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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 154

Chapter 154 

The middleaged woman, who had been observing from inside the house. Immediately reached for her phone. Meanwhile, the man threw aside whatever he was holding and forcefully shut the antitheft door in front of Larissa, Fortunately, she swiftly stepped back narrowly avoiding a potentially broken nose from the impact 

She didn’t attempt to knock on the door again. After picking up her papers from the floor, she silently stood at the doorway, patiently waiting for the police to arrive. She had no fear of the man calling the police. In fact, she wanted them to come and investigate the situation. Finally, after about twenty minutes, two young police officers leisurely arrived

They glanced at her. Even though they initially considered her the female intruder mentioned by the person who reported the case, their hesitation grew when they observed her calm demeanor

Are you the owner of this place? the taller officer inquired

*This is my house, but I don’t know the people inside.She pressed the doorbel and continued speaking. Could you please help me clarity who rented this place to them?” 

What are you saying?” The officers exchanged curious

on the phone

plances. Larissa’s words didn’t aign 

ign with the description provided by the person 

The man reopened the door, and his excitement escalated upon seeing the officers

Officers, she’s the scammer? He pointed accusingly at Larissa, She deceived us by claiming to be the homeowner and even lorged a copy of the property deed. I suspect she intended to enter and steal our belongingsTM 

The police officers looked back and forth between the man and Larissa, unsure of whom to believe

I am the homeowner, and the property deed is geruine.She handed the documents over to the police

The officers examined the documents for a while before reluctantly stating. To be honest, based on this alone, we can’t determine whether your property deed is real or fake.” 

The man grew even more selfrighteous upon hearing the police’s response. See! She’s deceiving people! We met the real homeowner, and they even showed us the original property deed! We signed the rental contract with the real homeowner. Don’t try to look us

The moment he mentioned the original property deed.Larissa already knew what had transpired. The original document was in Travis possession, but it couldn’t be found after his passing. Thus, she had to go through the transfer procedures again and was issued a new property deed without collecting or destroying the original copy. She supposed that Travisparents had discovered the original deed and assumed the house still belonged to him, subsequently renting it out, which led to this complicated situation


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