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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 59

Chapter 59 


A group 

of people got close and surrounded Kevan. There were both men and women in the crowd, young and old. Various perfumes mixed together causing Larissa to sneeze loudly

Two young ladies who were crowded near her let out expressions of disgust

Ew! So grossThey muttered

I’m sorry!Larissa apologized quickly

Kevan, who had been responding to some seniors, suddenly turned over and said to those two ladies with extreme courteousness, Could you please stand farther away? I am unused to the perfumes that you’re wearing.” 

The ladiesfaces flushed with anger and embarrassment before they walked away sullenly

The smell of the perfume became lighter, but it was still quite pungent. Larissa used her mouth to breathe as much as possible to prevent herself from sneezing again

Kevan took note of her discomfort, but as he could not ignore his friends and seniors, he whispered to Larissa instead, Find a place to sit down, and I’ll come to you later.” 

Larissa was more than happy to do so

Everyone stared as she let go of Kevan’s hand and left, but no one cared to know the reason why, and they definitely did not care where she went

Larissa found a quiet corner and sat down, gazing disinterestedly at the night scene from the floortoceiling window

Hey, isn’t this Mr. Rogerscompanion?The two ladies from earlier showed up

Yeah, why are you sitting here all by yourself? Did Mr. Rogers chase you away too?Their gleeful smirks were rather annoying

I told you. How could she have caught Mr. Rogerseye by being so plain? See? It’s only been a while and he’s already tired of her.” 

Tsk, she really thought she could turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse? Once a pauper, always a pauper!” 

Their words were terrible, but it was not yet to the point where Larissa could not take 

Chapter 59 

  1. it. After all, she was not really Kevan’s companion, and so their mockery had been misplaced. It was just that their voices were too shrill, and they were being rather loud, which caused Larissa’s ears to hurt

She stood up and forced a smile. Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom.” 

She had just taken one step forward when one of them deliberately collided with her, the red wine she had in hand spilling all over Larissa

The white flower petals were stained a deep red, and the wet chiffon fabric was 

stuck to her bosom

Goodness me, I’m so sorry!the lady who knocked into her exclaimed with horror as she covered her mouth even though the triumphant gleam in her eyes could not be concealed

Larissa had no energy to be angry with her nor figure out if she did it on purpose. The only thing she cared about right now was how much she had to pay Vivian for ruining this gown

She asked one of the villa’s staff for the exact location of the bathroom before rushing up to the second floor

It just so happened that someone was also emerging from the bathroom, so when Larissa brushed past him, she heard him say, Ms. Seymour?” 


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