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Sinful Mates 1-3 novel Chapter 187

  Pulling up out the front of the night club, Thaddeus hops out. Masses of people blocking us from entering as they queued everywhere trying to get into the club.

  Thaddeus tossed people out of the way as he cleared a path to the bouncers who immediately stepped into his path. It made me wonder what they thought at that moment, they were half his size and Evie would put up more of a fight.

  The short stocky one who I could tell was a werewolf stepped forward gripping his arm, a big mistake. I knew his life was over the moment he stepped in front of him.

  Thaddeus backhands him, sending the idiot flying, his head cracking against the pavement with a sickening crunch before Thaddeus stepped forward and stepped on his head and crushed it beneath his foot. The other man seemed to grow half a brain and put up his hands in surrender. His hands tremble as he pushes his blonde locks off his forehead.

  "All yours" he stutters out ducking down and running past him. Everyone out the front scattering and running for their lives as Thaddeus' anger bubbled, brewing up a storm. Electricity buzzing through the power lines making the street lights flicker and power to surge all up the street.

  "Thaddeus?" I warned him.

  "Still in control, but they need to move" he says through gritted teeth as we step into his father's establishment. Tobias had really let this place go to shit. The air is thick with the scent of bodily fluids making me want to puke.

  Music blaring as it jumped from the power surge, people everywhere as they danced and moved around completely unaware of the danger they were in.

  A woman bumping into him tips her drink on him by accident and I could see his control slipping as he barely held onto it. I followed him before watching his fists clench, and could smell the air become electrified.


  "Under control" he says again before he spins around and grabs me, his arms wrapping around my body as he pulls me against his chest.

  "Hold me" he says and I internally groan. Fuck! I grip his shirt when I hear the magic surging, feel it winding up before he slaps his hands together behind my back. It was like watching everything in slow motion, a shockwave of power surging from his hands.

  I watch people go flying, legs and arms going everywhere as the club tables and chairs that are bolted down go hurtling towards the walls along with everyone around us. They didn't even have time to react, just moved in a quick wave. The sound was like a freight train before all you could hear was people and furniture smashing into the walls before everything went deadly quiet.

  "Ah hear that, fucking silence" he says patting my back. I let him go watching as people groaned, getting to their feet in a daze. Turning Thaddeus was strolling through the place like he was taking a walk at the park. I follow after him when I hear a noise before a blonde head comes rushing toward us. Her heart thudded in her chest loudly.


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