anyone else. What else would then explain why he was ready to kill his best friend when he made a joke of having her as a one night stand? And he had only met her once then? She changed him in a way that was not possible.

Chris pulled the covers over his body and the moment he was settled on the bed Maya moved towards him. It's something that she had adopted for the pat one week and it's funny how his body reacted when she did that.

It was supposed to be used to her touch, right? But every time she came close to him it felt like its there first time to encounter. Maya laid her head on his chest and wrapped on leg around his making him breath hard.

He had been waiting for this for the past one week. He had been patient enough and write now he didn't trust himself. Not even one bit. For crying out loud he had been telling himself to wait till this day and when the day arrives, their flight get delayed one to carry his sleeping wife on their arrival.

Chris took in a big breath before closing his eyes and thinking of something else. Something like food, anything as long as its not the beautiful lady laying her head on his chest. And to say it worked he would be laying since it didn't work.

Everything was leading him to her. For instance, when he thought of the music he remembered the reason why he is with her now. Food, he remember how he had punished her on their first honeymoon by making her cook food for him and Kimberly. Worse was when he thought of his fashion company. It was there where he had aimed to humiliate her. Where he used her name to make money with it. He hated himself for even thinks because all he could remember was the bad things that he did to her. Nothing good at.

Chris let his eyes close and thought of the future. The future of him and his love and life. That was the only thing that would give him piece. the one thing that didn't remind him of his hateful self and it was a relieve to him. Relieve relief to know that he could thing of great moments to come with his beloved. Thinking of the future made him fall into a peaceful slumber believing that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and till the end of time will be a good day for him and Maya.

Chris pulled himself away from a nagging pork on his left side. He had just fallen asleep few hours ago and now there was someone who was determine to wake him up. But Maya was on a mission to wake him since she drew all the curtains away allowing the sun rays in.

"Wake up sleepy head." Maya said moving back to him to draw away the pillow which acted as a shield for him from the rays. "It's almost ten thirty and we haven't decided where to start from."

Chris groaned and let himself seat up. He knew that he was fighting a loosing battle there. That was something he had learnt about Maya for the past few months he had stayed with her. What he meant was since she had punished him with silent treatment.

"You know," he began rubbing his eyes from sleep. " you're luck that I'm a true gentleman otherwise..." He let the rest of the words to hung in the air.

Chris watched Maya open her handbag and pull out her note pad out.

"Do one thing Mr. gentleman, go take a shower then I'll make a list of where we're visiting today, okay?"

Watching Maya issue commands to him early morning was something that he would wake up to ever morning. Yes, he would be looking forward to her dictating his morning everyday. To him, it would be the most thrilling thing ever. And he knew how to silent her when she began her commands and that is what he did.

Chris leaned in and took Maya's lips into his. How he had missed those all the night and in the morning she wouldn't even waking up with them. That thought alone had him drawing her to him. Chris let Maya sit on his lap without breaking their kiss. He missed he in a way that was impossible for him to sleep next to her and let his body not touch. For crying out loud, the long wait had come to an end.

Chris bit Maya's lower lip just to capture his tongue with hers. And that earned him that sweet moan of hers that he had grown to for the past one week when he kissed her. But he needed more from her. He wanted to make her his and thing of that him excited in more ways than one. Maya pulled away to catch some breath but Chris was just getting started. He kissed his way down her throat making ever part kissed. He just wanted everyone who dared to look at her know she was taken.

Calling him obsessed or whatever but he was making his territory. He had to let the Kenyan men know that she belonged to him and no one else. Him only as long as he breathed in this world. She was his and him hers.

Maya tried to pull away from him and all he did was to hold her as if his life depended on her and it sure did. Chris pulled her closer to his if that was possible and the more he did that, the more he got excited.

"Chris, stop." She was struggling to break free from him. "You've to go and shower so that we can start our adventure."

Chris groaned when she again moved on his lap. "Don't move again, kitten." He said trying to hold her still.

"How, like this?" And she did it again.

this woman was going to be the death of him. Its not like he was minding but it was too early for him to die. He wanted to enjoy time with her. Be happy with her as the two of them before he planted anything in her womb. He wanted to see their love grow inside of her. Wake up in the middle of the night because of her craving. Yes, he would do that for her.

Chris was ready to see her mood swing every now and then. He was ready to allow he shout at him every time her hormones got the better side of her. That is how much he loved her. That was how much he wanted to grow old with her on his side.

"You're killing me, cupcake." He said kissing her jaws.

Maya smirked at him and tried to pull herself away again. Of course his hold had not loosen one bit.

"Chris we have to get movi... OMG!" She exclaimed when Chris kissed the most sensitive part just below her earlobe.

"You were saying?" He was enjoying the torture that he was giving her. that's what she had done to him for the past one week for nothing. She would get him all excited with those beautiful lips of hers and when he got to no point of return, she would stop. Stop leaving him all bothered and everything. It wasn't fair to him at all.

"We've to start our honeymoon." she tried so very hard not to moan in between her speech and he had to give her that.

Chris smirked just below her neck and he knew she felt it.

"And what do you thing we're doing, kitten?" he asked going lower than he had anticipated for before now. He just wanted her to feel the way had for that one week but it seems he is too much into it himself.

Self control, Chris. Don't let her win when you're supposed to be in control.

"Chris... please you've to stop." Maya said in between moans.

"I don't want to Maya, we are way too deep to stop." He kissed in between her breast. "Or do you want me to stop?" His hand was making its way in a torturous manner up in her inner thigh.

"Please don't."

and that was all that he wanted to here. He beg him not to stop and she did. In fact he didn't need that much of hard work just like she didn't when it came to him. Chris' movement stopped and he pecked her lips before sitting her on the bed. Of course he did earn an evil look from her but he didn't mind. She felt how he had for the past one week.

"What was that for?" She was frustrated when she asked him that.

Chris smirked at her and got out of bed. He knew his erection was showing but he didn't mind. In fact he was proud to show her how much affected him.

"You don't remember?" He asked as be began to walk towards the closet. "We've to get moving is we'll finishing the things that I planned for use to do today."

Chris pulled out his diary and carried it to Maya. He handed it over to her and with the open page of the day's event. She was still frowning at him when she went through the listed things.

"You listed making love here?" She asked in a shock.

Chris turned away from the closet where he was looking for clothes to where once he was done showering and smiled innocently at her.

He turned again to pick up a black shirt before he began to move towards the bed.

"It was in the yesterday's list but you fell asleep before anything could happen." He stroked her hair. "And if could have taken place then we would continue today. Too bad nothing happed." Again he pecked her lips and walked to the bathroom.

Chapter  43 1


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