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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 104

Chapter 104 

Kevan ended up going with her. During the cable car ride down the mountain, Larissa was not in the mood to think about how Kewan had conjured up the money for the ticket, nor was she in the mood to appreciate the majestic and magnificent scenery surrounding her. All she cared about was 

You haven’t eaten anything for a whole day. Can you take it? It’s so windy on the mountain, but you’re wearing very few layers. What if your fever comes back? You haven’t fully recovered, so you’re still weak. How are you going to drive later? How about you take the cable car back up again later? Go back to the hotel and eat, then take the whole day to res! – 

That’s enough!Kevan couldn’t take it any longer and cut her ofl. I know my own body.He liked her nagging and muttering, as well as her care and sweet voice, but not when she was trying to chase him away. He crossed his arms and leaned against the corner of the cable car. He shut his eyes as if he didn’t want to listen to her

Larissa shut her mouth tactfully

The cold shower he had taken at the hotel seemed to be taking effect. Kevan’s head felt heavy again and a chill spread through his body. The cable car was an enclosed space, but gusts of wind still blew in from the gap in the window, making him shiver. His thin coat almost didn’t help at all, and he hugged himself tighter, His teeth chattered so violently that the sound assaulted his eardrums

Larissa had been keeping watch on him the whole time, and she noticed his condition at once. What’s the matter? Are you cold?She sat closer to him, took off her jacket, and wrapped it around him

A faint scent of lemons filled Kevan’s nose and he suddenly felt warm. He opened his eyes to find Larissa looking anxious and concerned

Yes,” he said with a nod. A cable car ride lasted about forty minutes, and they had just boarded not too long ago

We need another thirty minutes to reach the bottom. Hang on.Larissa couldn’t do anything other than console him that way. She adjusted her position and tried her best to shield him from the gusts of wind that blew in from all directions

Larissa was only wearing a thin sweater which obviously wasn’t enough to fight the cold. Kevan returned her jacket and said, Put it on.His tone brooked no argument

“I’m not cold.said Larissa and immediately sneezed loudly. Kevan suddenly regretted it. If he had known that she would leave so soon, he wouldn’t have gotten himself into trouble and dragged her down with him

He cast her a sideways glance. You’re not cold?” he teased

Larissa wiped her nose with a tissue with an awkward expression. She forced a smile and said, My immune system is strong. Some cold wind won’t do me any harm, but you mustn’t catch a cold.She wrapped her jacket around him again while speaking and pulled his collar up to his chin, leaving only his pale face exposed

Kevan tried to reluse, but she held him down

Can you just listen to me for once?” she said helplessly


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