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Standing Before Love (Myra and Sean) novel Chapter 33

Myra was slightly surprised when she accepted the sandals from Tony. However, she recalled watching a video of his interview and she suddenly remembered that the young and talented Tony had a woman whom he was in love with. Hence, she felt relieved instantly. A man like him doesn’t seem like a casual and fickle-minded man. In the end, she lowered her guard and rode the elevator with him.

“Meow, down! Good girl. Let me reward you with a grape.” They heard a lazy voice speaking the moment the elevator arrived at Tony’s floor.

The elevator doors gradually opened and they caught sight of a man and a dog.

A man, who was dressed in a floral shirt, was not too far away from the elevator. He was fooling around with a large white Samoyed. The man’s eyes glinted in delight when he saw the two of them in the elevator before he instructed his dog to run toward the elevator. “Meow, your master is finally back. Quick, come over here. I’ll take you to him.”

In the blink of an eye, both the man and dog came to a halt in front of Myra and Tony.

Similarly, the man looked handsome, but compared to Tony, he had an air of unruliness toward him. He obviously looked like a hippy from a rich family living in defiance of conventions. However, Myra was not paying attention to the man; instead, she was focused… on the dog.

The Samoyed was large and fat with clean fur. The man led it in front of Tony and it lifted its front paws to lean against its owner. Its tongue was wagging in excitement and it seemed as though it would lick Tony’s face in a friendly way!

However, Tony swiftly glanced at it with an icy stare, causing the dog’s expression to freeze. It lowered its head immediately and its front paws landed on the ground with a swoosh too.

It appeared as if it was afraid of the man standing in front of it.

Myra could not help but burst into a fit of giggles as she stared at the intelligent dog.

The man, who was originally preoccupied in consoling the dog, turned abruptly to glare at Myra. “Which floor’s secretary are you? How dare you laugh at the Harts’ princess! Just you wait. Director Hart will ask you to pack up and leave!”

She felt embarrassed and she stopped laughing after he reprimanded her. Before she could answer the man, Tony squinted at him coldly. “Didn’t Old Madam Samson mention that she likes the dog and that she wants to have it for a longer time?”

Elliot felt his skin crawl at the mention of ‘Old Madam Samson’ and he no longer had the courage to say anything to Myra. But… He turned with a loud whoosh suddenly while staring at Myra, who still appeared embarrassed, and his eyes widened!

“She… Tony… She… She…” Elliot acted as though he had seen a ghost, but his expression turned swiftly into one of excitement! He slapped his thigh animatedly while looking at Tony. “Tony, isn’t she—”

“Her name is Myra Stark and she is the designer from the Design Department in Chase Group.” Tony calmly interrupted while shooting Elliot with a warning look. “She might also be the representative who’ll be working together with the Hart Group.”

Myra Stark?! Elliot turned his head like a robot while he looked at the Samoyed dog beside him. Meow… Meow; Myra… Myra Stark…

Countless words flashed through his mind at that point. I can’t even use words to describe how excited I feel! I can’t believe I am staring at the woman Tony is in love with! No wonder he used a name for a cat when he adopted Meow despite the fact that it was a dog. I see this is the reason!

Myra was feeling even more embarrassed while she observed Elliot’s distorted expression. She reached out to politely greet him. “Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, indeed!” Elliot responded in kind. He quickly released the Samoyed and he wiped his hands on his yellow sportswear a few times before extending a fair hand to shake Myra’s. “My name is Elliot Samson. Elliot with a ‘T’ and Samson, just like the saint. Sis… I mean, Miss Stark, feel free to address me by my name.”

He almost blurted out the term ‘sister-in-law’, but he saw Tony staring daggers at him from the corner of his eyes. In the end, Elliot corrected himself just in time while grinning from ear-to-ear.

Myra nodded in response.


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