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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 46

Chapter 46 

A series of heel clicks could be heard rushing up, revealing the impatience of the 


Soon, a head poked out from the corner where the stairs were


The grating voice caused Kevan’s brow to furrow

Having spent so many years in the entertainment industry, Vivian’s observation skills were as sharp as a tack. The moment she noticed Kevan’s expression shift, she immediately went and blocked the newcomer at the stairs

Karin! Why didn’t you let me know that you were coming?She grinned

Karin’glared at her. Don’t I often come by without telling you that I am? But this is the first time I’ve been intercepted by your staff downstairs.” 

She still had a nasty countenance, but the insolence and arrogance shown toward the staff before were not displayed in front of Vivian. Only her tone remained unfriendly as she complained

Vivian hugged her arm with affection as she tried to soothe her gently. Well, that’s because someone booked the third floor! Just wait downstairs for a little, hmm? I’ll be finished soon, and it’ll be your turn to be styled, alright?” 

No,Karin said

Seeing the smile freeze on Vivian’s face, Karin’s attitude turned soft at once, and an expression of being wronged appeared on her face

I have to attend a banquet today. It starts at 7 pm. I have to leave here at 6:30 pm at the latest. You know as well as I do that it takes two to three hours to style me‘ 


Vivian had worked with Karin several times, and their relationship was pretty good. Not to mention the fact that Karin was an Alist actress, Vivian naturally did not want to offend her

As for that Mr. Shieldsalthough he was not a man of many words, he was clearly not someone to trifle with either, based on his powerful and imposing aura

Vivian could only come up with a compromise. If you’re really in a rush, I’ll intercede on your behalf. You pick your clothes on the third floor and try them on downstairs. Let Amanda style you, how about that? She’s the secondbest stylist in this studio right after me, and she’s styled many socialites for banquets and is quite 


Although Karin was very displeased, she still agreed to it. Fine.” 

Vivian was one of the top stylists in the industry. She needed her in the future. Thus, she did not want to create an embarrassing situation

Having taken care of Karin, Vivian was partially relieved. Right after that, she ran back to Kevan in her heels

Larissa had gone to try on her clothes, and Kevan was waiting for her on the sofa. Hearing the sound of clicking heels, he turned over to look, a hint of suspicion in his apathetic eyes

When she locked eyes with him, Vivian was shocked to feel her heart racing. After taking time to compose herself, she carefully said, Mr. Shields, it’s like thisBecause she was asking him for a favor, she bent her head. I have a customer who is in a rush. Would it be possible for you to do us a favor and let her come up to pick a few clothes? I assure you that she won’t disturb you or your companion.” 


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