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Take Me Away novel Chapter 127

The early hours of the morning are the most peaceful time of the day. Compared to the tranquility of the night, the gentle breeze of the morning brought along a trace of warmth. In a bedroom of the P City base, a man and a woman could be seen lying together, peacefully asleep in bed.

Knock, knock!

A sudden light knock could be heard outside the dormitory door. The sound startled the man awake.

Spencer grunted and rolled over. With his eyes still closed, he searched for Fiona's face. Then, he leaned in and pressed his lips gently against hers. But the moment their skin came in contact, he was surprised. 'Why did she feel so warm?'

Knock, knock!

The knocking on the door was relentless. Afraid it would wake Fiona up, Spencer did not have the time to ponder. He quickly grabbed and put on the clothes that were thrown off the bed last night. Not even bothering to put on shoes, he ran to the door and opened it with a click. Holding two bowls in his hands, a soldier was patiently waiting at the other side. "What's the matter?" Spencer's voice was still hoarse from last night.

The moment the soldier saw Spencer, he couldn't help but flush a dark shade of red. The guard on duty at the entrance last night said that Spencer and his wife had been "busy" until the crack of dawn. Although it was because she was drugged, Spencer's stamina was still outstanding. Recalling the conversation he had with the guard only made him blush more. With a shake of his head, the soldier cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Cheng, this is the Chinese medicine that the doctor asked me to bring for you and your wife."

Spencer reached over to take the bowls. The soldier was about to leave when he was stopped by Spencer. "How is George's condition?" he asked.

"The operation last night took three hours." A deep frown was etched upon the man's face. "He hasn't woken up yet. Even the doctors cannot predict the situation at hand."

Spencer thought back to where George got shot,

and his heart jolted. Even so, it was not reflected on this face as he feigned calmness. "You may return," he nodded.

"Yes, sir!"

Once the door had shut, Spencer released a deep sigh. 'What news to receive in the morning,' he thought. He then returned to the bedroom with the bowls in hand. Fiona was still sound asleep in bed. Closing in on her, he coaxed, "Fiona, wake up. Take this medicine."

There was no response from her. Not even a stir.

"Fiona?" Spencer called again with uncertainty, his voice filled with worry. The medicine was left aside on the table. 'Was it too tiring last night? Why isn't she speaking or responding?'

Flustered, Spencer turned her around at once. Her face was flushed red, and her breathing was abnormal.

"Fiona!" It suddenly dawned on him that something was wrong—she was burning up! Anxiously, he wrapped her up with the bed sheet and rushed out.

"Fiona gets a fever when she gets caught in the rain…"

Wayne's words suddenly came to mind. Spencer felt annoyed at his carelessness. It was all his fault! How could it have slipped his mind? With this in mind, he quickened his pace.

Almost all the beds in the infirmary were occupied. Celine was resting in one of them. She was asleep, being put on a drip. In another bed in the critical ward, George lay unmoving in deep sleep. His breathing was assisted with an oxygen mask. They would only know more about his condition once he has awakened from his slumber.


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