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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 219

Chapter 219 

The plane touched down in Covenford, and Larissa felt a renewed sense of vitality as she took a deep breath. It felt as if all her troubles had been left behind

When Dylan arrived to pick her and Kevan up, the first thing he asked was, Are you okay?” 

She nodded in response and said, I’m fine.” 

Dylan seemed relieved upon hearing that. That’s good. I tried calling you for two consecutive days but couldn’t reach you I also couldn’t find you at your own home. I was worried something had happened to you. Fortunately, Kevan contacted Mr. Compton at your hotel and discovered that you had returned to Bartham with your stepfather. Your phone has been switched off the whole time, and we were concerned that you were being harassed by the Seymour family. Unfortunately, I had a meeting today, so I couldn’t accompany Kevan. Sorry for that.” 

Larissa waved her hand repeatedly. There’s no need to apologize. They were just regular friends, and she was grateful enough that he had shown concern for her. Butshe secretly glanced at Kevan and thought to herself, He actually told the truth.” 

What’s up?she asked Dylan

Elliot’s case will be going to trial after the holiday. Remember to take time off,Dylan replied

Okay,she said

As the car approached the city and passed through the nearest commercial district, Larissa tapped the back of the driver’s seat. Can you stop the car for a moment?” 

Why?Dylan looked at her through the rearview mirror

I need to buy a new phone and get a new SIM card at the service center.” 

Her phone was still with Xavier. In her haste, she had forgotten to ask him for it. Fortunately, she never stored anything important on her phone, so even if Xavier managed to crack her password, all he would find was her contact list

We’ll go with you, and afterward, we can have dinner together,Dylan said as he turned the steering wheel and entered an underground parking lot of a shopping mall

As he focused on finding a parking space, he suddenly spotted a familiar car and murmured


However, when he finally saw the license plate clearly, he said, Oh, it’s not.” 

Not what?Larissa asked

That Maserati over there.Dylan pointed at a car with his chin. I thought it was Kevan’s.” 

She turned and looked at it. The car was the same model as Kevan’s

However, Kevan sneered, Do you think I’m the only one in the world who drives a Maserati?” 

Dylan seemed to miss the sarcasm in Kevan’s words and earnestly replied, Well, I’ve lived in Covenford for a long time, but I’ve never seen another car like yours on the road.” 


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