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Sleeping With My Stepbrother novel Chapter 15

"I can't believe you slept with him! After I gave you a warning too" Luke said as he followed me upstairs.

It was 1am. Justin had just dropped me home and as expected, Luke had been waiting for me to come home.

As soon as I got in, the first words that Luke said were 'you slept with him, didn't you?'

So like the classy me, I rolled my eyes and began rushing up to my room.

Which brings us to him following me.

"God, why does it matter to you so much if I did?" I asked as I opened my door, to which Luke followed suit and closed it gently so as to not wake mom and Dave up with our rambling.

"Because it's gross!" Luke said in a 'duh' tone "It's like he slept with me without him even knowing"

I rolled my eyes as I wiped my make up off as the image of Luke and Justin fucking entered my mind.

"Well shit Luke, you paint quite a picture" I said as I threw the wipe on the trash and began washing my face.

As soon as I was done, I wiped my face on my towel and went out of the bathroom and to my closet to look for sleep wear.

Luke, who was sitting on my bed, groaned and rested his face on his palms for a few seconds before looking up.

"But I wanna know" He began "Is he better than me?"

I quickly turned around to face him, ready to answer.

But I stopped myself.

No doubt I was gonna say 'yes' just to deflate his ego.

But as soon as the words were to come out of my mouth, I suddenly realized how untrue that yes was going to be.

Shit, who am I kidding? Luke was still the best lay I've ever had!

But as the clock ticked, I realized that I had to answer soon.

"Oh yeah. Totally" I said "Bigger than you, too" I added casually as I hurriedly turned around and took a deep breath.

On the bright side, I heard Luke cuss under his breath.

"You sure?" Luke asked.

"Yes" I said hurriedly, as if the word 'yes' naturally rolled out of my mouth even though I didn't mean them.

"Are you sure you're sure?" He asked once again.

"Yes, Luke" I said sternly. Despite the fact that I knew I was lying. Big time.

He sighed.

"Alright. I guess the deal's off then" Luke said as he sighed one more time and prepared to get up.

And as soon as the words left his mouth, I hurriedly turned around to object.

But I stopped myself.

"Y-yeah" I said as I flashed him a forced smile, which hopefully appeared genuine.

"You know the deal. You find someone else, and we stop sleeping together" Luke said, making it harder for me to fake a genuine smile.

"I know" I said as I turned around and pretended to still look for pj's.

"Well then" Luke said "The past months was fun. Goodnight Kyls"

I didn't bother turning around and just mumbled an 'mhm' here and there, just so it looked like it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Oh and for the record" Luke said, making me turn to see him already peeping outside my door "I still don't believe that he's bigger than me" he added, making me let out a laugh, before finally closing the door.

I bit my lower lip and faced my closet once again, and suddenly I lost all the energy to look for pj's. Or stand up.

So I headed towards my bed and sat down, before taking a deep breath.

And as soon as I realized that I was all alone in my room, I began to think that it was for the best that I told Luke everything I told him earlier.

Because we all know that from day one, sleeping with him was a big no-no. Given that he was my stepbrother.

Suddenly, the vibe in my room became a sad one.

I guess despite the fact that it was wrong for us to be sleeping together, I still really didn't wanna hear it, especially from him, that the relationship where we began, came to an end.

I took a deep breath and got up and headed to my closet once again, took out whatever I could, and changed my clothes as fast as I can before heading to bed.

Because not only was I tired and sore from the day, but my body just lost all the energy I had left as soon as those words left Luke's mouth.


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