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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 153

Chapter 153 

Lana would often ask about Kevan when she lived with Larissa

Larissa why haven’t I seen you going on dates with Mr. Rogers?” 

Why don’t you invite him to join us for a meal?” 

Maybe I should go back to my own room, so you can ask Mr. Rogers to come and hang out for a while?” 

The constant mention of Kevan made Larissa suspect that Lana had developed feelings for him

She wasn’t Kevan’s real girlfriend, and Lana had unilaterally broken up with Lucas. Neither Lana nor Kevan were officially in a committed relationship, so it shouldn’t be a big deal even Lana really liked Kevan

But the problem was that Lana didn’t seem to care that Kevan was Larissa’s boyfriendand kept talking about him and bringing him up in conversations. That annoyed Larissa slightly

  1. Larissa deliberately said, Yes, you willAnd Lana’s expression quickly tumed gloomy. You prioritize romance over sisterhood!She hallaccused Larissa in a joking manner

Yeah, you’re right,Larissa replied calmly

It had been hall a month since the house was listed with the real estate agency, and Larissa finally received a call from them

Ms. Seymour, did you rent out the house by yourself? The real estate agent, who had previously assisted her, sounded angry and showed no signs of the previous warmth and politeness

Larissa was confused. No, I entrusted everything to you, didnt 17” 

She didn’t even war to step foot in that house anymore. If it weren’t for the large furniture Items that had nowhere to go and couldn’t be moved. she would have sold the house long ago

Stop with the lies!the agent sneered. I brought some people to look at the house today and lound out that someone was already living there! They told me that the house was rented to them by the owner! And you are the owner of the house, right?” 

Larissa became even more bewildered upon hearing that Yes, I’m the owner, but I didn’t rent it out.Since the agent didn’t believe her. she added, I go and check it out tomorrow, and I. delinitely give you an explanation.” 

The next day. Larissa went to the house after she linished work. She used her key, only to discover that it wouldn’t lit into the lock. Just as she was wondering why, someone opened the door from inside, and a tall middleaged man appeared. He looked at Larissa cautiously and asked in an unfriendly manner. Who are you?” 


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