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Sinful Mates 1-3 novel Chapter 118

  Evelyn’s POV

  Waking up, I am pressed against Thaddeus, his hand in the centre of my back. I felt wide awake, like I had the best sleep and felt completely rested. Sitting up, I find Thaddeus is the only person left in the room. Thaddeus is watching me and he looked like he had been awake for a while.

  Going to get off him, his arm tightens around me. “I didn’t want to wake you,” he says, and I notice a book beside him. Proving, he had been trapped under me for a while.

  “What time is it?” I ask.

  “Little after lunch time,” Thaddeus answers.

  “I should let you get up,” I tell him, trying to shift off him.

  “I would rather you stay,” he says, my eyes darting back to his. He taps his chest with his other hand, wanting me to lay back down. Looking around the room, I notice Ryland and Orion definitely weren’t in the room. Being around Thaddeus usually made me nervous. He could be so intense sometimes. His aura makes you feel uncomfortable, yet right now he looked pretty relaxed, so I laid back down. Thaddeus absentmindedly played with my hair while I listened to the sound of his heartbeat thumping softly in his chest.

  A few minutes pass, and for once I didn’t mind his company. “Can I ask you something?” Thaddeus speaks softly, and I turn my head to look at him before propping my head on my hand on his chest facing him. I felt a fog slip over me, and I instantly relaxed, my breathing evening out.

  “What did you do?” I ask, knowing he was doing something that was calming, his eyes glowing hypnotically. My mind becoming foggy.

  “It’s a form of mind compulsion or glamour. I can control your emotions with it, control what I want you to do or say with it.”

  “Are you going to make me answer your questions?” I ask. I knew I should be worried, but I felt so light and foggy.

  “Not if you don’t want to. Do you want me to stop?” he asks, watching me. Thaddeus is always watching, and yet I had trouble reading him. He was so cold and calm besides his anger. That was the only emotion I could ever feel coming off him, mainly because the entire atmosphere shifted. Now he seemed calm, but the monster lurking behind his eyes didn’t go unnoticed by me. “Who is Lana?”

  My mind reels, I was sure I had never mentioned her name. Sitting up, I feel the fog get stronger as it slips over me. “You said you wouldn’t.” I panic when he brushes my hair from my face.

  “I’m not, just stop running. You don’t need to run from us, you don’t need to hide,” he says, pulling me back down. I relax against him, giving in. I didn’t want to answer his questions, but I didn’t want to risk him forcing me to answer.

  “So, who is Lana?” he asks again, making my heart race just at the mention of her name.

  “Where did you hear it?” I ask trying to wrack my brain wondering if I mentioned her.

  “You said her name in your sleep.”

  “She was one of the foster children I lived with,” I answer, turning away from him so I didn’t have to see his face. Just hearing her name, I felt sick to my stomach reminding me of what I did. What he did.

  “Did she do something to you?” Thaddeus asked, and I could hear the curiosity behind his words.

  “No, Lana was ten we lived with the same family for a year.” I feel Thaddeus nod before I feel his hand in my hair again. I shiver when his skin comes in contact with the back of my neck.

  “Was she there when you got that burn on your back?”

  "No,” I tell him before hopping up. I didn’t like where this conversation was going. Walking into the bathroom, I shut the door, hearing him sigh loudly in frustration. I turn the shower on before stripping off. The door opening just as I open the shower screen. Thaddeus walking in, I roll my eyes before stepping in the shower.

  “Well, I was fine talking to you in the bedroom but if you want to chat in here, I am all for that too,” he says. I feel the shower screen open and he steps in. I turn my back to him so he could only see my ass and back. Hearing him move before I feel his chest against my back making my heart beat erratically. The fog slips over me again, but this time I try to shake it off.

  “You’re safe with me, Evelyn. Well, not safe from me, but I won’t let anyone do anything to you,” he says right behind me.

  “If that was supposed to make me feel better, it doesn’t,” I tell him grabbing the soap trying to ignore his presence behind me, which only lasted a second before I felt his hand run down my shoulder to my side. I freeze, wondering what he is doing, and he seems to freeze as well before removing his hand.

  “Sorry, your scent is a little overwhelming in here, and I haven’t fed since we left the city,” he says, and I feel him move away from me. Looking over my shoulder, I see he has moved closer to the shower door.


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