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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 148

Chapter 148 

Kevan proceeded to undress, deliberately unbuttoning his shirt one button at a time. His movements were graceful and unhurried, exuding an air of elegance

Inexplicably, Larissa couldn’t tear her eyes away from him. Her gaze followed as his hands moved down the shirt gracefully, exposing his chest and abdomen

Larissa already knew that there was no wound on his lace or neck. Looking intently, she couldn’t see any injury on his chest and abdomen except for the firm muscles that rippled under his flawless, unblemished skin

Larissa frowned when she noticed Kevan dawdling. She urged him anxiously. “Quickly, take off your shirt” 

Kevan chuckled lightly and asked in a trasing manner. Are you in such a hurry?” 

It was only then that Larissa realized how ambiguous her words sounded. I just wanted to inspect the injuries on your body.Her face 

blushed crimson

Kevan glanced briefly at her and took off his shirt in one swift move before tossing it aside

Holding her waist, he lowered his lips to her car and whispered. If you are interested in doing other things, it’s not entirely impossible.” 

Kevan’s scorching breath tickled the sensitive skin on her ear. His voice was gentle yet tinged with a hint of laughter. His words hinted something else that could happen between them, coaxing and teasing- 

Larissa’s lace burned with embarrassment. She wanted to push him away, but she was afraid that it would aggravate his injuries.” 

She clasped her hands tightly as her body grew stiff with anxiety

Staring at Larissa’s trembling eyelashes, Kevan decided to stop teasing her. He knew that she needed more time to accept him

This wasn’t the right time yet

What are you thinking about? Kevan let go of Larissa and smirked. I just wanted your help to apply some medication to my wound. Why did your face turn so red?” 

Realizing that he had just been teasing her. Larissa gritted her teeth and glared at him in exasperation

Kevan’s smile grew wider, and his eyes twinkled with amusement

Here.He turned to the side and pointed to his lower back. It’s a little sore.” 

The place where he pointed to had a purplish bruise about the size of a list. Just looking at it made Larissa wince

Have you been to the hospital?she asked

No.Kevan frowned. It’s too much trouble.” 

Words of reproach were on the tip of her tongue, but Larissa stopped hersell when she was reminded of their difference in position. She finally asked, Do you have any massage ol?” 

Larissa didn’t know who Kevan’s assistant was, but they somehow produced a bottle of massage oil on the spot

Kevan was lying face down on the sola. Doubllully, he raised his head and asked Larissa. Do you know how to do this?” 

With her spindly arms and legs, did she have enough strength to massage the bruise away

Larissa replied confidently, Don’t worry, I’m an expert.” 


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