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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 343

Luckily, Violet's face remained expressionless, and she did not confront or criticize her before the Seymours.

Larissa was now forced to the edge of the proverbial cliff by them. Her "dark history" has been exposed bit by bit by the Seymours, and Violet was the only person who could decide if she would fall into the abyss. However, Violet placed the decision-making power into her hands. "Lari, what are your thoughts on this?"

This question was hard to answer.

If she said that she wished to divorce, then it would prove that her words about believing Kevan from before were lies; if she said she did not want to divorce, Violet may think that she was only refusing because she wanted to hang on to Kevan's money.

Larissa stammered for a long while before throwing this hot potato at Kevan, who was not present.

"I … I'll let Kevan decide."

Her answer did not satisfy the Seymours.

Yvette acted frustrated as she said, "Nana and I have given you so many reasons, but you insist on being stupid and staying with Kevan for the rest of your life?"

Larissa bit her lip and said nothing.

Yvette angrily smacked the sofa and stood up abruptly. "Fine, do whatever the hell you want! Pretend Nana and I never came here, and never said anything!"

She dragged Lana out with her, walking very quickly despite wearing almost 4-inch heels.


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