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SOFT MOANS novel Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Alexia shut her eyes tightly as Aaron face got closer, Aaron smirked then placed a wet kiss on her cheeks. "Don't worry sis, I'm not going to kiss you without your permission, it would have to be of mutual consent." He grinned.

"Mutual consent, you say. You'll never get my consent, Aaron." Alexia replies him, her eyes challenging.

"Hmm, we will see about that. Anyway, I'm going to go have a bath but if you want, you can join." Aaron whispers in her ear, leaning closely to her.

"Not in your dreams, brother." Alexia replies, pushing him away, escaping from her brother's arms, she quickly heads for the stairs, wanting nothing but to be far away from her insane brother.

"Are you sure about that." Aaron asks.

"I'm very sure brother." Alexia yells climbing the stairs.

"Come on sis, don't be a total bore. Just imagine it, me and you, alone, in the bathroom, naked. We could even make out a little, I heard bathroom s*x are the best." Aaron yells after her.

"Still no, brother." Alexia yells back.

"Very soon sis, very soon. I will be popping your cherry." Aaron mutters under his breath, with a mischievous grin on his face. He takes out his phone, dials a number on it, then said into the phone. "How about, we have a little fun tonight babe, just you and me, in my bedroom, doors locked."

"Okay, I will be there at exactly 6pm." Sophie replies, enthusiastic.

"Good, see you at exactly 6pm then." Aaron says.

"Yeah, bye lo..." Aaron didn't wait for her to complete her sentence before hanging up. "Hmm. Well.., let the game begin."


At exactly 6pm, in the evening, Sophie happily walks into the Greg's compound. She heads straight to the door, and without knocking she barged inside. "What are you doing here." Alexia asks her, hands on her hips, staring sraight at Sophie.

"What I'm doing here, is absolutely none of your business. So do me a favour and stay out of it." Sophie says sweetly, already walking past Alexia but Alexia was quick enough to hold her back, by the wrist and drag her back.

"See, Sophie. I don't care if you're dating my brother or that, you are my brother's girlfriend, nope, I don't. And that's why I will happily announce to you that, you're not welcome here, and since you're not welcome, it would be best if you leave, cause I don't entertain unwelcome guest." Alexia says hatefully, forcefully dragging her back to the door. "Let go of me, Alexia." Sophie groaned, trying to get out of Alexia strong hold.

"No I won't, you're not welcome in this house." Alexia says angrily, opening the door.

"I don't think, you get to say who is welcome and who is not welcome in this house, Alexia." Aaron bored voice comes from behind them. Aaron has been watching the show, since the whole thing started few minutes ago. He did find it really entertaining but if he lets Alexia throw Sophie out of the house then his plans won't work.

"Well.. if your girlfriend wants to see you then why don't you take your little romance elsewhere, she's not welcome here." Alexia says, in a tone of finality but that tone won't work on Aaron. After all the both of them do have a lot in common and one of it, it's stubbornness.

"Again, you don't have a right to dictate, who is welcome in this house or who is not. Now, if you will excuse me. Sophie, please this way." He takes a chivalrous bow, stretching forth his hands. Sophie chuckles placing her hands on his at the same time, eyeing Alexia.

Alexia fumes, her inside boiling, as she watchs the both of them walk away, holding hands. "Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." She yells out furiously.


Alexia lays on her bed, she rolls on her bed, clearly disturbed. She could imagine her brother and that b!tch of a girl, Sophie, rolling on the sheets. She sits up on her bed, her inside exploding in anger. She gets down from the bed, paced around the room angrily, her hands on her hips.


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