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SOFT MOANS novel Chapter 31

"Mum, please hear me out!." Alexia yelled out, exasperated.

"I can't hear you out. Maybe I will, when you tell me the name of the guy, that got you pregnant." Mrs Greg yelled back.

Alexia turned to look at her brother, she thought her parents knew that Aaron is the father of the child she got rid of, so.. what is her mum saying.

"I didn't tell them anything. " Aaron mouthed.

Alexia nods her head, and then turns to stare at her mother, "Uhm, mum... Well.. the guy who got me pregnant is... Do you really have to know his name mum?."

"Yes I have. So I need you to tell me who got you pregnant. I need an answer now Alexia." Her mum said deadpan, glaring at her.

"James. James got be pregnant." Alexia blurt out without thinking. James was the only name she could think of. After all, James was once her boyfriend, so it would be best if she called his name instead.

"James? Your ex boyfriend." Mrs Greg uttered in shock.

"Yes, James my ex boyfriend. I didn't know I was pregnant, when we broke up." Alexia lied, her teeth sinking deep into her lower lip. She avoid her brother's gaze, didn't want him spoiling all what she just planned in her head.

"I am so going to that boy's house right this minute." Mr Greg yelled angrily, getting up from the couch.

"No, no. Dad you shouldn't that. Please, I know I made a really wrong decision, but the baby is already gone, I don't see any reason why you should go to my "Ex boyfriend" house, for a pregnancy I already got rid of. I think it's best if you don't go dad. Please dad." Alexia begged getting down from the hospital bed. She kneels down infront of her father, and held his leg tightly.

"You really made a bad decision Alexia. What if you had die during the abortion process. What would be the case right now?." Mr Greg said, looking so disappointed in her decision.

"I'm really sorry dad. Mum, please forgive me. I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking straight when I did what I did. I didn't even think it through. I just made it without thinking. I know I have committed a really grave mistake, and I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." She begged with tears rolling down her eyelid.

Her mum tried so hard to stay angry, but she can't stay mad at any of her kids for long. "Ugh, how can I be mad at you forever, I'm surely going to forgive you." Her mum utters, then hugged her tightly.

"Thank you mum." Alexia uttered hugging her mum back tightly. "Dad..." Alexia drawled, staring up at her dad.

"Come on honey, forgive her. She's sorry, and I'm sure she will never do such a thing, ever again." Mrs Greg said placing a kiss on her husband left cheek.

"What if she does it again?." Mr Greg asked with a frown.

"I personally will ask you not to forgive her. Come on husband, forgive out beautiful daughter." Mrs Greg whined.

"Fine I forgive you. You can get up in your feet." Mr Greg said, trying so hard to maintain his frown, but it was close to impossible. He ended up smiling.

"Ugh, I also can't stay mad at you forever. After all, you are my beautiful daughter." Mr Greg said hugging Alexia.

"Wow, what a nice family reunion. But my heart hurt, cause it seems everyone had forgotten that there's also a male child in this house." Aaron mutters frowning.

"No one asked you to seat down. If you want to join in the hug, then you have to get your silly ass up and come join in the hug." Mrs Greg said rolling her eyes.

"Ouch I feel so hurt." Aaron pouts stading up from the bed. He walked over to his family and joined in the hug.

"Uhm.. sorry to interrupt this family gathering. But Alexia here are your drugs, make sure you take them." The doctor said as she walked into the room.

Alexia felt a little shy staring at the doctor, she knows that the doctor must have found out that they are not really boyfriend and girlfriend, but instead there are twins. "Thank you ma'am." She mutters loud enough to the doctors hearing.

"It's okay. But make sure you and brother, do not go around deceiving doctors like me." The doctor warned then left the room.

"Woof, that was so scary." Alexia breathes out.

"Couldn't agree less. She looks like she would be chopping you and Aaron's head off every soon." Mrs Greg said grinning.

"Yup." My dad supported.

"What the both of you did, was really bad. But well.. we have forgiven the both of you and that's why I won't talk to much. Well.. I and your father will go see if we could get you discharge today." Mrs Greg said, then walked out of the room along with her husband.

"Why did you do that. Why did you use James name. What if they run into him, and then the truth comes out." Aaron asked bewildered.

"At that moment I wasn't thinking straight okay. The pressure was just too much. And what had you expected me to say, I can't tell mum and dad that you are the real father of the child I aborted, neither could I have called anyother person's name. James is the only guy that I have dated, and that was why it was reasonable enough to call his name." Alexia said in one deep breathe, angry at her brother.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to blow off. I guess you do have your reasons. I just feel it would be more better if they heard the truth that we are dating from the both of us, than from James. I know for a fact that if they run into James, then the truth will be out." Aaron sighed exasperatedly.

"Hey.. hey, everything would be alright. Everything would be fine." Alexia said to her brother softly, wrapping her arms around him.

"Hmm.. I hope so. I love you too much, to ever think of staying without you. Mum and dad would surely want to separate us, if they ever know of our forbidden relationship, and I don't want that to happen. I can't live without you Alexia." Aaron uttered hugging Alexia back.

"Don't worry bro, I would be right here. I am never going anyway, never!." Alexia said deadpan, with all seriousness.


A month later✓✓✓

"Alexia, Aaron. I have got good news." Mrs Greg yelled from down the stairs.

"What's the good news mum, have I been accepted into the university." Alexia yelled excitedly, rushing down the stairs.

"Nope, I told you Alexia. That I would get accepted first, and then you will be accepted next year." Aaron yelled walking out of his room.

Alexia stopped then turns to stare at her brother, she took notice of the fact that he looked extremely handsome this very morning. If her mum wasn't just down the stairs, she would have probably wrapped her hands around his waist, then kiss him fully on the lips. "I know it's your plan to make yourself a senior, but I'm sorry that can never be possible." She said then blows him a kiss.

To everyone, it would be taking as normal, but to the twins it's indeed far beyond normal.

Thirty One 1

Thirty One 2


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