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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 107



Chapter 107 Call Me Darling 

Charlene, come to my office.Troy’s voice was calm and a little cold


Charlene picked up the mirror and looked at it, stroked the hair on her ears, and calmed down. Troy might not know it was her who drugged him

She stood up and walked to the president’s office

She knocked on the door twice, pushed the door open, and stood still in front of the desk. Mr. Marshall, are you looking for me?“” 

Troy looked up at her, took a document from his hand, and put it in the middle of the table. This is your transfer order. I plan to transfer you to the branch below. What do you think?” 

He asked Charlene what she thought, but in fact, he would not give Charlene a choice

Charlene’s face froze instantly. She looked at Troy with disbelief. Mr. Marshall, why? Why are you suddenly transferring me away?” 

Love was not a sin. Troy would not mind keeping employees who liked him around. However, he could not tolerate an employee who drugged him because she liked him

Troy leaned against the back of the chair and lightly clasped his fingers on the table. There are some things you should know without me saying them. If you don’t want to go, I’ll transfer you to another department.” 

Positions in the headquarters were already in high demand, and there were no vacancies in other departments. If Charlene stayed, she would be demoted. On the other hand, she could still keep her current position by going to the branch. She would only be far from the center of power

He knows.She thought

Charlene’s face was ugly. She said softly, Mr. Marshall, I don’t know what you’re talking about.Troy looked up at her, tapped the document on the table, and said calmly, The transfer order will take effect next week. Remember to hand over your work this week.” 

Charlene realized that it was useless to pretend not to know what was going on

Mr. Marshall, I was being reckless and lost my way. Please give me another chance. I promise there will be no next time,Charlene said pleadingly

Leave,” Troy said directly

With trembling lips, Charlene took the documents, turned, and went out

When she reached the door, she stopped suddenly, turned around, and looked at Troy. Mr. Marshall, I want to know. If Imogen can do it, why can’t I? Why can she stay here?” 

I don’t need to explain to you.” 

Charlene’s face turned pale, and she pushed the door open without saying a word

Seeing Charlene coming out, Lane said to Imogen beside him, Ms. Forbes, please go in.” 

Imogen took the document and was about to knock on the door when Charlene blocked the way

Ms. Johnson, what is it?Imogen smiled

Charlene’s eyes were gloomy. She looked Imogen up and down, saw the hickeys behind Imogen’s ears, and she could not help clenching her fists. Her eyes were as dangerous as poisoned daggers as she said, Imogen, you wait!” 



gave Imogen a glare and strode away with the documents

Imogen looked at her back and smiled slightly

She understood Charlene’s psychology

Charlene had everything planned, but it only benefitted someone else in the end. Plus, that someone was her, Charlene’s archenemy. How could Charlene not be furious

Imogen knocked on the door and entered the office

Mr. Marshall.” 

Seeing that it was Imogen, Troy stopped what he was doing and moved his chair back a little

He leaned against the back of the chair, put his arms on the armrests, and looked at Imogen with a halfsmile. What’s the matter?” 

Imogen stood at the desk and reported on her work

After finishing, Troy said, You decide.” 

Then, Mr. Marshall, I’ll be going out.” 

Wait,Troy called to stop her

What else? Imogen turned to look at him

Come here.” 

Imogen walked over. Troy grabbed her arm, and with a pull, she sat on his lap

Imogen was startled. She put her hands on Troy’s shoulders and said, What are you doing? We’re in the office!” 

Nothing. I just want to hug you.Troy smiled slightly, lowered his head, kissed Imogen’s forehead, and pecked her lips lightly

Mr. Marshall.Imogen dodged

If she went out with red and swollen lips, she would not be able to explain herself, no matter 


What are you afraid of? We’re in my office. No one will suddenly come in.Troy looked down at Imogen. Even if someone comes in and sees us, and we’ll just take it as an opportunity to make it public.” 

No,Imogen said immediately

Why not?Troy’s eyes darkened

Imogen looked up at him and said, I don’t want to make it public now.” 

What are you worried about? Nothing will happen between Sarah and me ever again. I’ll keep my promise to you.” 

Imogen lowered her eyes. I just don’t want to. Let me go. I need to get to work.” 

Troy sighed and said, I’ll let you go if you call me darling.” 

Imogen was speechless for a while. Then, she gritted her teeth and said, Are you crazy? Let me go.” 

Be good.” 

Troy hugged Imogen even tighter

Call me darling, and I’ll let you go.” 


Troy, are you still a child?” 

Take it as I am.” 

Imogen was helpless. You’ll let me go if I call you darling?” 

Yes. I’m a man of my word.” 

Imogen bit her lower lip and called out in a low voice, Darling. Enough?” 

Louder, I didn’t hear it.” 


Yeah. I’m listening.Troy smiled

Darling,Imogen called out again, with a much louder voice. Will that do?” 

I have something to tell you.” 

Don’t change the subject. Let me go.” 

It’s something serious. The visa has been approved. We’ll leave on the 30th.” 

Okay. Can you let me go now?” 

Troy finally let go of Imogen in satisfaction

Imogen got up immediately and ran out of the office as if fleeing

Trøy looked at Imogen’s figure with a smile

When the message notification sounded, Troy picked up his phone and glanced at it

[Troy, will you come and see me during October?

It was a text from Sarah

Troy replied: [I’m busy. Focus on shooting.

[I miss you.

Troy looked at the message but did not reply


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