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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47 

Vivian did not expect herself to encounter such a difficult person like Kevan. She did not relish this experience, but she could only swallow this bitter pill as she was the unreasonable party in this matter

My apologies, Mr. Shields, I will decline her at once.She bowed lightly and backed away a bit before turning to leave

She had just left when the soft, yellow curtain was cracked open. Poking her head out, Larissa called out softly, Vivian?” 

However, she only saw Kevan on the sofa

Where’s Vivian?she asked him in confusion. I just heard her.” 

She’s gone to deal with something.Kevan stood up, both hands in his pockets as he went to Larissa. Is there something wrong?He stopped before her and looked down at her due to their difference in height

Larissa had no makeup on her face due to the styling appointment today. In such close proximity, Kevan could clearly see the soft hairs on her face and a little red spot behind her right ear. Her skin was so soft, though he did not know why her face was so red. Even her ear lobes had an irresistible pinkish hue to them too

He reallywanted to bite them

When this thought made itself known, Kevan could not help licking his dry lips and swallowed

UmLarissa worried at her lip, unsure if she should tell him what was troubling her. She asked, Did Vivian say when she would be coming back?” 

No.Kevan’s gaze remained fixed on her ear lobes, all kinds of romantic scenes flashing through his mind’s eyelike him sucking gently on her lobes. His eyes darkened and his breathing got a little heavier

ThenI’ll wait, I guess.Larissa was about to draw the curtain when a hand shot out and stopped her

Whatever it is, you can tell me too.Even though he was no longer so composed on the inside, Kevan’s face was still nonchalant as ever. I don’t know how long Vivian’s going to take.” 

ErLarissa bit her lip in clear hesitation before saying, Could you help me with the zipper on the back? I accidentally zipped my hair into it when I did it earlier. I tried 

pulling it myself but it’s still stuck, and the zip is stuck too” 


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