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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58 

Dylan’s hand was left awkwardly hanging in the air

Confusion appeared on his face. However, his glasses concealed the smug excitement at succeeding in his mischief

Mr. Rogers?He drew his hand back with a slightly raised eyebrow before deliberately reminding him. If I recall correctly, Ms. Seymour is the companion that I invited.” 

If I’m seeing this rightKevan held on to Larissa’s hand tightly, his dark eyes fixed at a specific point on the driveway. That white Lamborghini coming over here is Sharon’s car” 

He had not even finished speaking yet when Dylan vanished. Larissa was so stunned by the speed of Dylan’s escapehe literally melted into the night in a second

Her mouth was hanging open even as she stared at where Dylan had been

Time to head inside.Kevan pulled her hand, and Larissa got out of the car. She turned to look at the white Lamborghini with curiosity

In a few seconds, the white car zoomed into the wide parking area, the sound of its engine growing louder the closer it got. With an amazing drift, followed by the sudden shriek of the brakes, the car came to a steady stop at the parking space next to theirs. Larissa had only seen such masterful driving skills on television

arissa nearly applauded the driver’s performance

The Lamborghini’s door opened, and a tall woman gracefully emerged from the car. Her long, curly chestnut hair was left unbound, and she wore a creamcolored jumpsuit. She wore just the right amount of makeup, and her beautiful features were clearprominent eyebrows, large eyes, a tall nose, and a somewhat aggressive 


Mr. Rogers.She had a hand in her pocket, and the smile she had on her face added to her overall handsomeness

Larissa suddenly understood why more and more female celebrities liked creating dominant images for themselves. Just one glance and she was close to falling in love with this handsome woman who was more dashing than the average man

Ms. Davis.Kevan smiled at her. If you’re looking for Dylanhe just left.” 

Sharon Davisexpression did not change

You overthink, Mr. Rogers. I just happened to meet you here, so I came to say hello,Sensing Larissa’s gaze, Sharon glanced over to her. When she saw her and Kevan holding hands, she asked with great interest, Has your longtime germaphobia been finally fixed?” 

Kevan avoided the question. If there’s nothing else, Ms. Davis, we’ll be heading inside.He helped Larissa walk toward the villa, and Sharon followed

Why not together?

She went over to Larissa’s other side

You haven’t introduced me, Mr. Rogers. Who is this young lady? Why have I never met her before?” 

She’s my companion tonight.Kevan’s introduction was brief and to the point


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