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SnowMoon Healer novel Chapter 17


I enter her room and show the oracle naked.

What the hell she think her doing?

I know Adellee thinks that I am attracted to this girl but I'm not. It's her scent that caught me off guard. She smells like the moon. I don't know about Oracles and this is the first time I saw one. I look at her body and feel nothing at all.

Adellee is the only girl I want now. And with her wearing that short and my shirt really turn me on. I want to rip that clothes and see what's treasure hidden inside.

"Alpha." Katarina said.

"What is the answer to my vision?"

"Are you in a hurry Alpha? We can have some tea first." She said. I didn't dare to look her body. I focus in her face. She's beautiful yes, but Adellee is beautiful in her own way too.

"No thanks Katarina. I need to know what's happening to my mate." I said firmly.

"The moon give me a vision of a child born in Ice and Cold. She bare a mark on her inner arm of half moon. She's born in an expected Blue Moon that gives a gift and a curse. The child bare both mark of curse and gift. She will be powerful under the full moon. Her Gift will be loved but her curse will be used by others for their evil plan." She said.

"Adellee was born in SnowMoon. Ice and cold. Her gift is healing but what is her curse?" I am so drowned in my thoughts when I feel a hand wrapped in me. "What the fvck are you doing?!" I pushed her away.

"I'm an Oracle. I have needs. The Moon doesn't give me a mate. I give you what you want and this is my payment in return." She said.

"Don't you dare touch me again. I don't know you will do such thing like this. I will call your alpha and send you out of my land." I said to her but she jumped on me and kissed. She pull my hand and put it in her breast. My wolf is growling inside of me. I'm a man with needs but I can't let this happened. I push her to the wall and hold her neck.

"What the hell!" She said.

"I warned you. I will throw you out of my land now. I didn't know that oracles are bitch!" I said throwing her to the wall.

"I didn't say all my vision to you." She said after standing again.

"I don't fvcking care! I will discover it myself. I want you out." I shouted.

I slammed the door behind me. I was trying to reach Jaxson through mind-link but he is blocking his thoughts.

Then the scent of Adellee hit me. I follow her trail when I reach the training ground. I almost shift when I saw her wounds all over her body. All men and women are gathering around the ring watching her and Jaxson fight. She's partially shift which is uncommon for a wolf who didn't shift.

What the hell are they doing? She just got out from the clinic. I said to myself.

"Adellee what's happening here?" I asked when she come face to face to me. There's a very bad aura all over her body.


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