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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 344

After Yvette and Lana left, the atmosphere of the Rogers family home living room became awkward, now that Larissa and Violet were the only ones left.

"Mom …" Larissa spoke first, "Please don't take the nasty things my aunt and sister said to heart."

"I know." Violet nodded, smiling as she comforted her. "I'm alright. They were just worried about you too. I can understand that." But her smile was not as natural as it would normally be, Larissa could tell that Violet was already swayed by the Seymours. She just needed to give it a little bit more …

"Mom, actually, there are some things I need to confess." She kept her head down, her face was one of guilt.

Hearing this, Violet straightened up subconsciously as her smile gradually vanished.

"As you've heard my aunt and sister say, you can probably already tell that I was married once before." Larissa's voice was very light, her hands gripping the armrests of the wheelchair tightly. She did not look up at Violet, not even once.

Divorced women were still ostracized by society, especially older women like Larissa. As a wealthy and influential family, the Rogers family's requirements for their daughters-in-law would be much higher than an average person. Now that Anthony and Violet knew the truth, they would not admire her any longer. However, Violet did not get angry as she imagined her to. As a matter of fact, there was an added hint of pity in Violet's gaze toward her.

"Why did you get divorced? Because your former husband cheated on you?" Violet could guess a little based on what the Seymours had said.

"Yes." Larissa bit her lip before letting out a bitter smile.

"Then why did your former husband jump off a building to kill himself?" Violet finally asked a question she had been suppressing for a long time.

"I'm not too clear about the exact reasons why. I'd already broken off contact with him by then. But before that, he was involved in a serious car accident and was paralyzed from the waist down. He had been in the hospital then. At a later period, his family could not even pay for the medical fees …"

Violet would find out about all these things if she sent someone to ask at the hospital, so Larissa found no need to conceal this.


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