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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 147

Chapter 147 

Lana was even more worked up than Larissa. Tm sorry, Mr. Rogers! I had no ideal Hurriedly, she packed the food back into the lunch box

To remedy the awkward situation, Lana blurted, Let me treat you to a meal instead! We should go to a restaurant you like and order your 

favorite dishes

Kevan declined politely. There’s no need for that. I saved you yesterday because your sister was worried about you. If you want to thank someone, you should thank your sister properly.” 

Lana’s smile froze on her face. After a few minutes, she regained her composure and winked at Larissa cheekily. “Of course. I definitely have to thank my sister. However, you got involved with those thugs and injured yourself while trying to save me. That’s why I wanted to thank you as well” 

Larissa thought to herself, Injured?Then, she glanced at Kevan instinctively

When she arrived at Quinn Bar with the police yesterday, Kevan and Dylan had already subdued that group of thugs. Since she didn’t witness the fight, Larissa assumed that Kevan was unharmed because he showed no signs of pain

Was he truly injured? She couldn’t help but wonder agah as she recalled the events from last night

If you really want to thank me Kevan pondered for a moment, then pulled Larissa closer to him. Let me spend half a day with your 

sister just the both of us.” 

Larissa and Lana were once again astounded

After a while, Lana grudgingly squeezed out a strained smile. Sure, i go back to the hotel then. See you tonight Larissa.” 

Giving Larissa a withering look, Lana packed up the bag and stood up. Waving goodbye, she walked towards the door briskly

Larissa caught sight of her wiping the tears off her face. Feeling guilty, she wanted to go after Lana, but Kevan pulled her back by the waist 

as soon as she stood up

In that brief delay. Lana had slammed the door shut and left

Lana is crying. I have to go check on her.Larissa tried to thee herself from Kevan’s grasp

However, his grip was too strong. No matter how she tried to pry his fingers apart, he wouldn’t let go

Don’t you dislike Lana? His calm tone was laced with confusion, Why do you care if she’s crying or not?” 

Larissa was startled at Kevan’s keen observation. Touching her face, she asked. Am I that obvious

She always thought that she hid her negative emotions pretty well but Kevan saw through her easily

No, you’re not,Kevan spoke honestly, but I can feel it.” 

Larissa slumped her shoulders in disappointment. Her acting skills weren’t as good as she thought. She needed to make sure it was convincing enough so that Lana wouldn’t suspect anything before leaving the Regal Dynasty Hotel 

Looking at her tightly knitted brows, Kevan fell an inexplicable urge to soothe her wonies, but he managed to hold himself back in the end

Since you’re here, let’s have a meal together,he said casually. Kevan released his hand from her waist and moved away, creating some 

distance between them

I’ve already eaten, Larissa had to refuse his invitation, although it wasn’t her intention


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