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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 220

Chapter 220 

Out of the blue, Kevan, who was usually distant, struck up a casual conversation with Lucas. Not heading back to Bartham for New Year’s?” 

Lucas seemed taken aback by Kevan’s sudden enthusiasm, and his smile turned stiff as his voice trembled a little. No, I’m busy with work here. I don’t have time to go back.” 

Kevan nodded in response and asked, I heard you helped the two anchors from StreamWave Studios establish a connection and secure the endorsement deal with Yenti Clan?” 

Lucasface slightly reddened upon hearing that. Yeah, well, it just so happened that Yenti Clan was looking for spokespersons, and I knew those two anchors, so I made a recommendation. I didn’t expect it to work out.” 

There was a significant discrepancy between what Lucas said and what Kevan knew. In reality. Lucas had used several million dollars from Torqua’s external device procurement funds and the future exclusive supply rights for external devices to secure the endorsement deal with Yenti 


Of course, Kevan wouldn’t expose Lucaslie right then and there. After all, the company would receive a 40% commission on the endorsement fees earned by the two anchors. In other words, Lucas was indirectly giving him money. So, naturally, he was pleased about that

I’ll definitely give you a generous present as a thank you when you marry Lana,Kevan said with 

a smile

Instantly, Lucasmood dampened, but he forced a smile and replied, Sure.” 

On another noteKevan spoke in a caring, olderbrotherly tone. Despite being busy with work, you still need to make time to be there for your girlfriend. Lana’s mother is in the late stages of uterine cancer and may not have much time left. Lana needs you now.” 

Lucas was shocked to hear this. When did Yvette get uterine cancer?He had never heard Lana 

mention it

Don’t you know?Kevan looked surprised by Lucasreaction. Xavier came to Covenford. specifically for this matter the day before yesterday to bring Larissa back home.” 

Although Larissa didn’t know what Kevan was up to, she still nodded in agreement Yeah, Mr. Rogers and I just returned from Bartham.” 

Lucas panicked. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll go to Bartham right away.” 

He reached into his pocket, found his car keys, and pressed a buttonthe Maserati parked not far away made a beepsound

Is that Maserati yours?Dylan asked 

Yes.Although Lucas was in a hurry to leave, he patiently answered Dylan’s question. I bought it 

recently. Nana said she likes this car.” 

Larissa remembered something when Lucas said that. It was the image of Lana getting into a Maserati outside the Microworks Building. At the time, she thought it was Keyan picking Lana up from work and misunderstood their relationship

It turned out it was actually Lucas. The thorn that had been lodged in her heart was finally 

removed, and Larissa’s mood seemed to improve slightly

After Lucas responded to Dylan, he hurriedly left

Dylan sighed, I can’t bear to see Lucas being used like this.” 


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