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Take Me Away novel Chapter 113

"I'm going to T Country for business!" Spencer pointed his finger randomly and roared. "I'm going to take down their headquarters right now. If they dare to so much as lay a finger on Fiona, I'll blow them to pieces!"

"You'll have to go through the procedures first." Terence held Spencer's shoulders to prevent him from doing anything reckless. "How can you save Fiona if you're being foolhardy? If you go now, your father will stop you at the border, you will be locked up, and you won't have a chance to save her!"

"Yes, Spencer. Rethink before you make a decision. Don't let your emotions get the better of you. This isn't like you," Eric echoed.

After hearing the two of them, Spencer immediately became calmer. He frowned and began to think. He had gotten jumpy when he had thought of Fiona being kidnapped, but he couldn't be so reckless. Terence was right. If he acted in haste and went abroad right now, he would get locked up and wouldn't be able to save her.

"They took Fiona, but they haven't hurt her or threatened you. That implies that she is useful to them. Hence, you don't have to worry about her safety for the time being. What you need to do is make a rescue plan," Terence said.

Spencer narrowed his eyes and stared at the sky. His rage was slowly fading away, replaced by a sadness that seeped into his bones. 'Fiona, I've almost caught up to you. Please hang in there for me!' he thought desperately.

"Let's go!" Spencer finally said. He put on his jacket and started walking as the cold breeze blew across. He clenched his fists under his jacket.

At nightfall, in the air route between Z Country and T Country, a government approved helicopter landed on T Country's border without any obstruction. As soon as they entered T Country, the scenery was different. There was greenery all over. Winter in M City had been cold and dark, but it was warm spring here.

On the aircraft, Fiona and Celine were unconscious from the drug injected into their bodies.

Sitting close to the pilot, Francis kept contact with the ground using the air satellite telephone. He glanced at Fiona and said on the phone, "Sir, we have entered the border. Where should we take them?"

"Bring them to Cherry Grove Residence," a male voice came from the other end of the line.

"Yes, sir!"

Cherry Grove Residence was located in the most posh and rich block of land in T Country. It was an enormous mansion in white, surrounded by well-maintained lush green lawns with gardens in full bloom. In short, it was a tropical beauty.

Meanwhile, Charles was sitting on the couch in the living room of Cherry Grove Residence. He hung up the phone and picked up the glass of wine that sat on the table. He swirled the wine and looked at it in fascination.

'Fiona, I said you would come to me soon enough. Look, I brought you here just like I said I would!'


Suddenly he heard someone call out to him in a sweet voice. Before Charles turned around, someone hugged him from behind. "You haven't come here for a long while!"

Charles was annoyed and placed the wine glass on the table. He turned around, looked at the woman behind him with gentle eyes and smiled. "Really? What's your name?" The woman blushed and smiled.

"Sir, I'm Jane. I just got here. You may not remember me."

"Yes, I didn't remember you at first. But I do now." Charles grinned and a tinge of wickedness appeared in his smile.

Jane's face went pale and she had goose bumps all over her body. Although the weather was warm and the man in front of her had a smile on her face, she felt ice cold. "Sir, I..."

"Take her away," Charles ordered with a murderous expression. "Send her to the mine."

"Yes, sir!" Several security guards walked in as soon as they heard the order.

"The mine? No! Please don't! Ah!"

Jane screamed as she crossed the couch, knelt down, and grabbed Charles by his ankle. "Sir, I made a mistake. Please forgive me! Please! Don't send me to the mine..."

In T Country, the mine was like a prison. There were thousands of workers living there, many of whom had been there for years. In order to reward them for their work, Charles would send them women. As for the women who were sent there, they never came back alive.

With a chuckle, Charles reached out and pinched Jane's chin out of the blue. He looked at her mercilessly. "Women like you are the most irritating. Who do you think you are?" He looked at Jane's slender body and translucent clothes and scowled. "You think I will fall in love with the likes of you? Are you dreaming?"

"I'm sorry, sir. It was a mistake..." Jane's face went white and tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Go to the mine. There are thousands of men there waiting to satisfy you." Charles gave her a cold smile and pushed her to the floor.

"Sir!" Jane yelled and cried in vain. The guards dragged her out and her cries faded gradually as she was taken further away.


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