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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 345

Sadly, she would never be able to be with Kevan until the end.

"If you don't intend to get divorced, I will not tell Kevan about what happened today," Violet said, "Of course, if you wish to get divorced, I will not stop you. I just hope that you can think it through seriously and discuss it with Kevan. Don't act rashly just because your aunt demanded you to do it."

Larissa was once again left in a dilemma.

She wanted to get divorced, but she also did not want to upset Violet.

In the end, she said, "I'll discuss it with Kevan."

Her response disappointed Violet a little, but she did not say anything else.

"Good. Once you've decided, remember to let me know—no matter what the outcome is."

Violet got Larissa to stay for lunch before letting the driver take her home. The trunk of the car was stuffed full of snacks and supplements by Violet, so that Larissa could consume them slowly back home.

At the foot of the building, Larissa met Lucas, who was pacing like a ghost. She slowed down her actions of getting out of the car, wondering if she should go back inside and come back a few hours later. But the driver had already prepared the wheelchair and reached out in order to support her.

Larissa steeled herself and got out of the car. She figured that she had the driver with her, so she should not fear anything that Lucas might do to her.

Lucas rang the doorbell again, waiting until the calling device hung up automatically, and still no one answered. The moment he turned around, he saw Larissa, who was being pushed over to where he was by the driver.

His eyes brightening, Lucas rushed over and shouted, "Larissa!"


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