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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77 

Because this is the studio supplied to me by my company. StreamWave Studios is under Microworks Corporation,Zero explained

The Microworks Building had a total of seventy floors, and it was Covenford’s tallest office building to date. Because of its extremely modern appearance as well as the transparent observation deck at its peak, it became one of the landmarks of the city and attracted a great deal of tourists to visit

However, this was Larissa’s first time here

6:30 pm was way past the business hours of most companies. A few banks nearby had already turned off their lights, merging with the darkness of the night. However, the Microworks Building was still lit up like the brightest star in the sky. Not a single floor was dark

This was probably normal for an IT company

Having seen Travis working overtime before, Larissa was nonchalant even as she faced this brightly lit skyscraper. Her two companions were likewise unbotheredafter all, they’d had significant life experiences

Larissa texted Zero. I’m downstairs.” 

Zero responded instantly, I’ll be right down!” 

The security of Microworks Building was very strict. Only those with work IDs and visitor passes could enter

Zero’s trip down was to deliver the visitor passes to her. But after ten minutes, Larissa did not see her

Just as she was about to call Zero sent her a WhatsApp text. I’m sorry, Larissa! There are a lot of people 

headed down to the cafeteria to have their dinner at this time. The elevator’s a little slow T.T” 

Larissa bit her lip but replied, No rush.” 

The night winds grew colder, and the three of them stood outside the building awkwardly as passersby and patrolling security gave them looks

As Starbucks was still open, Larissa suggested, Do you want to go grab a coffee to warm up?” 

The other two agreed when a cheerful voice sounded from a distance. Get me one too!” 

Larissa turned to see that it was Dylan of all people standing at the door. Next to him was Kevan, who had

hand in his pocket while the other had his phone up

Mr. Shields, Mr. Rogers.Larissa quickly greeted them

Dylan smiled in return while Kevan said nothing due to being on a call. He did, however, nod lightly in 


Why are you here?Dylan asked while shooting curious looks at her two companions

Larissa replied, To see a friend. She’s a streamer with StreamWave Studios.” 

Oh.Dylan did not ask for details. StreamWave Studios is on the 45th floor, do you need me to take you up?” 


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