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Sleeping With My Stepbrother novel Chapter 9

Days have passed and not surprisingly, Luke had been sneaking into my room every night and then sneaking out at around 4am.

It's Friday and I was currently getting ready for my date with Justin.

Is it even a date? I mean he said he wanted to get to know me so I guess it is.

But then again, there's a possibility that he'd bring Luke with him, so that completely erases the idea that this is a date.

I decided to keep it casual and just wear a high waisted shorts and a tank top, along with my favorite converse.

"Mom I'm going out" I shouted as I walked down the stairs.

Surprisingly though, Justin was in the living room with Luke.

Luke was wearing pj's so that only meant one thing. This was a date after all.

"I know. Justin told me" mom said as she came out of the kitchen wiping a plate dry.

"Ready to go?" Justin asked as he walked over to me "By the way, you look really amazing" and cue in the blushing.

"Okay, well we're leaving" I told mom, who nodded.

"Bring her home by 1" mom told Justin, who flashed her a smile and a nod

"She'll be home by 12:59" Justin said, making everyone in the room laugh. Well, except for Luke who simply rolled his eyes.

I then dragged Justin out of there and out to his car.

"So. Where are we going?" I asked as I fastened my seatbelt

"Well," Justin said as he inserted the key to his ignition "We're gonna get dinner, then we'll go to this party"

"Party you say?" I asked as Justin began driving "Why is Luke not coming? Doesn't he like to party?"

"Well, yeah. To be honest, I asked him if he wanted to come, but he said he wanted to stay home instead" Justin explained.

For ten minutes, the only sound inside the car was the music blasting from Justin's stereo. But other than that, nothing else was said.

Soon, we stopped in front of a restaurant.

And judging from its looks, I suddenly felt too under-dressed.

Justin began taking his seatbelt off, and upon noticing that I wasn't moving, he let out a laugh and leaned forward so he could take my seatbelt off.

"You seem nervous" Justin stated

"Dude. You could've told me you were taking me to a fancy restaurant. I would've worn better clothes" I said, making Justin laugh even more.

"It's okay Kylie. Really. I'm not even dressed up" Justin said, making me look at his outfit to realize that he was dressed casually. "Besides. I don't think anyone would judge the owner's kid's date"

I turned to look at him with wide eyes, and he just winked at me before going out of the car.

Holy shit he owned the place!

My door soon opened and I was greeted by a grinning Justin.

He then held his hand out to help me get out of the car.

He then offered his arm and I linked mine to it as he lead me towards his restaurant where he was greeted by the waiters and waitresses, and other people who was eating.

Justin was telling me random stuff as we walked towards our table, when a guy from one table got up and stopped Justin midway.

"Justin! What's up buddy?" The guy said as he and Justin gave each other man hugs.

"Luis, man. How are you? Didn't expect to see you here" Justin said

"Thought this would be the best place for a dinner date" the guy said before switching his attention to me "So who's this?"

"Oh, this is Kylie. Luke's stepsis" Justin said. Luis flashed me a grin and held out his hand

"So you must be the girl Justin and Luke's been talking about" Luis said "I'm Luis"

I simply smiled and shook his hand before Justin took my hand off Luis'. Wait. Luke’s been talkiing about me?

"Dude. Get your own date" Justin joked, making both of them let out a laugh.

"Alright, well I'll see you soon Kylie" Luis said

"You too" I said as me and Justin walked away and sat down on our seat.

Through out the date, I was only halfway through my food and I was already full from laughing at Justin's stories and jokes. The guy was literally a joking machine.

"So what about you?" Justin said as he sipped on his iced tea "What's your story?"

"Well" I began as I thought about what to say "Of course, you know about my mom marrying Dave. My best friends' names are Mitch, Kenzie and Claire. I've had two ex boyfriends, and I have a fake ID"

"Really?" Justin said as he leaned back "So you like going to clubs huh"


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