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Standing Before Love (Myra and Sean) novel Chapter 101

As they walked out of the hut, they were greeted with the sight of all of the rioting workers being restrained by the armed police. While the workers were all huddled up in a spot, the team leader of the police force frowned when he saw the girl in Tony’s arms. “Director Hart, she’s supposed to go to the station to give a statement…” he muttered carefully. But before he could finish his sentence, Tony threw him an icy glare that silenced him immediately.

“Officer Wayne, we have another witness here; she can follow you back to the station if you need a statement.” Leo hastily spoke up. Wayne nodded. “All right, that’s great.”

Leo noticed how Myra seemed to be trembling in Tony’s arms, so he took his own coat off to cover her with it. However, before he could do so, Tony took a step away from him to avoid Leo’s coat. Leo scratched his nose awkwardly. Well, at least I feel relieved now that everything’s over, he thought to himself. After he had gotten off the call with Myra earlier, Leo was panicking as he speedily contacted Tony to inform him about it. God knows what else would’ve happened if we had arrived slightly later. After all, Myra doesn’t know about the Chase Group’s internal affairs now, and she doesn’t know… Leo frowned as he looked up to steal a glance at the foreman, Chris. A steely glint surfaced in his eyes before he turned and followed along behind Tony’s tracks.

“Director Hart. These people…” Leo probed cautiously.

“Do what you have to do. Do you still need me to teach you what to do?” Tony spoke of the workers as if he was talking about dead men; Leo felt chills running down his spine as he heard Tony’s deep voice. However, Leo only nodded his head solemnly. “I got it.” His footsteps came to a halt as he no longer left along with Tony.

Meanwhile, Tony continued to stare at the woman in his arms. I should have just completely abandoned her after that night. Since she has made it clear that she doesn’t like me, why do I still continue to show up by her side? It’s almost as if I’m just asking for myself to be shamed. However, I simply couldn’t control myself when I received Leo’s call earlier. I was so tempted to just annihilate Lyla right there and then! Tony tightened his grip on Myra. Good job, Lyla…

Philip, a doctor who was now perfectly competent in both internal medicine and surgery, was no longer surprised when Tony called him over to give Myra a check-up. However, Philip couldn’t stop himself from questioning the situation when he saw all the wounds on Myra. “What happened? How did she get so badly injured?” The cuts aren’t deep, and she didn’t fracture anything, but… “I think she might be left with a small scar on her forehead,” Philip said with a frown.

Tony had maintained the same, emotionless expression on his face ever since Philip entered the room. Although Tony didn’t seem to reveal any emotion after he heard what Philip had said, Philip could still sense the burning rage within the other man. “Could it be… Did Sean abuse her after he found out about things between the two of you?” Philip made a guess, but Tony simply scoffed without responding to his question. “Tell Elliot that things at Hilliville have been sped up.”

Philip lifted an eyebrow upon hearing this. He took off his gloves after he had cleaned all of Myra’s wounds. “I heard that you asked Old Master Hart for some money, Tony. Is that true?”

Tony felt extremely frustrated after Philip posed him that question. He instinctively thought of pulling a cigarette out right then, but he suppressed his desire to smoke once he saw the unconscious woman lying on the bed. He simply pressed his thin lips together and replied, “Yeah.”

Philip widened his eyes in shock before he turned to glance at the woman on the bed. He then shook his head. “Tony, you really have to tell the woman what you’ve done after all that you’ve done for her. How is she going to understand what you’ve sacrificed for her if you don’t tell her about it?!”


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